protest around the world. Maxine Waters is doing her best to find us a new president that will be for all the people.
Women have a crucial place in traditional Bougainville society, determining kinship ties and land inheritance, and also have played an important role in the search for peace. Women’s groups on both sides of the conflict divide helped create and sustain pressure for peace through marches, vigils, petitions and mass meetings and conferences. However, women’s participation in the formal peace process and political arena was limited, although there were women’s delegations. Women can help out a lot to construct peace in the world they are the caregivers at home and they are the one that give birth to a child. Women back in the day believe they were just good for cooking and cleaning up the house and know they have became the voice of reasons. Women can hold counseling
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Ladies that are in the church can go out to the community and show young girls that it okay to go to church because no one ain’t going to judge you not even God. Young powerful black women can go in the project and tell young black girls try hard in school don’t let your current life predict your future. A lot of our young ladies end up in the wrong hands that how they end up being prostitute and selling drugs for a pimp. I believe it should be a childcare center in every low-income town to help single moms to get back up on their feet and tell them they can go back to school and better themselves for their son or daughter. Woman today are so quick to judge and not uplift each other in a time need. By doing all these
Sonia Sotomayor was born on June 25, 1954 , now in day she is 61 years old. She attended Yale Law School and graduated in the year 1980. She became one of the many U.S. Distract Court Judges in 1992. Then later on in her life (1998) she became a part of the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals. But , what Sonia is most known for is for being the first latinathat is in the Supreme Court Justice in the U.S. in the year 2009. The person who actually nominanted Sonia was President Barack Obama so that she could be part of the Supreme Court Justice. Sonia is making a yearly salary of 1.7 million dollars to 10.3 million dollars. She also has a book which is called My Beloved World. These are some facts on Sonia Sotomayor .
Carrie P. Meek born in tallahassee florida during the year 1926. Meek is an American politician from the U.S. state of Florida. She served in the United States House of Representatives from 1993 to 2003, she represented our congresses 17th district. She was a history maker in the running. She used to say, “Service is the price you pay for the space which God has let you occupy”.
When it comes to gender equality, few women can compare to Betsy DeVos. Moreover, Betsy DeVos remains a looming figure in the area of gender equality. Four years, Betsy DeVos has dedicated her life to reforming education and fighting for the equal rights of all Americans. Moreover, Betsy DeVos remains the proud partner of Dick DeVos. As a successful business professional, Betsy DeVos remains one of the world's wealthiest people. Also, Betsy DeVos remains a proud member of the Republican Party. Currently, she serves as the United States Secretary of Education. For those unaware, Betsy DeVos remains extremely popular in her political party. In particular, she remains popular in the areas of school choice, school voucher programs, and charter schools.
It was a privilege to listen to Stephanie Garrison share her story and provide encouragement for our own lives. Personally, I found it very admirable how willing she was to share and be vulnerable. Anyways, Stephanie is currently in her 14th year at Southeastern and serves as the Assistant Athletic Director under Drew Watson. Beginning in the athletics department in January of 2014, as the Director of Operations. Before she joined the athletic department, she served as the Director of Event Services, Resident Director, Online learning coordinator and a variety of other departments at Southeastern. She is a two time graduate of Southeastern, earning a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management and an MBA. Recently, she has taken on the responsibility of Director of Operations at the Balance Culture while still serving as
Sonia Sotomayor was nominated by President Barack Obama on May 26, 2009, making history as the first Latina Supreme Court Justice.
In 1992 “Maxine Waters explain the causes of Urban Crises to Congress”. Maxine Waters were born in Saint Louis, Missouri on August 15, 1938. Once she earned her degree, she started her career as a teacher where she started volunteering and working with the Head Start organization. She also got involved in inner city issues in Los Angeles and represented people in the “U.S congress” and the “California State Assembly”. On March 3, 1991, an African American Rodney King, led the police on a High Speed chase, and was pulled over and beaten brutally by the Los Angeles police, while all was recorded on videotape. When the officers were acquitted for brutally beating of Rodney King, it sparked the beginning of the L.A. riots of 1992. After the riots,
In the glass castle, Jeannette Wells lives with such parents that she was much of the time homeless. She had no idea that her father’s drinking abuse was so wrong, or that living in such run down homes with animals that came and go could be seemed as unfit for a family with children. So young, with her three siblings, they wouldn’t know at the time they were being treated poorly by the people they believed loved them the most. Scroungy and dirty, but tough from living in such horrible conditions as a child. Growing up has shown difficulty for the young girl.
Bonnie L Hewlett who interviews Aka and Ngandu compares different aspect of life of the women forger and farmer societies. Their life style and cultural practices of the two groups are livng in a similar ecology differs dramatically in some respects. It’s interesting how the two groups are socially and economically interdependent; their live are intertwin in complex alliance of lifelong friendship (at times) and clan membership, exchange and dependency. It is difficult, if not impossible to speak of one without speaking of other.
Furthermore, women are often seen as a symbol of cultural preservation and a measure of family honor. In conditions of war and colonial rule, which represents an attack on men’s honor and dignity, attention to women’s roles as prescribed by cultural tradition is often intensified. However, the unusual conditions of war and resistance to colonial rule also may provide openings for women to reconfigure their roles and rights, based on new needs of society.
Alongside ethnic groups, women have had a long struggle to attain equal rights. Since the earliest days of the country’s history, women, regardless of marital status
The play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, and the narrative, “Death of a Pig”, by E.B. White, both deal with tragedy—exploring how when people often test fate and attempt to control every single aspect of their lives, they fail in doing so, experiencing tremendous loss and sorrow. Ultimately, this central theme consistently develops and drives the respective stories, due to Shakespeare’s and White’s uses of structure, character, word choice, and rhetoric.
Demographic transition: A demographic transition is when a country or population moves from a state where there is a high birth and death rate, to a state where there is a low birth and death rate.
What is courage? Courage is the act of taking in action in something someone's afraid of. For example, if a person is scared of a haunted house and the person’s friend goes in, that is also courage. This project will talk about two main points. Those two points are, what is true courage, and display of true courage.
Gender equality is an aspect of everyday life all societies in the world deals within their own way. It is the concept that men and women are equal to each other. In many places across the globe, women are seen as inferrer to men. Places in the Westerner world still have the ideology of how men are the superior and women are submissive to them. However, this is very untrue for the San society in Africa. It becomes evident that the ancient and long-lasting San society had gender equality when places in the world today are still struggling for the same results. The San society is the oldest and longest lasting hunter/gathering society in Africa. The book Nisa: The Life and Words of !Kung Women written by Marjorie Shostak is the life story of Nisa, women who grew up in the San society. Over the course of the book, her life story begins to unravel. Shostak goes into great detail about Nisa’s childhood, marriages and life thereafter. This gives the reader a clear insight into what it was like growing up and being apart of a gender-equal community that was the San society. Nisa is willing to share her story with the world so others could what it was truly like being apart of a community like the San.
In the world today, women have a say in what they want to do and things that they desire to do. Back in the day, before the 1800’s, women had to be submissive to their male counterparts and do according to what was required of them. In the end, this led to the demeaning of the woman and the concept that women were inferior to men. Even though this concept and perception changed, there have been some countries and regions of the world that have not yet recognized the equality that women deserve. Such areas do not allow women to vote, attend school, have a say in the community, and the women are at the mercy of their husbands, fathers or male superiors (Hartmann, Susan M).