
Mayans And Aztecs Comparison Essay

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When we compare how different people live, we tend not to focus on how it was all started and what it means. We compare our history against theirs and see what we come up with, instead of seeing it as a pure beginning. Comparing things can be seen as difficult due to the fact you can’t find something that may be similar instead of different, and just end up focusing on it. Whether it be against your own history, or someone else’s, you can end up missing a critical part that can make it the most interesting topic on your mind! Religion, culture, geography, technology and achievements, and art. All topics that are interesting in their own way. The Mayan’s and the Aztecs are a good example. Their different histories are what make them unique and they both have their own stories to be told, separate, yet have a unique history that ends up being talked about together.
There are many religious beliefs of a Mayan, and they are formed on the belief that everything in the world that we live in, contains some sort of sacredness. The terms that they used to describe the sacredness was “K’uh” and “K’uhul”. This was used to describe the spirituality in the inanimate and animate objects …show more content…

The tools that they created were made from chert (which is a cryptocrystalline sedimentary rock) and obsidian. The shape and size look identical to the tools that artist use. Another thing that Mayan’s had created was a structure that they used for rainy seasons. It is a short spanning bridge that is used to transport things over and crossing streams. Mayan mathematics and science was a concept of the number zero, by 38 BCE. There number system consists of a dot, (representing ones) zero, (a shell shaped representation) and a bar (representing fives). For their science, it was astrology. Tzolk'in, the Mayan calendar, is comprised of 20 day signs and 13 galactic numbers, making a 260-day calendar "year”, instead of our normal 365 day

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