
Mccarthyism In The Salem Witch Trials By Arthur Miller

Good Essays

As for human dignity, both authors clearly use this technique to portray the different ideas of a good life related to the characters. In TC, most cases of human dignity are displayed with regards to the opposition against McCarthyism. McCarthyism is the provision of false accusations with no proper evidence. It first appeared in 1950's America as an Anti-communist movement when anything related to or associated with communists was immediately reported to the state and the testimonies were subject to sever oppression and executions. The Salem Witch Trials reflect over McCarthyism whereby no proper evidence was provided against the innocent villagers. A good life to Proctor is strongly attributed to human dignity and his dependence on moral values, especially after he had torn the contract that …show more content…

If he were to submit the contract, he would have been allowed to live. Despite this consequence, Proctor defies the state and exclaims that he will not present the contract ''because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!". With his purpose delivered, Proctor had achieved his good life. Miller uses this example with the aim of emphasizing that even though a Puritan society can create a band of social norms, it is not unusual to witness cases of heroism and dignity as motivated by moral values. Human dignity seems to be a necessity for Proctor in order to achieve his good life, and therefore, readers appreciate the effect of one's stability and humanity in living a decent and comfortable life. Without moral values, one would be lost and a life can no longer be defined 'good'. Readers gain interest in acknowledging the identity of the tragic hero and the his set of beliefs and

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