Nicole Calle
October 29, 2015
George Miller
Journalism and Society Media Comparison
Glamour and Cosmopolitan Glamour and Cosmopolitan magazine are both concentrated on lifestyle and beauty concepts for women. However, each of them display similar but different content in their articles and attract a very different type of reader. Their difference is also marked in the way their content is visually displayed and in the overall style of each magazine. Advertisement also plays a contrasting role between Glamour and Cosmo. Upon first glance, the visual of these two magazines is the first differentiating factor between them. The cover of both magazines contain the same font color and overall a similar look. Once we begin
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Cosmo contains an Ask him anything section in which women can get advice on men from a male perspective (Cosmopolitan, pg.210). Similarly, Glamour has a section named Jake: A Man’s Opinion, which contains male advice but not in a Q&A format (Glamour, pg.142). In terms of fashion, both magazines can give you the do’s and don’ts of the current fashion trends. Glamour contains a section titled Do’s and Don’ts while Cosmo has a Safe to Sexy section in which they describe the safe, sexy and wrong ways to utilize a clothing piece (Walker, pg. 37; Cosmopolitan, …show more content…
No excuses, no bull@#*%, no regrets” (Cosmopolitan, Mission par. 3). The magazine most definitely does this by including positive and educational articles for women and presenting them in an entertaining way for young women to read. Their overall youthful style allow them to attract the young audience they target and keep them intrigues with the entertaining sections they include. For example, sections like Confessions and The Cosmo Guy are usually what pull young women towards the magazine (Khidekel, pg. 66; Mosely, pg. 72). Sections like their Meet Cosmos Fearless 50 present young women with fun but inspirational women to look up to like actress Mindy Kaling and tennis player Serena Williams (Brounstein, Ohikuare, Kam, pg.166, 169). Therefore, I find that they accomplish the mission they set out to do, by inspiring and empowering young women in a fun and entertaining
Cosmopolitan is a women’s magazine for fashion, sex advice, dating tips and celebrity news. This magazine has been around since 1886, but it had a totally different concept, until 1965. When it was first launched in 1886 by Paul Schlicht, it was considered a family magazine. It wasn’t until 1965 when a woman by the name of Helen Brown took over the magazine in seeking somewhere women could go to get advice on various topics. Now the magazine is being run by Kate White, Editor in Chief. Because Cosmo contains explicit information that is not advised to people under eighteen, its demographic is women who are at the ages of eighteen and older, Some grocery stores have to cover it up because of the complaints of its sexually explicit
Featherstone looks down on publications that emphasize most of their print on Fashion, relationships and celebrities and advocates for magazines that stimulate intellectual growth, promote a healthy body image and include diversity. As an active journalist, columnist and activist, Liza Featherstone makes a good point in her article all while using most abundantly three rhetorical tools: logos, ethos and pathos that she wove into a studied text organization and a simple writing style. It is through ethos that Featherstone does a great job at defending her viewpoint, because her argument lacks a lot
The main purpose in Carr writing this essay is to expose the small amount of diversity involved with the magazine industry, which has always been
The life of a teenage girl is already difficult enough but Melinda’s past makes it even harder. The book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson is a realistic fiction novel. It expresses the themes of isolation, depression, and the importance of communication after traumatic events. The main characters of the book are Melinda, who narrates the book, Andy, Rachel, Ivy, Nicole, and David. Speak takes place at Merryweather High School in Syracuse, New York in present day. Throughout the story, Melinda interactions with people lead her to become more inclosed until she finally is able to speak out with the help of friends.
Each magazine has a unique audience that they target in order gain subscriptions. Culture can influence which magazine a person would choose to pick off the shelf. When flipping through the Southern Home magazine, one could deduce that this magazine is geared toward upper-class southern woman. The Southern Home magazine has an expensive taste in furniture and is filled with luxurious pictures of beautiful homes.
Cosmopolitan magazine, as it is today, is an international woman’s magazine involving topics on sex, relationships, beauty, fashion and health. The variation of Cosmopolitan (Cosmo) we have in today’s society is rather sexually explicit in many of its articles and covers. This was not always the case. Cosmopolitan was founded by Schlicht & Field in 1886. The magazine was originally created to be a “family magazine” . Cosmopolitan introduced articles on family and home life. In 1888, Cosmo gained a new editor in E. D. Walker. He would add new elements to the magazine. These included serial fiction, book reviews and color illustrations.
The magazine title I have come up with is "Recognise". The target audience for this magazine is for both men and women between the ages of 15-25. The values I want to promote in my magazine are compassion, appreciation, caring and dedication. The image of masculinity I want to depict is being a contributor and giving back to the community by giving time and money.
In addition, magazines were a trending topic for all fashion related that influenced both genders. Billboard Magazine was all music related with its weekly top charts that was first published in 1928. Wall Street Journal was a publication article that expressed its own personal thoughts from religion to Hoover and FDR’s presidency (Mass Media
It is important to adopt a human rights approach to care and education in practice as children are looked upon as vunerable in society as they cannot express or defend themselves, therefore they need us to do that for them. Every child is equal no matter what gender, ethnicity, religion, language or ability. Because of this, every child should have their rights valued and respected in a care and education practice. Not only is it upto the carer in education practice to make sure that a human rights approach is adopted, but it is upto everyone. Many people say that being in school/nursery is the best years of their lives therefore it is upto us to make sure that in a care or education practice that a human rights approach is taken to ensure that this is the same for all children. It is important to adopt a human rights approach so that all children are developing and learning to their full potential. Also, when at school/nursery, the way others act towards you could impact on how you act towards others. Therefore, by making sure the children are meeting their rights will then hopefully make sure that they will make sure others do.
Magazine became a great relief to all feminists by giving them a sense of self-determination and hope for the women’s movement.
The three main categories were women’s magazines, men’s magazines, and magazines that appealed to the general interest. Döring and Pöschl (2006) found that 54.8% of pictures of women in the general interest magazines were depicted. Generally, magazines either advertised certain products using people, or have a page for certain celebrities. It was rare to read a magazine that does not have a picture of a woman in it. Pictures of women can be interpreted more thoroughly by not only judging the sexuality of the ladies, but the overall condition the women were
The final magazine I will be examining is Marie Claire. This is another publication aimed at a more mature audience, with a deeper focus on beauty through materialism. Like Complete Woman, it contains more explicit sexual detail and a more serious focus on relationships. Also, because of its abundance of advertisements of expensive cosmetics and clothing, we may assume that this magazine is class-specific to a wealthier consumer. Marie Claire’s cover stories include “What Your Style Says About You”, “How to Get Perfect Skin: 44 Products that Really Work”, “How Often Do You Have Sex?”, “Men: What They Don’t Want You To Do”, and “428 Fashion and Beauty Ideas”.
Cosmopolitan is the queen of women’s magazines. Her royal court also consists of Glamour, Red Book, Vogue, and other smaller magazines. These magazines demonstrate these beauty standards. Naomi Wolf researched on body image and found a
These roles for females represent what the advertisement industry believe buyers deem as the real world. As Goffman asked," What messages about women have been given to society through magazine
Magazines that are targeted toward adolescent girls focus on the importance of being viewed as sexy by men and focusing on the way your body looks. Studies have shown that adolescents who frequently read fashion magazines are two to three times more likely to diet based on the articles in the magazine.