
Measurement and Validation

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Case 4: Measurement and Validation Introduction The task of finding well-rounded employees is an eternal challenge for most companies, a fact which makes the work of the Human Resources department eternally important. Employees need to not simply be effective at their immediate tasks; they need to demonstrate aspect of strong character, trustworthiness and growth. Thus, the task of doing research to determine the best methods for screening employees is indeed a legitimate one. Data of Tables 3.1 and 3.2 Tanglewood's traditional selection method uses previous experience in the fields of education, work experience, and interview score to predict citizenship, absence, performance and promotion potential. Education had the best correlation at 0.17 and a p-value < 0.01. Education is seen as statistically significant but not practically significant. Work experience was a decent predictor of performance and promotion potential. Work experience had a 0.22 correlation to performance and a p-value < 0.01. Even better, work experience had a correlation to promotion potential of 0.25. Work experience was statistically significant to both performance and promotion potential. It also had a p-value < 0.01. Interview score had a correlation of 0.32 and a p-value < 0.01 with promotion potential. Interview score is seen as statistically significantly and practically significant. On the proposed methods for Tanglewood, we have plenty of options to consider when looking at our

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