
Media And Its Effect On Society

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In todays world, media has become necessity to us almost as mush as food and clothing. We are constantly exposed to media throughout TV shows, news, advertisement, the music industry and film industry. The mass media in our days not only has the purpose of information exchange and entertainment, but also according to media communication theorist McLuhan, it shapes the publics opinion , behavior and beliefes. (,2011) Media has a vital role in building up and teaching us about our society, because we tend to sort our knowledge about the world by symplyfing already received information . The media is a reflection of society and reflects the norms and morals a culture tends to follow. We learn what is expected form our gender …show more content…

The essay analyzes how media has developed female stereotyping and the way these representations have changes over time in in relation to feminist and post- feminist theory and evaluate the importance of the ‘ burden of representation’ on women. ( The Media student book,2010). Femininity is describes as a moving phenomena, it represents behavioral and cosmetic expectations of womanhood. These qualities are deeply affected in the way the world, also the male gender perceives her and whose ideals are reflected by the media industry. In most of the western societies the view of femininity in media has faces a drastic change and improvement, while others still perceive the gender as weak and being saved, and the media still reinforcing phallocentric ideals.(The Media Student Book, 2010)
Films have more power than just pure entertainment. They can influence ones believes on important issues related to race, class and most importantly gender. The extent to which films reflect real world situations in regards to women is poor and unrealistic. Movies and series in many cases create false consciousness. They play with the sense of reality by manipulating the audience in imagining something unreal being real. The female characters in films ‘reflect and perpetuate the status and options of women in today’s society’ and play an active part in creating female role models . But to what extend are those

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