The article from Matt Jenkins discussed the effects of climate change on the lives of the modern day Mayan farmers. Starting with the introduction of the risk of losing their annual rain ceremony tradition, he then transitions from this unprecedented change to a broader and more important topic: major deforestation of the Yucatan region of Mexico. As expected, this deforestation directly results in even more greenhouse gas emission because of the disappearance of large amount of trees. Thankfully, there had been financial help from several organizations including the REDD+ program and World Bank’s Carbon Fund, trying to conserve the remaining forests and to revive the area. Consequently, this places the Mayan farmers at a pivotal position that …show more content…
It is a way to remind themselves of their traditions, not because they actually believe in the shaman. Since the rain was always predicted during those times, when it didn’t come, they had a shocking realization that climate change’s detrimental effects were imminent. This is ultimately a change in raining pattern and since the seasons in Mexico are divided into two main seasons: wet and dry, it now rains in the dry season as opposed to the past. The lack of timely rain also yields great loss in production on Mayan farms such as squashes, pumpkins, tomatoes, etc. because they are not able to predict when to plant their seeds and crops. Additionally, this coupled with the demand for more food forced some farmers to change to their forest rotational cycle from 25 years to 7 years, depleting land resources much faster than ever. A connection from this change in forest cycle to the growing economy should be pointed out since the greater the demand for food, the more damage the environment will suffer. Ironically, the Mayan farmers become the main victims of this high demand from the market since a worse environment will result in faster climate
“In the Western Hemisphere, no early culture was more remarkable than the Mayans” (Background Essay). The Mayans were an adept civilization and accomplished many exceptional things during their time. Their deeds include things such as a number system, immense cities, and a vast trade network but there is no Mayan achievement more remarkable than their calendars. The Mayans created three calendars: a sacred calendar called tzolkin, a solar calendar called haab, and a long cycle calendar.
For over 2,000 years, the Mayan civilization was a very developed and complex culture with many major advancements that caused its nation to thrive in then Mesoamerica. The Mayan society had an extremely sophisticated method of constructing massive buildings without the use of beasts of burden. They also invented their own Number system, basing it off of the number twenty, unlike our own number system. Another one of their achievements was their calendars, which predicted religious events and even the beginning of a rainy season. The Mayan society built their powerful civilization using these three major accomplishments. In these next few paragraphs, I will provide more detailed explanations to why I believe these three Mayan standards
The Mayans employed tactics resemblent to our modern ones, they used technology to fix problems in an attempt to terraform their environment to meet their needs. They used things like Dams to store water and slash-and-burn agriculture to produce their crops. However, due to their location in Central America there was very little arable land for them to work on However, as they continued to grow in size, they were forced to increase their slash and burn techniques, which contributed to topsoil erosion and provided a logistical crisis for the Mayans regarding how they would feed their people. However because of the practices they relied upon, they never invested in things like terracing, or future proofing in the case of disaster.
Overpopulation always has been one of the essential problems that China needs to pay attention to. In 1979, Chinese government promulgated a law called ‘one-child policy’ that official name is ‘family planning policy’, which purpose is to slow down the rate of population growth and control the size of the total population. This paper using calibrated general-equilibrium models that compared benchmark with a fertility constraint and counterfactual experiment to study the effects of China’s one-child policy. The results indicate that one-child policy mainly effected six fields of China. First, the one-child policy promoted human capital of China and increased per
It is widely known climate change is occurring because of multiple factors including greenhouse gases, human activity, and some scientists say solar irradiance. What most people do not know or simply have not thought of is how far back in history was climate change a problem or if it was an issue for early civilizations. It is apparent that early civilizations weakened for several reasons, but one reason in particular is affecting the world today. One particular civilization that is popular for their agriculture are the Mayans. The Maya empire occupied land that is now Guatemala. They were the most dominant native people before the 16th century and were intelligent in the way they did agriculture. With new research available, it is plausible to say the Mayans, did in fact, change the climate due to their way of deforestation.
The third, and more justified belief, is that the series of harsh droughts made their way through each community, till there was nothing left. Historical documents further prove the coldness which settled its way into the world, as in the Annals of Ulster, it is mentioned about a painful winter which takes over (Richardson: 285). Furthermore, this cold winter and rough wind is mentioned over and over in the book, indicating that the Classic Maya were not the only ones treated to this weather. Similar weather conditions during the 9th century was also discovered in Wibjorn Karlen, Sweden, which further proves the climate change was not something the Maya society was facing alone. From the northeast of the Caribbean, marine sediment proves that the increasingly lack of sea-surface salinity was what lead to the failing of the much necessary rainfall in the summer for the Maya civilization. These same records show that the droughts were not something which happened once, but was a periodic reoccurrence, and each time it would cause the rainfall to get becoming smaller and
A federal judicial vacancy occurs when a judge is either elevated to a higher court or when they reach senior judge status, creating an empty seat on the bench. A judge, beginning at the age of 65, may retire at their current salary or take senior status after performing 15 years of active service as an Article III
I would like to start off by thanking you all for accepting me with such warmth tonight at this very special Stanford University STEM faculty conference. The opportunity I have been given to present my research on the underrepresentation of minorities in STEM, a subject I have grown to love during my years of delving into the vast expanse of the topic, means so much to me. I am not here to argue for any one of the particular viewpoints I have studied, but rather, I am simply here to share the most important information I have gathered. All I ask that you do is listen closely, refraining from blocking out information because you do not agree with it. Only in doing so will we be able to bring to light the different perspectives that have contributed
The ancient Maya believed in recurring cycles of creation and destruction because, The largest cycles were thought to be recurrent cycle of creation and destruction, and the Maya believed that each of the named says within their cycles contained a destiny which was relieved in each of the many eras of a cyclic universe. The Maya believed in many gods. They believed their gods could help or hurt them. They worshiped their gods every day. Religion was at the heart of everything they did. Human sacrifice was performed on prisoners, slaves, and particularly children, with orphans. Before the Toltec era, however, animal sacrifice may have been far more common than human - turkeys, dogs, and squirrels being among the species considered suitable offerings to Mayan gods.
The Mayan way of life revolved their religion. They had a polytheistic religion praising many gods. Each god had a certain thing that they would rule over or take care of. Chac was the god of rain, Kinich Ahau was the sun god, and Yum Cimil was the god of the underworld. There were many gods and goddess for almost every reason one could think of, there is even a goddess of suicide. They would perform human sacrifices, bleeding rituals, and dances to praise and to
The Mayan’s sacred dance rituals came from their relationship with their gods. They believed that they communicated with spirits in the spirit world through dance. They accepted dance as a form of ritual. It was an animalistic, beastly connection that they
Many societies have marked history through out their time. Some societies failed and have not gotten success in their country, but others have. For example, the Mayan Civilization, Aztecs, and Inca. These societies were influential both during the past and present because of the deeds, wars, and tragic problems that occurred in those societies. Further explanations will be given on how the Mayan Civilization, Aztecs, and Inca were influential in the present and past. Paragraphs hould be 5 – 7 sentences, remember to elaborate extract the information from the text.
When most people think of the Mayans, they think end of the world prediction in 2012. Everyone knows the movie 2012 which portrayed the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar. What many do not know is that the Mayans developed three separate calendars; the Long Count, the Tzolk’in, and the Haab, which were represented by glyphs or pictures that were used in their daily lives in many different ways. The Mayans kept time in a very different way than we do today. The Mayans may not have invented the calendar, but they certainly developed it further, and still use their version today.
Many decades ago, northern Central America and southern Mexico cultures developed complex political and social ranks. Researchers today know this region as Mesoamerica, known for its rich soil, abundant amount of rainfall, and agriculture. (Judge & Langdon, 2012) The Mesoamericans, Aztec and Mayan tribes, developed into complex civilizations for multiple reasons. These societies were advanced and complex for their time in areas, such as architecture, agriculture, militarism, and education. Each had unique religion and political systems as well. The rise and fall of both were due to several factors.
Climate change is one of the most important challenges of humankind in this century. The ability to adapt, mitigate and reduce carbon emissions will be decisive to preserve the world for future generations. The last IPCC report has provided more evidence regarding the rise in temperature and sea level. Apparently, additional 2°C above the pre-industrial average temperature levels is unavoidable, and it will continue at that level due the accumulation of gases in the atmosphere (Solomon 2009). Climate change will affect people all around the world in different ways, though the capacity to cope with it is different among regions and countries. The Latin America region is notably susceptible to climate change, due its geographical position, population location and its economy relying in natural resources (Vergara et. al. 2013a). The withdrawal of the coral biome, glaciers melting, jungles & forest savannization and strongest climate events are only some of the threats that will affect their inhabitants.