The definition honor is to be regarded with high respect; esteem. My definition of respect is more or less the same thing. Max Planck was born on April 23, 1858 in Germany. He was born to a very well off family whose father was a professor. When Max turned nine his father received an appointment at the University of Munich. Planck joined the Maximillian Gym and met a teacher there, Hermann Muller, that shared his interest in mathematics and physics. He excelled in all of his subjects. Max graduated at 17 and decided to chose physics over traditional philology or music. After going through and listening to countless lectures Planck was unimpressed. He joined the University of Munich in fall of 1874, then spent a year at the University of Berlin. …show more content…
His most earliest works touched the subject of thermodynamics, he published many papers on this matter. The next problem that spiked his interest is radiation processes. He explained why and how it should be considered electromagnetic in nature. During these experiments he earned the name of Planck’s constant for the energy for a resonator of frequency. This was Planck’s most important work and was also a turning point in physics history. Even though all of this work was hard to accomplish, none of it was appreciated at the time. After his work gained some fame he wrote two books titled “Thermodynamics” and “Theory of Heat Radiation”. The first work was written in 1897 and the second in 1906. These works alone gave a basis for many theories and experiments. Max Planck finally was awarded his Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. He was elected to Foreign Membership of the Royal Society in 1926, then was awarded their Copley Medal in 1928. The National Socialist Party put Planck through rough times as they ravaged on throughout Germany. Berlin actually became a city highly regarded for its Theoretical Physics, before the Nazis. His home was bombed towards the very end of the war. Many don’t remember Max for his ability to perform music or even possess any musical talent. At a certain point of his life, he believed it to a career of sorts.Max had many
-He has diplomas of universities that have done him honour. {Sir Arthur Conan Doyle– ‘Sherlock Holmes’} (To be a credit to/ to confer a distinction upon {Farlex} respect/ admiration/ esteem/ regard/ reverence/ devotion)
The definition of honor is the regard with great respect. My definition of honor is to recognize those who have helped people somehow in any way, shape, or form. James was involved in the co-discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA along with Francis Crick. James Watson received a Nobel Prize for it in 1962 and went on to do work in cancer research and mapping the human genome. James found out the location of the DNA on a strand, and is the first person to even identify what it looks like to the human eye. James Dewey Watson was born in Chicago, Illinois, on April 6, 1928, and spent his youth there, going to Horace Mann Grammar School and South Shore High School before winning a grant to the University of Chicago and selecting at age
Honor, respect that is given to someone who is admired. To me, honor means respecting someone for something that they did. I typically honor someone if they made a sacrifice for something or someone, for example, people that serve in the military. Humphry Davy was a british scientist who could be known as honorable. Humphry Davy was a chemist who was born on December 17, 1778 and died on May 29, 1829 at age 50. Humphry Davy was a British chemist who was born on December 17, 1778 and died on May 29, 1829 at age 50. He was raised Penzance, Cornwall by a middle class family. He did good in school but was also naturally intelligent, he loved to read and was always interested in nature growing up. Around age 16, Davy became friends with Davies Gilbert, who let Davy use a library and lab for scientific work.
Johannes Kepler was born December 27, 1571, Weil der Stadt, Germany. He was a German mathematician, astrologer,and astronomer. He attended Tübinger Stift a university in Germany from 1587-1591 and would be a teacher of astronomy at the same university. He married Barbara Müller and had 5 kids 2 of those kids died as infants he would get a divorce and remarry in 1613. He would die November 15, 1630, Regensburg, Germany he would leave a large contribution to the science and math curriculum coming up with laws and theories. Kepler would also change the way the world thinks.
Johannes Kepler was born in 1571 and educated at the University of Tubingen. His original intention was to become a Lutheran minister but became an astronomer instead. He became a professor of mathematics at Graz and was a assistant to the roman emperor. He was an assistant to Brahe and when he dei9d he took the position. All three laws were the result of calculations
F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. As a child, he lived a comfortable life with luxuries due to his mother's fortune. As a child, he attended a catholic school and wrote his first novel at the age of 13. His claim to fame was writing the Great Gatsby, where he started to be known as a real writer and wrote many other great pieces of writing that were later appreciated. It gained popularity due to its description of the 1920’s. After this, he became a heavy drinker which led to alcoholism and he began to have many problems such wife who began to have mental problems. Some of his contributions to society are his work of the Great Gatsby is read by every High School, that is transforming generations through literature. Albert Einstein would get along with F. Scott Fitzgerald because Einstein likes reading books and they can converse about The Great Gatsby and his ideas on how he came up with the book and probably give him some ideas.
Defined by the dictionary, honor is to have high respect and esteem. My definition of honor is to discover the unknown and not be afraid to share these discoveries. Johannes Kepler was a scientist who discovered multiple new things and shared them with others, I consider him an honorable scientist. Johannes Kepler was the first to correctly explain planetary motions, technically becoming the founder of celestial mechanics and the first “natural laws” (Kepler: Johannes Kepler). Kepler did not call these discoveries “laws”, as later it would be that Isaac Newton would derive them(Johannes Kepler (German astronomer).
Anahi Ortiz Anahi Ortiz Mr. HamptonSocial Studies April 27, 2015Renaissance Essay: Johannes Kepler Imagine what it would be like to be a great mathematician, who could solve anything involving numbers. This makes me think of Johannes Kepler because he was the renaissance’s innovator who could invent new ideas with math. Johannes Kepler was born in Weil Der Stadt in the holy Roman Empire now Germany. Johannes was known for being able to justify six planets and its distances. Johannes Kepler had a very rough life growing up. Early on, Johannes was prone to Ill-health. His hands were damaged and his eyesight was diagnosed with a virus called small pox. His grandfathers were amazed with his ability to
Honor definition: 1.High respect; esteem. 2.a privilege. Honor is to carry on tradition; to respect people and their boundaries, to contribute or give. Honor is not as poetic as it seems it could be losing a couple hundred lives to save thousands or millions. Archimedes was a mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and an astronomer but overall he contributed extremely important information to the scientific community. He invented the water raising “Archimedes screw.” he also helped improve simi modern warfare by inventing weapons that gave advantage over enemies.
What is Honor? Honor means high respect; esteem. In my eyes honor means you look up to; respect someone. Paula Liebst gave birth to Carl on August 27, 1874, in Cologne, Germany. When he was 20 years old, he studied at Technische Hochschule on metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Later in his studies, at Leipzig University he started reading chemistry Bosch has several accomplishment, but he most remembered for his invention of the Harber-Bosch process for high pressure.
Max Planck was born in Kiel, Germany, on April 23, 1858. He later died on October 9, 1947 (aged 89). Max was a German theoretical physicist, where his fame lay mainly with the origination and development of the quantum theory, which revolutionised our understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. Fort this he won the Noble Prize in Physics, 1918. Planck was the sixth child in his family and came from a high intellectual family. His great grandfather, and grandfather were both theology professors; his father, Wilhelm Planck, was also a distinguished professor of Law in Kiel University and Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU). Max graduated at an early age of 16 in July 1874, where he started his career and began his life.
His eldest son died in action during WW2, while his younger son was executed after a failed attempt on Hitler’s life. He himself died in Goettingen on October 4, 1947 at 89 years old In conclusion, Max Planck throughout his life was a very accomplished theorist and scientist. I believe he had a very large impact on the science industry. He more then deserves the title of honourable people. career of sorts.
to an admired person. My personal definition of honor is someone who sticks to what they believe or say, or did something good and is respected for it. Such as how Carl Sagan who was honored for all the books he wrote and his show Cosmos, which The definition of honor is respect that is given still remains one of the most watched tv series in television history.
Ernest Rutherford managed to win the Nobel Prize in chemistry. He was one of the few laureates in history that managed to win the award alone, not sharing it with another laureate nominee. Ernest Rutherford was presented with the Nobel prize in chemistry in the year of 1908. He ultimately won the prize for his investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances. Others had won the nobel for chemistry like Michael Levitt, Eric betzig, and Stefan Hell. But none of those winners had as much of a significant impact on the science world like Ernest Rutherford.
Albert Einstein is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He is known for developing the theories of relativity. He is also noted for his mathematical formula of E = mc² (David Bodanis). Although he was not directly involved in the Manhattan Project, which was responsible for creating the atomic bomb, but he is still considered the mastermind because of his breakthrough formula. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect (A. Calaprice & T. Lipscombe).