
Meaning-Making And Dementi Challenges To The Deficit Model

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This article analyzes the educational aspect of those with dementia while making decisions on nursing home care and end of life arrangements. The authors conducted a study that concluded persons with dementia and their families either lack complete understanding of the decisions or overwhelmed with emotions while finalizing decisions. The article states that social workers are best fit for assisting the person with dementia and their families with developing the advanced directions. However, social workers need to gain medical knowledge in order to increase their competency in this aspect of care. The reader finds this article to be very helpful in addressing the importance of adequate medical knowledge to provide holistic care. McGovern, J. (2011). Couple meaning-making and Dementia: Challenges to the Deficit Model. Journal of Geronotological Social Work, 54(7), 678-690. doi:10.1080/01634372.2011.593021 …show more content…

A strengths-based perspective has the ability to reduce conflict between couples/families, as well as foster a better quality of life for the person with dementia. The importance of positive communication, togetherness and care are major areas of focus throughout the article. The author highlighted the renewed connection between the caregiver and the person with dementia. This article provided the reader with an alternative perspective and reminder to remain positive. The information obtained from McGovern will assist in applying a strength-based perspective to the reader’s clinical

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