An Arizona Rep. named Matt Salmon made what seemed like an ordinary visit to a local elementary school to explain to the kids how a bill becomes a law, when a couple of comments got him in some trouble with parents. Salmon made comments about Iran's nuclear deal and young suicide bombers to a bunch of second- and third-grade students at San Tan Charter School. While the comments were cut short by both the principle and a teacher, it didn't change the effect it had one some kids. The principle sent out an email to the forty-five students who attended the session and encouraged upset families to reach out to the office. So far, three families have done just that. To correct his mistake, he not only personally called a few of the upset parents
In the article ‘Calgary man shows medical record as proof of election night assault’, by Aaron Chatha, Chris Ball recounts his attack that occurred on November 8th 2016, and has now provided the public with medical records indicating the treatment he received as a result. Since Mr. Ball has come forward with the details of the attack, there has been public outcry in regards to the assailants justifying their actions as they attacked Mr. Ball. Following the attack, the Santa Monica Police Department issued a statement. Within the statement police allude that Chris Ball was drinking at a bar where everyone was watching the election. As the polls began to come in people started shouting homophobic slurs, where Mr. Ball got into it with his attackers.
That on October 02, 2015 I, CPL Lessane, was in the process of arresting the subject, Don Sharp., Don Sharp resisted the arrest, by attempting to shut the front door in Deputies face. Deputies then immediately gain entry inside the residence and attempted to place the subject under arrest. The subject then resisted by running in the living room swinging his arms in an up and down, side to side motion while swinging his arms towards Law Enforcement. Deputies did tased the subject to gain control of the subject. This incident did occur in Hampton County and is a violation of the South Carolina Code of Laws.
Jessie Little Doe Baird is an incredible linguist whose groundbreaking work at MIT helped to bring back the said to be death language of the Wampanoag indians of Massachusetts. She is working to bring the language more into the light and the ancient culture as well by teaching classes, creating programs, and even a dictionary for the words of the language. This work can help us to understand an article previously discussed in class by James clifford, on the Mashpee indian tribe. This article was about the disagreement over whether or not the Mashpee indians were considered to be an official tribe. They had been told that since they had been so integrated into modern society, by marriage, migration, language, and religion, that they no longer held a tribal culture nor legal tribal status. The proclaimed Mashpee tribe attempted to fight this, with arguments that their land was stipped from them in the past and that their culture was still alive. In the end, the verdict was that since the Mashpee had lost their tribal status years ago, they could no longer be considered a tribe.
Mark Zepezauer’s article, “MK-Ultra from the Book the CIAs Greatest Hits” discusses the psychology experiment conducted by the CIA, MK-Ultra. The MK-ultra conducted a study that used mind control on their participants. Zepezauer recounts the events of the CIA tries to defend their stance by claiming they used the method in response to the brainwashing from the Chinese that was happening in the fifties. He says that mind control practices took place prior to 1953, but became popular after the experiment. He continues to explain how the CIA would use drugs, including LSD, and test them on their patients that were unaware of what tests were upon them. Zepezauer reveals that multiple suicides also took place in response to the given substances. He deliberated how the CIA rented out apartments and used prostitutes in their study. They used them to slip the drugs into their client’s pockets and the CIA would look through one-way mirrors to see the client’s response. Once the auditors discovered this, the MK-Ultra shut down and renamed the MKSEARCH. Mark Zepezauer
Dave thinks he is almost a man because he buys himself a gun and by having this gun he thinks it will gain the other men's respect. He is tired of getting grief from the men he works with. He believes he will be transformed into a real man by having a gun, but he quickly realizes that it is only bringing him problems and more responsibility. Dave sees that he is not ready for adulthood because of the responsibilities and obligations that come with it. He wants the freedom that he is led to believe that adults have. I do not think that his actions are those of an adult because I think that his mind set is childish since he thinks that a gun is going to make him seem more like an adult and not a child anymore. There is a lot more that comes with being an adult than just having a gun. Guns are dangerous and should be used in the right way. I do not agree with his action of shooting Mr. Hawkins' mule and it could have seemed that he was striking against Mr. Hawkins. I think the reason that he thinks that a gun will make him a man is because he feels it is a quick way for him to become powerful and manly. He believes that having a gun in his hand will give him more control over
I’m pretty sure Craig Spencer felt the exact same way when he ate at a public restaurant, rode the subway, and went bowling in Brooklyn and look where that has gotten him. Troops who are returning from West Africa are being quarantined just like the astronauts of Apollo 11 were quarantined and no one thinks or thought any less of them for doing so. I believe that it is more heroic of them to have taken the necessary precautions to protect even more people than they already have rather than to just puff out their chests and say they’re invincible. In an article called “Ebola-Quarantine Objections are Frivolous,” Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich elaborated on the fact that courts have continuously advocated for quarantines for infectious diseases like tuberculosis and smallpox.
I am writing this letter in regards to Brooke Austins Inquiry Paper. In this paper she really has excelled and used her strengths to present a strong argument. Her inquiry paper about Juvenile Delinquency programs and there effectiveness outlines the risks associated and the issues these programs create. In Brooke’s introduction she briefly states the issues that arise from these programs and asks the audience a question to ponder throughout the inquiry.
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Not really, but times were getting tough. The year is 1858, and sectionalism is on the rise. States trying to determine what they can do and what the Federal government can't do is causing a small amount of friction. Alright, a lot of friction. States rights was a huge issue, causing disagreements in areas such as slavery, tariffs, nullification, even things as seemingly small as road maintenance. It seemed everything was falling apart.
Since the dawn of mankind, clusters of innovations throughout history have allowed for societal progression at an explosive rate. While primarily fostering a centrifugal system of advancements; humans’ interests in expansion is spiraling out of control. Throughout history elements of collapse can be traced through civilizations and natural resources. Wright’s argument posits humans have hyperextended their utilization of resources at a rate that cannot be replenished, therein by setting up the world for the largest ecological collapse in history (Wright, 2004, pg. 130-131). Due to the cyclical process of past collapse and reformation humans have an advantage to rectify our current consumption rates ultimately avoiding a fate similar to past societies (Wright, 2004, pg. 131). As such Wright’s argument should frame larger discussions of responsible citizenship.
The last inner-ring perspective that holds to a colorblind perspective is what we are calling a “technical recognition.” A school leader in this perspective reveals both an awareness of and observation of race at a disengaged and/or superficial notion. Principal Logan Sanders who works in affluent elementary school demonstrates a colorblind perspective of technical recognition. First, principal Sanders recognition of having a diverse population of students is based on having a large population of both Asian and Indian families who are moving into the community. Next, principal Sanders reveals insight into his technical position when he describes the subgoups found in his school. He states,
“My Lady, I am submitting in its entirety the article written by Mr. Lofgren that nine newspapers rejected,” Godafrid pronounced. “Once again, there is documentation of how the Rochester Manninghouse Corporation purged Mr. Lofgren’s article from the World Wide Web. Additionally, I am forwarding compelling evidence indicating that the disregard for the freedom of information came at the behest of the World Governing Body. In fact, the office of John Jones-May issued point-by-point instructions commanding the media to reject news in any way injurious to the World Governing Body or its branches. News organizations not in compliance with these edicts faced the threat of closure. Thank you, Mr. Lofgren. Before we proceed further, we must establish
As it was presented earlier, David Boonin’s interest based argument has three major elements: 1) A modified future-like-ours account of Don Marquis, 2) Relationship between desires and right to life, and 3) Organized cortical brain activity as a necessary condition for the onset of consciousness. It is the first two elements which are of major concern here.
The rather disorganized way that the law uses shame to punish people and deter crime has, from time to time, led commentators to advocate a more systematic use of it. In the 1990s, Dan Kahan, a legal scholar who now teaches at Yale, argued that the government should use shaming sanctions in a more self-conscious way. He pointed approvingly to judges who ordered people to wear T-shirts or bracelets that say “I Write Bad Checks,” or to put bumper stickers on their cars that say “CONVICTED D.U.I.” One court ordered a slumlord to live in one of his own buildings. (His tenants posted a sign that read “Welcome, You Reptile!”) Kahan preferred shaming sanctions to imprisonment for minor crimes because they cost taxpayers less, impose less harm on offenders
This election has aspired fear and tension for students in the k-12 setting. One teacher in Arlington, Virginia says, “I try to not bring it up since it is so stressful for my students.” This fear has come to such a drastic extent that many teachers are unsure of what to do and sympathise with students. A teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana also exercises this sympathy by stating, “I am at a point where I’m going to take a stand even if it costs me my position.” Teachers have also noticed increase bullying and harassment towards races, religions, and nationalities that were mentioned during the campaign trail. For example in Queens, New York, an ethnic location, a teacher wrote, “My fifth-graders got in a fist fight on the playground yesterday, it started when one of the boys quoted Donald Trump.” The majority of responses from these surveys Teaching Tolerance collected mentioned negative behavior this election has fostered, also out of the total 5,000 comments 1,000 of those comments mentioned Donald Trump and less than 200 contained other
to start Dana to put together all his argument was based on many surveys and statistics that the government does to the people during the last 10 years, many people are losing the value of reading and more young people between 15 to 18 years, also Dana It uses the opinion of the people and some of the things that people complain about.