Ruben Gonzalez
Mrs. Buduson
English 12
Entertainment and Social Media and their effects
A nation like America is an example, of a country that has developed in terms of entertainment (Pearson 2). It is one of the countries that has got and has produced some of the greatest entertainers. The country is one of the leading producers of entertainment in the planet. In addition, it is one of the nations that there is a greater influence of entertainment on the younger generation. The effects of entertainment on the younger generation in America can be said to be both positive and negative. The influence is mostly on entertainment media such as television, radio, and the Internet. The influence on the upcoming generation
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This is based on what is seen on the newspapers, magazines, or television. The product is seemed to be the best and most people make decisions based on what the media is showing. This creates influence, as people tend to trust the media. The same applies to the younger generation that is exposed to this form of entertainment. The effect and influence on the upcoming generation makes them buy what they watch over the televisions. This is mostly influenced by what they consider being their celebrities’ favorites. The upcoming generation will buy what favorite celebrity has advertised and what they deem to be acceptable in the society. This is based on the fashion that the media has created and imposed on the minds. The influence of the entertainment industry has had an effect on the youth’s obesity and anorexia nature. Many upcoming generations in the country are fighting obesity. This is happening, while, they are exposed to most advertisements that carry junk food advertisements. The advertisements are there, yet, they give ideal images of successful people as wealthy and thin. The women are the ones who are mostly affected with this type of influence. They are so obsessed with loosing even in cases which they are not declared as obese. Many women are thin in the society as they want to resemble and look like the thin celebrities, and super models that they see in the images, in the entertainment industry. The women, are,
History has changed. Ideas and standards have also changed. Back in the day, when the media or movies showed a hint or a dash of blood, the reaction of the average person was shock and disgust at the blood and gore shown. These scenes and clips shown have become more and more extreme over the years to the level of being hazardous to society. Even in the videogame industry, certain scenes that may have caused outrage and commotion fifteen years ago are now seen as childish and may even be considered as humorous. To put it candidly, most of the mass media has been used widely to its ability to influence and persuade, to glorify, and diabolize thoughts and actions of individuals. Yet people of this generation still spend a great percentage of
Televised news has the ability to influence the lives of the human population. News broadcasts have an impact on communities in a way other media outlets have been unable to accomplish. Major events have been captured by television, which affects individuals, and multiple aspects of society.
The second theoretical perspective to be examined is Symbolic Interactionism. This American-based perspective states that society and social structures are creations of interacting people and can therefore be changed (Ravelli & Webber, 2010, p. 56). Here, again, lie fundamental properties the symbolic interactionist would assume. Firstly, society is in constant evolution. This is a crucial point to make when studying the effects of media on young people and their unyielding need to be ‘cool’ because ‘cool’ is constantly evolving and changing. One must understand this to understand that meeting the objective of selling ‘cool’, requires constant examination of the product’s perception to it’s targeted demographic. Symbolic interactionists would argue that people in a society
The correlation between the use of social media and the stigma around the “hookup” culture among young adults will be exlplored in this study. Participants will range from ages sixteen to twenty one and half will be engaged in social media and the other half will not. Since previous research studies have shown that the stigma around the “hookup” culture has evolved, this study will examine whether or not social media is a contributing factor to its evolution. The results will offer information for young adults , teachers and parents that can be used to help understand and educate generations to come. If the hypothesis is supported, there will be a better
The term bias is relevant by critics in news outlets because people wonder why the shooting of 17 year old teenager airs by the means of showing a picture of the victim at age twelve. Bias occurs from these types of actions. This type of action carries into political markets by looking at the way major media outlets can be measured by their types of broadcasts. Some may be more liberal and others conservative. More specifically, the leading liberal outlets are Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and CBS evening news; the leading conservatives are Washington Times, Fox’s News special report, and ABC good morning America (Dubner). From a peoples perspective if they want to find a media outlet agreeing with their favorite political personality like President Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton they can look into the more liberal outlets; as for republicans they seek out conservative outlets (Dubner). News bias is prevalent in organizations with the use of dramatic and personalized aspects of events by focusing on individual actors (Bennett 42). In my opinion mainstream media has become bias to agree with the narrative that is more attractive to the audience or headlines that divides the two major political parties.
Social media publicizes a substantial amount of messages about identity and acceptable ways to express gender, sexuality and ones lifestyle, but at the same time, the viewers have their own differing feelings about the issues. The media may suggest certain feelings and actions, but the audiences feelings can never overpower self-expression completely. The media portrays certain things because it is what is being accepted. Neither parties, these being the media and its audience, have full power over their actions. Both go hand-in-hand to influence each other at times allowing media to take over actions, while the audience has its own feelings about actions to either agree or disagree with the media. Gender and sex are two different things that people tend to confuse when describing people, but both can easily be cleared up, along with talking about how people influence media and media influences people. Television, movies, and toys are not just to blame on media making them the way they are today. The societal influencing that inspired these may have turned into an exaggerated form, but the overall concepts came from society and would not continue to be around if the consumer did not accept these feelings, issues and lifestyles.
Media and its content have become an important part of our society. As traditional family bonds seem to be disappearing, more and more young children are relying on media to get the information they need on how to act as adults and function in society. However, most media is not created in order to instruct young children. On the contrary most of the media that adolescents are exposed to are created for adults who have the capabilities to recognize what is appropriate and moral. 64% of all shows on TV have sexual content, (Collins, Elliot, Berry, Kanouse, Kunel, Hunter, Miu) many of the shows on prime time (after nine pm) have intense sexual messages that are not meant to be seen by younger viewers. However, lack of parental presence,
Being able to understand all sides of the story is very important when trying to pick a side. Today, news broadcasters are notorious for providing everyone with bias news. There are six main news sources which are called the Power House Networks; Fox news, ABC News, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC, but unfortunately each one pushes a different political view. A good example is a current event about the health care plan by which each powerhouse network pushes their political view. News viewers tend to be oblivious when it comes to bias in the media because they would rather hear what they believe is right. There are many ways to find truth in journalism that everyone needs to be aware of for example, going to more than one source and conducting a
In the course of the most recent couple of decades, the media scene has changed drastically. The most essential change is from an old media model of television to another media model of narrowcasting. TV alludes to media speaking to the overall population and is exemplified by system TV, radio, and daily papers. Narrowcasting, made conceivable by television networks, Internet, and satellite radio, is focused to particular gatherings of people.
The effect that the media has on people’s lives has its pros and cons. For instance, if one wanted to spread a message the media is a good source of advertisement and a quick way to get the word out. But if one wanted to keep something they were doing a secret, the media would negatively affect them because it could imply the wrong messages and then ruin one’s reputation. The media has a very creative way of portraying scandals and catching people while they are in the act. The media rarely focuses on an individual being joyous and successful but more so on one’s failures and mistakes. With the current more somber and "responsible" approach often comes a bowdlerized view of the candidates and the politics surrounding them. The media, in its desire to avoid unsubstantiated political allegations, can easily find itself instead providing unsubstantiated exonerations (
In today’s culture, it’s hard not to come across some form of media, whether that is an advertisement on a roadway, a commercial on the television, or even an ad on the portable games you play on your phone. The average 8-18-year-old experiences about 7.5 hours of some form of media a day. [1] Out of the 24 hours in a day over a quarter of it is spent looking at or listening to advertisements for products, the news, video games, television, movies, music, books, and the internet. A common way to make a product, character, etc. is to make them or something associated with it look appealing. For beauty products, this is done with models with unhealthy or unrealistic images. [2] When did this idea start? And why would a model or actor go out of their way to obtain an an image that could potentially kill them? How can we help those who’ve been affected by these false images?
Throughout history, we have seen the wrongdoings of western societies and the resulting influence of their actions in several different countries across the globe. Their actions have led to prejudice and manipulation of the present history. Numerous people do not comprehend that the actions taken in the past from these western countries are the reasons for the chaos and turmoil in societies such as those in the Arabic culture. Misconceptions about Arabic people and their beliefs have originated due to past policies that were implemented upon them, the media perception, and lack of cultural knowledge. The media has popularized several negative attributions and encouraged the spread of animosity toward Arabs worldwide. Preconceived stereotypical ideas of Arabic cultures can be attributed to the misunderstandings of the Islam religion and the impact of colonization.
These days, sexism in the media is one of the top issues confronting women in Canada. Female political candidates often experience a toxic environment that can adversely affect their campaigns. The constantly changing media scene regularly permits harmful remarks to exist without responsibility. The under-representation of women in media is an all-inclusive wonder. Despite the fact that there have been improvements, women still fall behind men in numerical representation in government. The sexual orientation depiction studies have recorded that the media have been careless in reacting to sex equalization. Women are either overlooked totally or are lessened to imperceptible status through under-representation in innovative and basic
In the modern era, the influence of the media has seeped into every portion of individual lives. The media has consistently broadcasted strongly patriarchal messages, which work to degrade women. This idea can be seen in the need of a news broadcaster to point out the fact that a doctor, lawyer, or any person in a position of power is female. Sexism, as a system of privilege, is so deeply rooted in our society that young girls cannot avoid its messages. The affects of these messages are starkly negative and directly correlate with educational gender gaps. The media overly and wrongly sexualizes women causing harsh negative mental consequences and educational deficits, which can only be rectified by abolishing single sex classrooms and teaching girls how to interact effectively with the media.
Most of us watch television or listen to the radio on our commute in order to be up to date with the surrounding events. We depend on those sources of mass media to relay relevant and reliable information in order for us to understand pressing issues and formulate our opinions pertaining to the best approach in dealing with those issues. But what if the information relayed to us is biased and skewed or worse yet if those sources of information divert attention away from pressing matters and place the individuals in an oblivious state.