
Media Comparison Of Glamour And Cosmopolitan

Better Essays

Nicole Calle
October 29, 2015
George Miller
Journalism and Society Media Comparison
Glamour and Cosmopolitan Glamour and Cosmopolitan magazine are both concentrated on lifestyle and beauty concepts for women. However, each of them display similar but different content in their articles and attract a very different type of reader. Their difference is also marked in the way their content is visually displayed and in the overall style of each magazine. Advertisement also plays a contrasting role between Glamour and Cosmo. Upon first glance, the visual of these two magazines is the first differentiating factor between them. The cover of both magazines contain the same font color and overall a similar look. Once we begin …show more content…

Cosmo contains an Ask him anything section in which women can get advice on men from a male perspective (Cosmopolitan, pg.210). Similarly, Glamour has a section named Jake: A Man’s Opinion, which contains male advice but not in a Q&A format (Glamour, pg.142). In terms of fashion, both magazines can give you the do’s and don’ts of the current fashion trends. Glamour contains a section titled Do’s and Don’ts while Cosmo has a Safe to Sexy section in which they describe the safe, sexy and wrong ways to utilize a clothing piece (Walker, pg. 37; Cosmopolitan, …show more content…

No excuses, no bull@#*%, no regrets” (Cosmopolitan, Mission par. 3). The magazine most definitely does this by including positive and educational articles for women and presenting them in an entertaining way for young women to read. Their overall youthful style allow them to attract the young audience they target and keep them intrigues with the entertaining sections they include. For example, sections like Confessions and The Cosmo Guy are usually what pull young women towards the magazine (Khidekel, pg. 66; Mosely, pg. 72). Sections like their Meet Cosmos Fearless 50 present young women with fun but inspirational women to look up to like actress Mindy Kaling and tennis player Serena Williams (Brounstein, Ohikuare, Kam, pg.166, 169). Therefore, I find that they accomplish the mission they set out to do, by inspiring and empowering young women in a fun and entertaining

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