
Mc Head To Toe Assessment

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M.C. is a 4 week old Caucasian male and was assessed on 2/3/2015. M.C. was awake and crying in his mother’s arms. He appeared to be well-nourished, well developed and in distress. M.C.’s mother stated his full name and date of birth, which matched his ID band. His mother was sitting in the hospital bed holding him in her arms and attempting to comfort him. His father was laying on the couch in the room. A complete head to toe assessment was not done during this time but the following results were obtained based on a focused assessment. M.C. was on contact-droplet isolation. M.C. had a temperature of 37.2C, his blood pressure was 33/47 with a MAP of 68 taken on his left leg. His respirations were 40 breaths per minute with an oxygen saturation of 100%. His pulse was 178 beats per minute. M.C. was on room air and had a PIV located in his left hand. There was no presence of tubes or drains. Pain was not assessed at this time however, M.C. was fussy and crying. The anterior and posterior fontanels were inspected. The anterior fontanel was soft and flat. M.C.’s lung sounds were clear to auscultation. His mother reported that he had some nasal congestion but had no …show more content…

As a nursing student I feel that there are times within the clinical setting that I do not feel as confident in a specific skill as I should be. Instead of addressing the concern, I tend to tell myself that it’s okay and I will get it the next time rather than asking for help. A lot of the times I am afraid to bring up my weaknesses and learning needs to my instructor and ask for help because I am afraid to get scolded or mess up. I need to improve my ability to recognize my learning needs and address them immediately. I have learned that there is no shame in asking for help especially if you don’t understand something. This is the type of concern I need to address in order to better strengthen my skills as a

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