
Math Wars Peace Treaty Analysis

Decent Essays

When it comes to educational decisions, policies, and programs, there is a history of disagreement in the United States. Whether it is opposition from politicians calling for more accountability, educators demanding better resources, mathematicians pushing research-based curriculum, parents rejecting new curriculum design, private companies angling for more sales, government organizations implementing new guidelines, or other interested heavy weights promoting their cause, there is usually at least one group arguing for change and perpetuating a cycle of mathematics education reform. Over time, oppositional voices have regularly swayed the decision-making tide and rocked the educational boat, resulting in a century of uproar and confusion …show more content…

Secretary of Education pleaded for civility in the country’s mathematics discussion.() With education reformists and traditionalist at war, it was Daro, P. (2003) who eventually drafted the Math Wars Peace Treaty. The treaty outlined points about which all could supposedly agree. Among the statements of agreement, one stands out in particular: all students should have a copy of their mathematics books to take home. This statement leads to the question: could all parties actually agree to the significance of the math textbook even if they could not agree about what content the book should hold? Nonetheless, this treaty was intended to be a disarmament tool to help opposing sides find common ground, and it is still viable today. The treaty has been incorporated into the, a 2007 website that was developed by a collaboration of groups, called MARS (Mathematics Assessment Resource Service). MARS is supported by an NSF (National Science Foundation) grant, and it works to support leaders of systematic improvement in mathematics …show more content…

Their 2000 publication, the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, is still prevalent. This document, setting forth ten guidelines for improving math education, refined, extended, and replaced NCTM’s earlier recommendations. Not only does the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics address five important content areas, it also establishes five important mathematical processes deemed necessary in quality education, like problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and connections. When it comes to making connections, NCTM further asserts that instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students

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