
Maturity-Rated Video Games

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Effects of Maturity-Rated Video Games on Heart Rate

In today’s fast paced environment in which we live, it is wise to maintain proper health through exercise, diet, and sleep. Often time that is easier said than done. A healthy heart is paramount to our existence, as it is the organ that pumps blood through the body via the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. Personally, I take great interest in the health of my heart because it needs regular monitoring on a weekly basis. I am prescribed medications by my physician for a variety of reasons, and these medications must be in balance with my height, weight, and heart rate. In fact, I must meet with my physician monthly. …show more content…

For the normal human being, between 60 and 100 beats per minute is normal (“Know”). Above 100 is considered a rapid pulse, called tachycardia; an unusually slow resting heart rate is called bradycardia (“Know”). Resting heart rate varies from person to person and over the course of the day, due to genetics and other factors including stress, anxiety, having a fever, hormones, medication, and certainly how physically active an individual is in a day. When it comes to a resting heart rate, the lower the better. A higher resting heart rate is linked with lower physical fitness, higher blood pressure, and higher body weight (“Know your target heart rates”). I enjoy playing video games because they are entertaining, challenging, and stimulating. Video gaming increases heart rate but doesn’t necessarily mean that exercise is occurring. A balance needs to be maintained between gaming and exercise because too much gaming can lead to a sedentary …show more content…

Before gameplay began, the subject consistently strapped on the heart rate monitor, moistened the electrodes, and positioned the monitor over the heart. The gaming system was readied, and the resting heart rate was taken and recorded. The timer was set for the duration of the experiment and play began. On four occasions an interested party joined the room to observe and they were recorded as witnesses. There was encouraging conversation exchanged during these times. On four occasions, the test subject solicited a peer for either on-line play and in-person play. Online play is a state of connectivity in which the players are located at different locations. Here, the test subject was situated in his regular location, while his peer with whom he played was at his home. They joined a gaming room via Internet connectivity, and spoke via their phones with speaker activation as if they were in the room together. In this experiment they played Super Smash Bros., which they had been playing together for years, sometimes for multiple hours with breaks for lunch. The experiment was conducted during the day and evening hours, after the day’s activities were completed. On seven occasions the principal test subject played games on his own. The resting heart rate of the principal test subject was on average 10-15 points higher than the other participants and was classified as having tachycardia. The

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