
Media Influence On Body Image

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Through my research I have discovered also that teen’s social groups play a role on influencing body image. Some social experiments that have been conducted indicate that many think that media influences on body dissatisfaction are the secondary force of peer pressure and competition within teens. Through my own research, I have noticed that some argue that the tie between media exposure and peer pressure is inconsistent. Body satisfaction within teens is constantly being inspected. In a research study, Dr. Christopher J. Ferguson conducted an experiment at Texas A & M International University in which compared the effects of peers and the link between peers and media on teens’ body dissatisfaction. The procedure of this social experiment showing …show more content…

They also were also asked to assess their body weight and height, whether they suffered feelings of peer pressure in reaction to other girls and how much they used social media. The teenaged girls were then asked about how they felt about their physical structures, whether they had any eating disorder symptoms, and how they feel overall with themselves. Half a year later the initial research was repeated with the same girls. Researchers predicted that peer pressure and social media use combined, results in poor body dissatisfaction in young teens. In effect of their social experiment of peer pressure of body standards within young teens preformed, researchers stated that body standards in youth are influenced by such and social media sets a perceived standard body image bar. Quoted from Dr. Christopher J., “Our results suggest that only peer competition, not television or social media use, predict negative outcomes for body image. This suggests that peer pressure is a …show more content…

Psychologist Eleanor Mackey of the Children’s National Medical Centre performed a study in which carried out on eating habits of teenage girls and boys. Eleanor discovered through her study that over 5% of teenage males and females suffer from eating disorders. The unhealthy eating tendencies can further cause teens to suffer from bulimia, anorexia and sometimes even obesity. Some teens often suppress their emotions through food, using food to comfort them and binge eat. Within teenage girls, peer pressure is a high influencing factor overall. The constant desire to look ‘pretty and thin’ is increasing dramatically. Teenage girls are easily dragged into social pressure when they can identify that being ‘thin and pretty’ is ‘socially ideal’. Eleanor mentioned that “They would starve themselves, wear high heels despite the pain, change their hair, apply unnecessary makeup and in short; they will further do everything in any chance of looking like the ‘deemed popular look’”. This causes teenage girls the inability to appreciate their own body and creates themselves feeling uncomfortable with their personal body image. Teenage boys are also victims of social peer pressure influence, Boys are no different with their attitude when their insecurities of their body image are discussed. Teenage boys are

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