
Maxine Waters Research Paper

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protest around the world. Maxine Waters is doing her best to find us a new president that will be for all the people.
Women have a crucial place in traditional Bougainville society, determining kinship ties and land inheritance, and also have played an important role in the search for peace. Women’s groups on both sides of the conflict divide helped create and sustain pressure for peace through marches, vigils, petitions and mass meetings and conferences. However, women’s participation in the formal peace process and political arena was limited, although there were women’s delegations. Women can help out a lot to construct peace in the world they are the caregivers at home and they are the one that give birth to a child. Women back in the day believe they were just good for cooking and cleaning up the house and know they have became the voice of reasons. Women can hold counseling …show more content…

Ladies that are in the church can go out to the community and show young girls that it okay to go to church because no one ain’t going to judge you not even God. Young powerful black women can go in the project and tell young black girls try hard in school don’t let your current life predict your future. A lot of our young ladies end up in the wrong hands that how they end up being prostitute and selling drugs for a pimp. I believe it should be a childcare center in every low-income town to help single moms to get back up on their feet and tell them they can go back to school and better themselves for their son or daughter. Woman today are so quick to judge and not uplift each other in a time need. By doing all these

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