Matiera Shaw was the first person that I had interviewed. She is my career coordinator who works in the deportment of Career Success Network. I met with Miss Shaw on a Wednesday at nine o’clock in the morning. I asked her questions about her occupation as a coordinator and about my career field. As she answered my questions you could tell how much she fancies her job because she never stop smiling and she spoke with so much expression and joy in her voice. I had a great time talking with her and getting to know more about her and her job. Melissa Matz was the second person that I had met with. Melissa works at the YMCA as a childcare provider. She was straight to the point with each of her answers but she still gave me a ton of information.
I chose to interview Mrs. Dukes because she is a hard worker and she absolutely loves and enjoys what she does. My goal for the future is to work at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and she will be able to give me great insight about
I had an interview with Helen Quelch in her office. She has been working as a volunteer engagement manager at National Jewish Health for more than 7 years. Before that, she also had worked at the Denver Hospice as volunteer manager as well for many years. She had a lot of managerial experiences of working in a healthcare field. That is a reason I want to interview her to explore the career in healthcare management.
Today in class Melinda Laprade came to discuss how our resume should be, and how we should prepare for an interview. Melinda Laprade gave us some helpful insight on how we would go about getting a job and they tools we can use. She went over what to wear and what not to wear to an interview. Also, how you to uphold yourself. A helpful tip that I will be using is creating a mock interview with a friend before the interview. Another one is getting to know the company beforehand so that you can know what they are looking for. I really enjoyed her presentation and there was a lot I didn’t know that she cover. I am glad that she came.
Did you know there are different types of doctors in t.t reasons, for example, there are surgeons, dentist, but my favorite type of doctor is a pediatrician. Pediatrician help kids, for example they help your child if they have health or mental problems. When I grow up I want to University of Michigan to study and become a pediatrician.
She was on the unit interviewing committee for 2 new nurses hired in March 2016. She provided useful insight to the 5 candidates interviewed.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Janie Gray the office manager of Dr. Andy Gray 's medical practice. I chose to interview her because her excellent communication with her employees as well as the patients was outstanding. Because I plan to have an occupation in the communication field I thought she would be an excellent person to interview.
Overall, my interview with Mari Jo Turner worked out better than I had anticipated, she was able to deal with me for 30 mins and explain the history of how the Hispanic League took a lead in our society. I was fortunate enough to have experienced many of their events and programs. The passion and devotion the staff members, board members, and the executive director display are performances not taken for granted nor will it because you can experience the testimonies of other Hispanic/Latinos that have been touched by this organization. I could tell Mrs. Turner cares about what she does to enhance the academic performance of the Hispanic/Latino students and its community. She is passionate and devoted to her job regardless of the obstacles they
The reason I choice to interview Michelle is because I have been with her for most of her journey in getting to her dream job. Razo is our Human resource assistant, but is working to become our onsite human resource one day. Her ultimate goal is to have her own human resource consultant business. She feels it would help her community out to help the small businesses that cannot afford an onsite HR manager. She started off in the medical field as a manager for a billing office, there she learned the hardship people
Dawn Poitras was my interviewee. She works in our community and school as a person who is their for kids that need someone to talk to. She gives back to the community by being there and trying to give everyone no matter who you are someone that will listen to you. A lot of kids have no one to talk to and may be struggling with substance abuse with parents at home or if they are having trouble with it. She is the one who is always here to help no matter what the issue is.
I had the pleasure of interviewing my current Trainer and Curriculum Specialist of the child development center that I am employed, Hurlburt Field Child Development Center. Her name is Mrs. Brenda Foster. I admires Mrs. Brenda Foster, she is a hardworking trainer at the center. She encourages the staff on a daily basis and always act professional. She has the staff member’s best interest at hand, always. Mrs. Brenda Foster has over twenty years of experience in the field of Child development.
The United States is increasingly becoming a multiethnic, multicultural group of citizens. Life is no longer similar for all individuals. As people migrate they bring with them their cultural views, beliefs and language (Bhugra and Becker, 2005). In order to live together with respect, dignity and without prejudice for all, the country has had to educate itself on the beliefs and values of these vast cultures migrating to what they perceive as a land of opportunity whether this be for economic, education, or political reasons. For the most part in today’s world, cultural groups are intertwined in where they live, work, and attend school. To maintain a civil society, awareness
Dealing with hate crime should be given the highest priority in America. Hate crimes have devastated many families and communities. Hate crimes grooms terrorist in their own country. It plants seeds of hate in the heart of men. Every day, a hate crime happens in public, school, community, and homes all around America. Most hate crimes do not go on report in America because the public does not see it as a hate crime.
The death penalty has been a huge part of many political debates for decades. Most citizens of the Unite States believe there are two sides, those for and those against its continued use. Those for, tend to believe that it is necessary to keep these criminals out of society and that it deters crime, while those against tend to believe that the practice is medieval and unethical in society today. With a controversial topic like the death penalty, it is important to determine why this controversy exists and if there is a possible solution. The focus at hand is whether or not the United States Government should continue its use of the death penalty and how this answer could be implemented.
My career path was rerouted after the birth to my son. I was managing a 24-hour Alarm Monitoring Call Center with two years of college education in Psychology. Due to an inconsistent work schedule and difficulty locating Psychology courses that worked around my schedule, I decided to change my career path to Business Management, since I already had nearly 8 years experience in supervision and management. My mentor introduced me and made me familiar with the Dictionary of Occupational (DOT) following high school. The DOT is comprised of all occupations and job titles, salary ranges, responsibilities, and industries (Berry, 2003). As I prepared for my new journey, I evaluated my decision, researched, planned, applied for new occupations that interest me, and prepared for my new career in Management.
It has been 10 years passed since last time I entered in college as a freshman, and now, at the end of 2017, I decide to go back to college for pursuing a new major and reaching a new objective of career path. All of these will start from Fullerton College.