
Mr. Spurlock Get For Going On A Mcdonald's Diet For A Month?

Decent Essays

Now, what justification does Mr. Spurlock get for going on a McDonald’s diet for a month? Well before we get to that let's talk about the story that started his McDiet. Two girls sued McDonald's because they felt it was McDonald's fault that they were obese. Ashley Pelman was the young 14-year-old girl who was 4 feet, 10 inches tall and weighed about 170 pounds. Well the other girl, Jazlyn Bradley was 19 years old, 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighed about 264 pounds. Multiple courts had all said that the claimants would win the case if the somehow proved that McDonald's is dangerous if eaten on daily basis. After Mr. Spurlock heard about their story he was intrigued, and being a starved director wanting more than 10 minutes of fame he orchestrated an experiment in which he found out first hand how McDonald's would affect the average American if eaten every day for the next 30 days straight. …show more content…

Spurlock to execute his experiment he needed some guidelines for the next 30 days. In total there was 6 which were, Mr. Spurlock could only eat McDonald's nothing else for the month, He must eat 3 meals a day, order every item on the menu at least once and if asked to supersize his meal he is required to say yes. Mr. Spurlock added the other 2 rules after he concluded he was above average in health so to get the most accurate outcome he could only walk 5000 steps a day which was 2.5 miles and he was unable to exercise. Theses were all big changes to Mr. Spurlock's lifestyle because for most of his life he only ate home cooked meals, his spouse was a vegan and Mr. Spurlock lived in New York City where almost everything was in walking

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