When we compare how different people live, we tend not to focus on how it was all started and what it means. We compare our history against theirs and see what we come up with, instead of seeing it as a pure beginning. Comparing things can be seen as difficult due to the fact you can’t find something that may be similar instead of different, and just end up focusing on it. Whether it be against your own history, or someone else’s, you can end up missing a critical part that can make it the most interesting topic on your mind! Religion, culture, geography, technology and achievements, and art. All topics that are interesting in their own way. The Mayan’s and the Aztecs are a good example. Their different histories are what make them unique and they both have their own stories to be told, separate, yet have a unique history that ends up being talked about together.
There are many religious beliefs of a Mayan, and they are formed on the belief that everything in the world that we live in, contains some sort of sacredness. The terms that they used to describe the sacredness was “K’uh” and “K’uhul”. This was used to describe the spirituality in the inanimate and animate objects
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The tools that they created were made from chert (which is a cryptocrystalline sedimentary rock) and obsidian. The shape and size look identical to the tools that artist use. Another thing that Mayan’s had created was a structure that they used for rainy seasons. It is a short spanning bridge that is used to transport things over and crossing streams. Mayan mathematics and science was a concept of the number zero, by 38 BCE. There number system consists of a dot, (representing ones) zero, (a shell shaped representation) and a bar (representing fives). For their science, it was astrology. Tzolk'in, the Mayan calendar, is comprised of 20 day signs and 13 galactic numbers, making a 260-day calendar "year”, instead of our normal 365 day
In history we the people have found to realize that the Maya, Aztec, and Inca culture was one of the most incredible findings of their accomplishments. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations were really smart in topics of engineering, writing, agriculture and astronomy. Also all three had their beliefs, and good with agriculture. All three cultures used great technologies in their agriculture like slash and burn, terrace farming. They all hunted for religion, they had a huge belief with the people spread throughout each region. They all had a lot of interest in the use of chocolate in the region, and cultivation. They all were pretty much the same just different beliefs.
Using a base of 20, the system used combinations of dots, bars and shells to represent numbers.(Doc C) Ingenious thinking and mental effort were invested into creating this incredible philosophy of counting using different symbols. Exchange industry, goods, travel, what do all of these words have in common, they were all part of the complex Mayan Trade Routes. The trade routes stretched from Ecuador and Colombia to southwestern United States. They were completely isolated from their neighbours, so the journey to trade with them was treacherous. (Doc A) The significance today would be the fact that people were able to safely travel and explore new places, and meet new people/tribes along the way. Through meeting new people the Mayan culture was able to expand the land and area to which they lived. Copán, Tikal, El Mirador are all exquisite examples of Mayan architecture. In large Mayan cities it took around 80-130 full time workers and two-three months to build one home for a family. Over 2,500 Mayan city locations have been found suggesting that some cities had populations in the tens of thousands, with colossal stone pyramids, palaces, temples, ball courts and other ritual buildings. (Doc B) Mental and physical effort were used in the organization of all of the people and the carrying of the materials without any modern machines and creating the extraordinary
First of, an achievement of the Mayan society was their development of the ritual and civil calendar. They developed the calendar further than any other New World people. In Document D it states that the sacred and civil calendars (based off of the solar year)
Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth is now on her honeymoon with Austin Forsyth, and they are having a great time together. The Stir shared that they have been sharing a lot of pictures of the fun time they are having together, but the fans are noticing that one thing is missing from the pictures that the happy couple is sharing. The posted a picture that shows their one-month anniversary of being married and the fans immediately noticed that she didn't have something on her ring finger.
The Mayan, Inca, and Aztec civilizations each originated from Latin America. The Mayans lived in southern and central Mexico, other Mayans lived in Central America in the present day countries of Belize, Guatemala, and ancient Honduras. The Incas lived along the long coastal strip, and in the high peaks and deep fertile valleys of the Andes Mountains, and along the edges of the tropical forest to the east; this would be the country of Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina in present days. The Aztecs were from Aztlan located in both north and northwest Mexico.
The Mongols and Aztecs lived on completely different sides of the world. Although they had extreme differentials on Longitude and Latitude, the similarities between the two societies are compelling. The Mongols and the Aztecs were similar politically and socially. Politically, their Militaries were large and powerful; socially, women also had more rights and power. However, they were not the same in every category. Religiously, they were very different. Along with that, the foundation of their societies are very different as well, one being nomadic and one being agricultural based society.
Ling Silverstein F Block 3/6/24 Macbeth and his Masculinity Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is known to be one of the most captivating, well-written pieces of literature in the world. The story of Macbeth is a tragedy of political ambition, about a brave Scottish general named Macbeth. Throughout the story, it becomes clear that Macbeth struggles to find confidence in himself, and often relies on others' words to find that courage. It is clear in the story that Macbeth is insecure about his masculinity and ends up making decisions that he thinks will make him more masculine. Macbeth is the Thane of Cawdor and strives to gain more power, eventually becoming king.
Throughout the humanities course, I have been intrigued by a vast amount of information on different cultures. However, there was a particular section that truly caught my attention, and has piqued an interest in me that has caused me to do my own research aside from this paper. The culture of the Mayas, and the Aztecs has been extremely fundamental in understanding my ancestry, being that I am Mexican American. I took an interest in their beautiful architecture, their ritualistic and sacrificial religious practices, as well as their history and how they began. Throughout this paper I will outline the similarities and differences of these two cultures, as well as articulate an understanding of the humanity disciplines outlined above.
The Aztecs civilization and the Mayan civilization where the most important civilizations from the new world that amazed many of the Europeans that came to conquer this wonderful rich land. The Europeans where amazed with the Aztec and Mayan culture, their ways of life, their geographical surroundings and their technology. The Europeans and historians today find that the Aztecs and the Mayans where similar in some ways of life like their culture, their technology, their religious events and at the same time they had their differences in their cultures.
Before the beginning of history, people from across the land gradually developed numerous cultures, each unique in some ways while the same time having features in common. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Israel are all important to the history of the world because of religious, social, political and economic development.
The Aztec and Mayan civilizations were two important, early civilizations that settled in Mesoamerica. The Mayan and Aztecs were two civilizations that lived in two different time periods, but they shared many physical and mental characteristics of one another. The Aztec and Mayan civilizations were different but they were more similar. The Aztecs and Mayans were more similar in their location, religion, writing system, government, social structure, gender roles, technology, and sporting activities.
The Maya and Aztec civilizations are two vastly different civilizations, as is to expected, however, despite these differences, they do share a number of similarities.
The Aztec and Maya were both American Indian people. The Aztec were ruled by a mighty empire in Mexico during the 1400's and early 1500's. The Maya however, developed a magnificent civilization in Central America and Southern Mexico. Both civilizations contributed a great deal to the modern world and invented items that are still used today.
The Mayans were also were technologically advanced. They used their own math system. One dot stood for one, a bar symbolized five, and a shell figure was zero. The numbers were expressed vertically with the highest on top. The also created a very precise calendars. Two different calendars were calculated 260-day and a 365-day. They were able to calculate the dates because at noon time there was no shadow. This was important for them to use in predicting eclipses, scheduling religious ceremonies, and when to plant and harvest.
In hieroglyphic writing, astronomy, and mathematics, the Mayan Indians were far ahead of any other people in the New World.(Foley 20) The Mayan invented a solar “civil” calendar including three hundred sixty- five days.(Ivanoff 86) The accuracy of the Mayan calculations is all the more extraordinary in view of the fact that they had no