
Media Test

Decent Essays

In category IV, agar plates were used containing differential and selective aspects to determine the unknown bacterium. The first media test was the EMB. EMB separates fecal coliforms that are produced through carbohydrates that are fermentable, such as sucrose and lactose. The different fecal coliforms represent the differential factor of this test, while the selective factor selects against gram positive organisms. Lactose fermenters appear purple, pink, blue, and black colonies, while non-lactose fermenters appear clear to light orange. This occurs because Eosin Y and methylene indicators react at low pH forming the purple precipitate. On the other hand, vigorous fermenters appear metallic green indicate either coliform production or lactose …show more content…

The selectivity for halophiles refers to a bacterium’s ability to grow in a salt environment. The media differentiated between mannitol fermenters and non-fermenters. The yellow agar meant that the bacterium was a fermenter, whereas no color change meant that the bacterium was not a fermenter. In Table 1, the test observed growth of colonies and a pink agar. The growth indicated that the bacterium represented a halophilic nature, while the pink agar indicated no fermentation of mannitol. Research discovered that E. coli had no growth of colonies and no change in media. Therefore, E. coli was ruled out. Also, B. megaterium and E. faecalis were discovered to have yellow medias from being able to ferment mannitol. However, in this lab, the unknown bacterium did not ferment mannitol. As a result, all the potential bacteria did not fit the expected results, so this test did not work. In the end, category IV tests did not represent helpful information that would help identify the unknown bacterium, since the bacterium indicated different observations compared to expected observations for eosin methylene blue agar and mannitol salts agar. A possible source of error of these two tests could have been that the bacterium was contaminated due to improper inoculation techniques, such as not using a loop that was completely

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