
Mattagami Hydroelectric Complex Case Study

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The lower Mattagami Hydroelectric Complex consist of a total four generating stations located on the Mattagami river. Starting from South to North they are; Little Long, Smoky falls, Harmon, and Kipling. Located approximately 70 kilometres northeast of Kapuskasing and roughly 150 Kilometres Upstream of Moose Factory and Moosonee. Little long went service in 1963, Harmon in 1965, Kipling 1966 while Smoky falls went into service in 1931 and now has the capacity of about 50 megawatts. One megawatt can produce enough electricity to power 1000 homes. Due to the Age and Size of smoky falls compared to the other three and moreover how Smoky falls doesn’t use the water as efficient as the others. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) proposed to shut it

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