
Measuring The Model Of The Tree Diagram Is The Best Predictor Of Heart Disease Essay

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5. Results 5.1 Decision Trees Evaluating the Model In this case the model results include: Tables that provide information about the model. Tree diagram. Charts that provide an indication of model performance. Model prediction variables added to the active dataset. The tree diagram is a graphic representation of the tree model. This tree diagram shows that: Using the CHAID method, thal factor is the best predictor of heart disease. For the value 6 and 7 for thal, the next best predictor is ca and for the thal value 3 the next best predictor is age. If the value of ca is 1, 2 or 3 then thal and ca will be acts as the main factor of heart diseases. Since there are no child nodes below it, this is considered as a terminal node. In case if the value of ca is 0 or missing then age will be the next best predictor. For the age group less than or equal to 50 with thal value of 7 or 6, around 82% of patients are attacked in heart disease. For the age group greater than 50 around 21 percent are attacked in heart diseases. On the other hand if the minimum value of thal is 3 then age will be the next best predictor. For the age group less than or equal to 58 around 8.6% patient are attacked with heart diseases and for the age value greater than 58 around 44% are attacked with heart disease. Node 0 1 Total Predicted Category Parent Node Primary Independent Variable N Percent N Percent N Percent Variable Sig.a Chi-Square df Split Values 0 89 57.4% 66 42.6% 155

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