“Aspen,” I said as I finished packing to go back to the palace. “How do you feel about me?” “What do you mean?” He asked, avoiding eye contact. “I mean how do you feel about,” I hesitated, “Us?” He looked at the ground as if not wanting to let me down. “I thought I loved you. You’re beautiful and kind, I mean, what’s not to love about you?” Our eyes met. “But then I saw the way you and Maxon look at each other and I knew I couldn’t compete. Especially because we couldn’t see each other any more, I mean you are in the competition for Maxon. I was worried that I was going to lose you, but I realized that I had already lost you.” He looked deep into my eyes, but I broke the stare. “What do you mean you thought you loved me?” I asked. “I mean, I did love you, and I still do, but in a different way.” Aspen took a breath, “I love you like you’re my sister. I don’t want to leave you, see anything bad happen to you, and I want to know that you'll always be there for me. However, I love someone else.” I was jealous but relieved. How could he love someone besides me? I finally asked, “Who?” “One of your maids… Lucy.” I supposed that was good. I was surprisingly perfectly fine with him loving Lucy... As long as it wasn’t Celeste. That cleared up a lot of my problems. I could …show more content…
Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”(The One 295). This quote explains every act that Maxon did for America. Maxon loved America so much. No matter what America said or did he still loved her. America was opposed to this at the beginning of the series because she didn’t want anything to do with Maxon. But as the story went on, America started to fall in love with Maxon. She fell in love with Maxon more and more through the rebel attacks and Maxon and America came to know each other through the Caste System. If Kiera Cass never added the rebels or the Caste System, Maxon and America would not have had a happily ever after in the
"I 'll miss you." She drew me close and gave me a hug, and I assured her I 'd be back sooner than she 'd realize. She then told me that she loved me.
This chapter of People’s is titled “Unreported.” Reading the title of this chapter, I was unsure what the chapter was going to contain, but once I started reading, I did not like this chapter very much. The main topic of the chapter is that the government has a lot of ties with the media and in turn, the government controls what the media puts out to benefit themselves. In my opinion there is no way to prove that the government is manipulating the media. Obviously, I am not in the White House and I don’t know exactly what goes on behind the scenes, but I think there are a lot of assumptions made in this chapter.
A lot of time had passed since he’d last seen Archie. Then again, a lot of time had passed since he’d last seen anyone, really. The ordeal with Groudon- and by that, he meant nearly boiling everyone on the planet alive- had left Maxie a shadow of his former self. Where there was once a proud, hot-tempered man with the power of an entire organization behind him, there was now a guilt racked and depressed 40-something who didn’t a friend in the world. (Which wasn’t true, but Maxie wouldn’t listen to anyone who told him so- not even his admins.) Most days were spent inside, brooding and imagining how that day could have gone so horribly wrong, if not for that child. The talented trainer who bested and tamed Groudon where he could only stare on
“I just get so jealous when I see other men around you, you’re so beautiful, and I don’t deserve you. If you ever left me...” his voice trailed off into a sob.
"I was hoping that we were past all of this Annabeth, or is it that you still have feelings for me" I said smugly.
“I don’t see this getting any better,” I stated blankly. I watched as the words pierced through her eyes and into her heart. I knew exactly what it had meant to say that, and so did she. I had basically said “There’s no chance i’ll stay together with you, and now we are over.”
“I don’t either!” I said as we both stood up and hugged. We sat back down and ordered our food. While we were waiting for our food, we caught up on what we have been missing in each other life while we were
Media's Representation of the Nature and Extent of Crime in Britain There is continuous debate on the effectiveness of media reporting with regards to informing the public about crime. The media have motive, methods by, which they distort information, and evidence of the affects of their misinforming the public. However the media do inform the public with regards to problems in our society, without the media we would know nothing. The public also need to be thought of when trying to decipher whether the media does in fact misinform them.
The girls are getting ansty, trying to pick apart each other to see what they have done with Maxon and what the others have not. Kirss who is refusing to let Maxon kiss her, Celeste who had a few good kissing sessions with him, America let it slipped that he took off his shirt (but did not tell them the reason why). Queen Amberley tries to remind the girls that these are the closes friends you will ever get, and slowly it starts to sink in. America starts to see Kriss as the way Maxon see her, Elise is not that bad, and America finally see under the tough girl act of Celeste, and created a brand new friendship, the strongest one America might ever have. Still there was the fact she was sharing her future husband with three other girls, something America cannot get over. Yet when Maxon takes her to the roof and tells her this as they dance: “You’re worth it. I don’t think you get that. You’re worth it to me”, America works even harder to prove her love for him. King Clarkson has different ideas for his son, trying to make him do anything else besides picking America, sadly that is what the opposite party wants to do. The Northern Rebels come to talk to Maxon and America and explain the deal they want to strike up: they will help fight the Southern rebels, only if Maxon destroys the caste system and picks America. “I felt as if my heart was on the edge of bursting, and I just wanted everything to end
“Look, man, what can I say?” Hunk shrugged helplessly. “These last few days running lines with you have been really great. We ran, I threw up, you cried. These are moments I’m going to treasure forever. But I think it’s time we go our separate ways.”
“You!” King Teravan recognized the brash young man in front of him and shouted loudly. “Guards! Guards!”
I woke up in a cold sweat. Don’t do this to yourself again, I told myself. He’s gone. He doesn’t want you, he chose her. I still remember the day you told me you loved someone else. I can still feel my face fall and hear my heart break. I wanted to hate you, but I wanted to hate her even more. But I couldn’t make myself hate either of you, especially not the person who once brought me so much happiness.
"What are you talking about?" I asked Allison as I pushed her away. "You cheated on me, and fell for the guy you cheated on me with. But now that he's gone, you want to come crawling back to me? That's fucking bullshit! I'm not some constellation prize."
I can't believe I just said it. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if I'm moving us along too fast? I've messed up. This is it. We're done.
“Thank you, I hope you have a great life.” She struts off, and he almost breaks down. He was sure that he would never see her again, and that killed him. He just didn’t know how to make someone fall in love with him when that person wanted him to leave her