
Media Influence On Crime Shows

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Most people do not have any direct experience with crime. The way most people see crime is through the media and their use of crime shows. Crime shows have been around for many years. They have been used as a way for the media to show the people what life is like in the lives of cops and other criminal investigators. There are even crimes shows about different federal organizations. There are several shows from many points of view. Shows such as CSI, NCIS, Dexter, Law and Order, Sherlock, Making a Murder, and Cops are just a small portion of the shows that talk about crime. These shows influence the way regular people view police and government agents. It also influences the way people view the crime system and the death penalty. These shows …show more content…

It has been shown that “people’s opinion about crime and criminal justice is shaped by the indirect information obtained from the media” (Living). CSI was one of the first shows to display the forensics side of solving crimes. This was many peoples first look into what labs do and how they solve crimes and, unfortunately, it is not very accurate. In one article by Lisa A. Kort-Butler it was stated that, “the results [of the study] support the idea that program type matters when it comes to understanding people’s fear of crime and their attitudes about criminal justice,” showing that there is a correlation between what is shown on TV and what people believe (Kort-Butler 2011). This means that people become more fearful of crime or being a victim of crime if they watch crime shows. People also tend to lean in favor of the death penalty and find that the criminal justice department is less effective than people who do not watch crime shows. NCIS influences people’s view of government organizations and how they cooperate with one another. In the article “Crime Dramas Influence Societies View of Crime” it states, “those who watched crime dramas and viewed nonfiction crime shows had a greater fear of crime and supported the death penalty more” (Living). The article also stated how people who were more fearful were more likely to not believe in the …show more content…

This is an unrealistic representation of how crime solving actually happens. Crime shows are a dramatic representation of what actually happens. The viewer rarely sees all the paperwork and waiting that goes into solving a crime. However, there are still many crime shows that do their best to stay as true to life as possible. In many cases there is fraternization in the work place, which is highly frowned upon in real life. This can even be ground for dismissal depending on the positions held. These interactions are what make good drama so they are almost always there. Some of the unrealistic things that occur in crime shows include the length of time and ease at which DNA evidence is analyzed. It would be a far less interesting show if it took weeks for the characters to get the results. Crime shows rely on the ‘ah-ha’ moment to keep people invested. Another misconception is the quality of the labs. Since every Hollywood set has to be state of the art and have all the best equipment this is unrealistic of a real lab that has limited funds. The only organizations that actually have the kind of equipment seen on TV are the FBI and CIA. Yet another unrealistic expectation brought on by crime shows is that evidence can be matched easily. It is just another example of how the show wants to give that ‘ah-ha’ moment

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