
Media Coverage Of Mass Violence Analysis

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When news outlets document media in great detail, such as a shooting or a suicide, by the news and other media, according to the article “Media coverage of mass violence” page 1, “there is a two-week period following in which imitations become significantly more likely.” (1) This is called the contagion effect. To circumvent this, media reporters should follow guidelines, such as being more brief with their report, or omitting the person's information. News reporters are quick to jump onto bandwagons to report media, but in their efforts to get news out to viewers quickly and clearly, they may be unintentionally setting the stage for others to commit the same act. Many are influenced by something, whether it be a movie, song, or another person's actions. How do they get inspired by someone else’s actions though? The media. Their uncensored coverage of any and all news seems to be feeding off of itself by causing even more tragedies, which keeps the cycle going. What can be done about this death trend that news reporters unknowingly keep going? If reporters were urged to dilute or omit details from their reports, then ratings of suicides and shootings would potentially decrease. In the article “Reporters Must Adopt Guidelines for Mass Shootings to Prevent Copycat …show more content…

It has already been proven that the contagion effect exists, and can lead others to commit similar acts. It has also been proven that altering news reports to not include certain details is extremely effective in circumventing the contagion effect. And although at its core making reporters follow certain guidelines when making reports is an infringement on knowledge considered the people's right to hear, the amount of potential saved lives makes the argument obsolete. In the end, it is up to the reporters to take matters into their own hands to stop the contagion

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