
Mayflower Book Report

Decent Essays

Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick is a story about a journey we have all learned about before in many different ways. This journey is about finding a place people can call home. Many struggles are shown between different cultures and different generations throughout this book. Growing up I was taught that Native Americans had to fight for what they believed in between the pilgrims, this book, the Mayflower, showed me that what I was learning throughout the years was true. As the pilgrims arrived to the new continent they started to take on the land. At the beginning the Indians and pilgrims had no trust, but that soon changed. Massasoit, “the most powerful Native leader” (48), saw the pilgrims as they were settling in and decided that for the safety of his tribe and for trading purposes to become allies with the Pilgrims. The pilgrims would not have survived without the help of Massasoit and his tribe. Both the Pilgrims and the Native Americans benefited from one another learning and experiencing new things. The pilgrims brought something with them that the Natives had never seen before. An extremely hash disease known as the plague wiped many Indians …show more content…

Josiah Winslow, Edward Winslow’s son, had grown up knowing about the Indians very well. He would gather the Pilgrims and prepare them for the upcoming war with the Indians. Although, the new times brought new ways of thinking and the pilgrims no longer believed “their survival depended on the support of the Indians” (200). Massasoit also had a son named Phillip; he soon came into power and believed that no changes should be made between the Indians and Pilgrims, and that the Indians needed the Pilgrims for trade and growing crops. Massasoit and Edward Winslow worked hard to create peace and a home for both Pilgrims and Indians, but with the new generations springing it would all soon disappear. War was

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