
Meaning Of Happiness In Brave New World

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The true meaning of happiness is different for everyone. For most people, it is feeling satisfied with every aspect of their life. The society of Brave New World does not know the true meaning of happiness because they have never had any form of true conflict show up their lives. When trouble comes up in their life, they avoid fixing it by taking soma. By taking soma, they base their happiness off a fake reality, therefore, it creates no true relief. Not having any form of conflict in their life creates a problem within itself because then they never get to experience true joy. People of the World State have no feelings because they were conditioned from birth to not value or worry about anything. In the scene when Lenina was telling Fanny that she was not comfortable with promiscuity, Fanny deemphasized Lenina's feelings and told her it was wrong to have sentimental value towards one another: " Everybody belongs to everyone else."(Huxley 43). In other words, Fanny told Lenina that she does not need to value anyone, nor does anyone need to value her. The government has established that having feelings towards another person causes social instability. The …show more content…

During the scene where the Mustapha Mond is showing the students the conditioning treatments, he says to them one of the chants they use to provide demand for industrial goods: "Ending is better than mending" (Huxley 49). Explaining that phrase further, they would rather act like the problem is not there instead of mending the situation. They will never be able to feel satisfaction and relief because the situation has not been solved. If people that lived in the 1930s ignored the problem of the Holocaust, it would most likely still be going on today with an even more damaging outcome. Since the community of the World State were conditioned to not have feelings, they do not feel any reason to deal with their

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