
Maya Angelou: Growing Up

Good Essays

Rodrigo Ortega
Daniel Scarpa
ENGL 101
W 6-9:05
28 October 2015
Growing Up Quickly As children we always wanted to grow up quickly because time felt like it was taking so long. We wanted to experience everything that adults experience like having a girlfriend, driving a car, and living independently. However it is a good that these things take time to be achieved and they usually occur when a person is ready. Maya Angelou grew up extremely quickly and experienced some things that she was not mature enough yet to experience. In her autobiography “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” she had the misfortune of experiencing many adult things at an extremely young age and we saw how those events affected her in an unfortunate way. She experience sex …show more content…

Someone she trusted did that to her and she really did not know what was happening. Eventually her mother and brother found out and Mr. Freeman went to trial. Some people mentioned to her that after what she had experienced she was grown up already and had nothing to fear. “Women whispered to me out of blood-red mouths that now I knew as much as they did. I was eight and grown” (Angelou Pg.70). Already at this point in her life many people around her were already telling her that she had grown up already. She was horrified by the experience not only from being raped but also having one of her loved ones threatened, she did not want to tell absolutely anyone because Mr. Freeman had threatened Bailey’s life. Having loved ones threatened is not something that anyone should experience at any age let alone an eight year old. Another thing that really affected Maya is she had to go to a trial and had to relive her experience in front of a judge and jury. She mentioned had the only thing that was comforting for her during that time was the comfortable clothes her mother had picked out for her. “...the coat was a friend that hugged me in this strange and unfamiliar place” (Angelou Pg. 70) Those women in the courtroom may have believed that she is an adult now but by her finding comfort in her coat shows that just because she experienced something traumatic it does not make her an adult. During the trial she is asked if …show more content…

It is a very gradual process that is hard to notice until you basically are living by your own means. First you learn how to do simple things like feed yourself and do simple chores. Then you can start having a job then a car and before you know it you are basically independent other than still living at home. For Maya Angelou growing up it was not the typical American childhood. She was sent at a very young age to be raised by her Grandma, she said she felt abandoned. Growing up in the south with her Grandma she experienced huge amounts of racism that made her quickly get used to the ways things were in the south at that time. She quickly got used to the way racism and segregation dominated her town, so much so that at times she doubted if white people were even human because she rarely interacted with them. I imagine many African-Americans growing up in the south had to, like Maya, quickly get accustomed to the way racism and segregation worked in the south. Maya saw how badly African-Americans were treated when very poor white girls went to the store and harassed Momma and she could not do anything about it. “What new indignity would they think of to subject her to? Would I be able to stay out of it” (Angelou Pg.26). In this part of the book we could see how naive Maya is at this point in time, she thinks she could do something to stop it. Momma has grown so accustomed to this that she

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