
Mbl: Caterpillar

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Caterpillar Tony Keller MBL 524: Financial Management for Business Leaders Catherine Frost May 29, 2013 Caterpillar In the 1890s and early 1900s, Benjamin Holt created wooden tracks that were chained together that he fastened to a steam tractor. This created an easier maneuverable tractor across the soft dirt of San Joaquin Valley Delta, California therefore causing easier and faster farming as well as construction. His photographer, Charles Clements, who caught pictures of the machine stated that “the motion of the tractor moved like a caterpillar” (Cleveland Brothers CAT: History, 2013) which then gave Holt the name for his machines and the brand name of the company. In 1910, Benjamin Holt …show more content…

Cat was also responsible for railways in Africa, pipelines in Canada, and even the Melbourne Olympics in 1956, and the first ever underground telephone projects during the 60s. Through the 1960s and most of the 70s Cat was also involved with the world’s largest earth moving project in India and Pakistan when they were creating the Indus River Basin (Caterpillar: History, 2013). Over these three decades, Cat provided relief efforts all over the world, created super highways, pipelines, railroads, dams, hydroelectric projects, and even revolutionized new projects such as underground cable. Cat became the foremost leader in both agriculture and construction all over the world so if they would not have revolutionized and been a part of everything they had done, where would our world be today? Through the 1980s and early 2000s, Caterpillar has made themselves even bigger and more efficient by acquiring multiple companies to help develop a greater market. These acquisitions have been a huge factor as to why Cat is still the foremost leader in the business and continues to grow even if the economy fails. These acquisitions are also a reason why Caterpillar has been able to stay positive and make profits every year in excess of a couple years that happened in the 30s and in 1982 but otherwise the company has been able to create jobs, markets, and profits every year since the creation of

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