LaShonda Mobley
Physiological Aspects Lab- AB November 2, 2015
Maximal Oxygen Consumption
The purpose of the Maximal Oxygen Consumption Lab Test is to determine an individual’s cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. (Wikipedia) Maximal oxygen consumption is said to be the maximum rate of oxygen consumption as measured during incremental exercise, most typically on a motorized treadmill. (Beam and Adams) Peak oxygen consumption is measured during a specific test, but it may not be the highest or maximal oxygen consumption possible.
(Beam and Adams) There are two different ways to describe peak oxygen consumption one is the highest recorded value would be considered the maximal oxygen consumption and when the values were low they were said to be peak oxygen consumption. (Beam and Adams) The next way to describe peak oxygen consumption is
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You must complete five flushes with the calibration syringe to reach the three liters (this is measured consistently), during this entire process you have the flow meter which is used to measure the amount of airflow. Always remember to never start the treadmill while there is a person feet on the tread, the clients’ feet are to be dismounted on the sides of the treadmill away from the tread. Before beginning the test give the client three practice runs of mounting/dismounting on the treadmill before powering the machine on, make the individual point out all four of the stop areas on the Woodway. For you clients on safety, make sure that their hands aren’t on the mounts on the treadmill at all when it’s in motion and when you begin the testing make the client start out walking first. Remind you clients that if/when they do feel the need to pull the magnet it doesn’t stop the treadmill automatically, it just gradually slows it down.
Gender: Male Age: 23 yrs. VO2 Max HR: 220-23= 197 bpm Weight: 175 lbs. Height: 72 in.
| | | |Males: Calories Expended for Body Function(6.27 x weight in lbs.) + (12.68 x height in inches) - (6.76 x age) + 66| |
The definition of VO2 is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise. The definition of METs is the ratio of metabolic rate during a specific physical activity. The relationship between METs and activity are, the higher the MET level the more calories that are burnt and the higher METs the more intense the activity. The more Oxygen consumed during a VO2 maximal test, the more carbon dioxide is being produced, this raises the RER, RR, HR etc. A warm up before VO2 testing and a higher MET activity are important. A warm up will prime the body to make sure you are ready for the activity. Then , when you perform you must have a cool down to help lower your heart rate and replenish oxygen from the strenuous activity. Comparing my VO2 (48.8) in a national standards chart, I am in the 75th percentile. Using METs and Max VO2 is very helpful in making a program. You know what level of MET activity the client can withstand and you can control the intensity. Also, having HR zones, points where lactic acid build up starts and a plethora of data at your fingertips to manipulate in order to better train a client.
The maximal amount of oxygen that the human body is able to utilize per minute of physical activity is the definition of
12. For the rate of oxygen consumption in each vial, divide the Corrected Net Change by 20 minutes and
In addition a small rise in breathing rate and this is called anticipatory rise, this happens when exercising. The average reading for breaths per minute during exercise is 23-30. This shows that with more blood pumping through the body more oxygen is needed to keep the body at a sustainable rate to help our body create more energy. Our breathing rate will keep increasing until
The Balke treadmill test was used to estimate your maximum VO2 measurement, and to determine your aerobic fitness percentile. Based on your time and the chart corresponding to your age on page ninety-three of the ACSM guidelines book, your VO2 maximum would be about nineteen and a half milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute of oxygen [1]. This is the
Ht: 62”, Weight: 134 pounds, BMI: 24.5 Temp 98.4 BP 128/90 P 76 R18, even. The Oxygen saturation 98%.
vials are dry on the inside. Place a small wad of absorbent cotton in the bottom of each vial and, using a dropper, add 10 drops of 15% KOH per respirometer. Do not get KOH on the sides of the respirometer. Place a small wad of dry nonabsorbent cotton on top of the KOH-soaked absorbent
Introduction Oximetry calculates the oxygen level (saturation) of the hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen. This measurement is taken with a sensor. The sensor is connected by a cable to either a device called an oximeter or a monitor with multiple displays. The measurement helps to assess:
\section{Measurement of oxygen consumption } The methods to measure oxygen consumption - either directly or by extrapolation - can be classified into invasive and non-invasive methods. \subsection{Invasive methods of measurement of oxygen consumption} 1. Bedside measure: \\ I will discuss - Lactate, $PCO_{2}$ difference, and mixed venous oxygen saturation.
Next, I had to find residual volume. Residual volume is not measurable. It is different between men and women. I was also asked to find inspiratory
The results of this test show that it provides a valid test to estimate aerobic capacity and shows there is a small measurement of error. A polar heart rate monitor was used to measure the heart rate with a step of 30cm in height with a metronome with a beat at 15 steps, per minute and increased by 5 steps every minute for 5 stages or until 80% of the maximum estimated heart rate was reached. The results demonstrated that the Chester Step technique is a valid predictor of aerobic capacity in males and females from a wide range of ages and fitness levels.
Carry out an experiment to measure the heart rate and ventilation rate before, during and after moderate exercise.
Linguistics is the scientific study of the language and semantics is a branch of linguistics that deals with meanings, meaning of words alone and words in phrases. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotation. The word semantics came from the Greek word Semantikos which means to show or give sign. Semantics refers to the meaning and interpretation of words, signs in language without context, it may refer to the whole text or one single word. For example, “residence” and “house” “destination” and last stop basically mean the same things, but the study of semantics distinguishes the refined difference between the two.