There are many similarities and differences between me and Malala.
There are many variances between me and Malala. Malala was born in Pakistan and I was born in Florida. During her life she barely had enough education due to her life and I had education my whole life. My school has never been exploded like hers and other girls’ in Pakistan. She accomplished many things in her life, like writing a book about her life and how it exaggerated her education and I only wrote my own stories about my life and how it was so stressful and affected my actions. This is so many modifications between Malala and me. To be honest, there are also many comparisons about Malala and me. Malala was so brave that she stood up for girls’ education. I am
Yousafzai has glimpsed and lived through a world that no american child could have ever imagined and cherishes an education what no child would have imagined losing. Nonetheless, through her novel, I Am Malala, Yousafzai has put into effect an extraordinary and a determined message to the world of a sincere love for education and peace. Malala utilizes strong repetition, vivid imagery, and powerful ethos in her biography to make it stand out extremely.
I AM MALALA is the exceptional journey of a family torn apart by terrorism, who vows to the fight for girls' education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of remarkable parents who have a relentless love for their daughter in a society where sons are more significant. I remember Malala, as a very talented young woman with a great deal of virtue, when she has her mind set on something there is no stopping her, for example when the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, where she lived with her family, their was one girl and the only girl who repudiated against them and refused to keep quiet on her rights and the rights of all people to acquire an education. Malala Yousafzai, She tries to bring new light to an old world country.
In I am Malala, the memoir, a young girl shot by the name of Malala Yousafzai, was shot by the Taliban because she stood up for education. Malala’s struggle inspires me as a student who is preparing to embark on my college journey. Malala went through many struggles in her young life. One struggle Malala faced was that she could not walk around without a male relative.
Malala Yousfzai is a teen activist who overcame many obstacles and is recognized for her many achievements let’s all be thankful that we are able to gain an education. Maybe you will able to fight something you
Malala lives in a time where women are stripped of all their rights and dignity. Malala is born in an environment where women are mortified because of their gender. Swat is a land where rifles are fired in a celebration of a son, while daughters are hidden away behind a curtain and play a role directly to cook and give birth to children (Yousafzai 13). Malala’s birth was not like any other girls in Swat. “He even asked friends to throw dried fruits, sweets and coin in my cradle, something we usually only do for boys (14).” Malala expresses that even though she is a girl, her father does not discriminate against her. When I was born like any other child in America I was born in a hospital, unlike Malala who was born
I am Malala is a heroic story about a young woman who stood up for what she wanted. This auto-biography is based on a teenager named Malala Yousafzi who stood up for girls education in her home country Pakistan. She also went against the Taliban because she didn't think it was right of what they were doing to her innocent village. When Malala was born very few people came to congratulate her parents because the birth of a girl is seen as a failure of the parents in her culture. She was born and raised in Sway Valley, Northeastern Pakistan. Swat Valley has beautiful scenery which attracts a lot of tourism until the Taliban took over the valley. Malala’s parents Ziauddin and Toor Pekai were very kind humble people from the mountain villages. Malala’s father was a very well educated man who grew up studying poetry and literature. He also started the Khushal School a three years before Malala was born. ”My father started the school three years before I was born, and he was a teacher, accountant, and principal—as well as a janitor, handyman, and chief mechanic.” (Chapter 1, Page 20) In Malala’s culture, girls are refused an education or even simply knowing how to read and write. Her father helped girls by starting the school and making a big influence on girls. Malala is truly a hero throughout this paper you will see how she changed everything.
In the book I am Malala I think that Malala was very lucky and honored to be able to speak to many important people in an important way. Malala is also very brave because she is facing threats still that if she returns to her country that she will be killed and even because of all that happened she still speaks out for her rights. Another thing is that Malala's family wasn't like other families and that her and her father are both very similar, one way is that they both speak out against women rights. People in her country are very wrong, crazy, and violent, but still people shouldn't keep quiet of what they know is right.
The book I am Malala, written by Malala Yousafzai herself, tells the tale of the struggle for education in Pakistan, and countries alike and the voice of one girl that changed the world forever. Malala Yousafzai is a young woman born in 1997 who was born in an area of the world that does not value women, yet alone their education. Malala grew up encouraged to be a woman of independence and intelligence rather than a simple wife, unlike most girls in the Swat Valley. A valley that faces many hardships. Malala was an avid student, but the arrival of the Taliban made education for women even harder to achieve. The Taliban were a religious extremist group that committed terrible acts in the name of their religion and wrongly represented
I Am Malala had many wonderful quotes in it. One of the most important quotes for the plot, Malala’s character, and the reader was said by Malala. Both the character and the author say this, as they are one and the same. Malala says, “I don’t want to be thought of as the ‘girl who was shot by the Taliban’ but the ‘girl who fought for education. This is the cause to which I want to devote my life” (Yousafzai 309). In this quote, Malala really shows one of her greatest character traits, humility. This quote is so important for the reader, Malala, and what she’s been fighting for. Most people do mostly know Malala was the girl who was shot by the taliban, not for what she really fought for. The true tragedy of Malala’s life is how most people only view her this way. Malala wrote this during the story’s conclusion, one of the most powerful parts of her book. Where it was placed makes this quote even more significant, hitting the reader at the perfect moment. When she said this, Malala was already in England, receiving many awards, and looking back on her time in Pakistan. As well as thinking about her fight for education and how she was shot by The Taliban. She really tackles many meaningful topics in one sentence; how you wish to be remembered after death, staying humble, and the importance of education. That quote was one of the most significant to the story, and gives an excellent message to younger
Malala has told her story and she continues to fight for education. Not only for the girls in Pakistan, but for the children and girls all
Inspiration comes to all of us in countless different ways. In my life, there have been many people and things that have a big impact on me. It has to be Malala Yousafzai. She is one of those people that have made such a massive impression in life, Malala is ambitious.
Starting when she was very young, Malala Yousafzai fought for education. She made important speeches to try to bring change in her country, while going to school and living her life like the Talibans hadn't threatened her. She was only was 14 years old when they shot her. For safety reasons, she needed to be transferred to England and is now living there. One year later, at 15 years old, she published her book, I am Malala. At 16 years old, she received the Nobel Prize of Peace. She was the youngest person to ever receive a Nobel Prize. Now 19 years old, she keeps fighting and hopes to one day return to her country.
She is a model for everyone, but for me, she is I in the future. I am not in the same situation as she, but I still can hold power to change people’s live. I feel the sense of responsibilities for the illiteracy of many children because of disease, famine, or only a lack of basic needs. As soon as I can, I will bring those children the necessities for education: a pen and a book. In my opinion, if Malala can build a school to educate, I can build a community that will continually provide her schools with all she needs so that children do not have to quit classes and find happiness in a future educated
“I raise my voice not so that i can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.” I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai is a biography about Malala and her journey to get equal rights for girls education. Malala has become famous for what she has and accomplished. Malala Yousafzai was only ten years old when the taliban took control over her region. Malala was raised in a once-peaceful area in Pakistan transformed by terrorism.
One major connection that could be made between Malala and my own experiences was public speaking. Malala took similar footsteps as her father when she wanted to find a way to impress him after stealing and lying to her family. “Notices had gone up at school for a public speaking competition /.../ I remembered the story of my father surprising my grandfather and longed to do the same. When we got the topic, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was ‘Honesty is the best policy’” (Yousafzai 108). Although Malala did not win first place, she made her father proud and discovered one of her best talents that influenced her to speak out in the future. This was similar to my junior year when I tried out to be a member of the