I would like to thank you and your staff, Cheryl and Nicole for the opportunity to interview for the position of Medical Billing Processor yesterday. It was very exciting to be able to meet your team. After I enjoyed meeting with you and learning more about the position, the job seems to be a great match for my skills and background. The interview reinforced my interest in becoming a part of the team of Workers’ Compensation. Should you need additional information, I can be reached at . Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards,
The process for medical billing involves a health care provider submitting, and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered; such as treatments and investigations. Once the procedure and diagnosis codes are determined, the medical biller will transmit the claim to the insurance company. Most physicians have medical directors that review claims for patient eligibility. Physician reimbursement and the coding to support it are critically important to the sustained health of any physicians practice. Under the contract provisions the physicians are responsible for rendering the services to the patients. In the billing process physicians need to know how services are rendered.
I am interested in this position because my future goal is to become an executive human resource professional. This position may be the first step in that direction. Moreover, I have performed
Yes it very important to have employees who are trained in the medical billing and coding because without the proper training it can lead to many errors in billing and coding and it’s our responsibility in the medical billing and coding to have the proper coding. You are so right when it comes to Medicare because they do watch their claims very close. So it’s employees duty in making sure that all documentation and Dx and coding is up to date so that there are no errors in order to get paid.
I have Interview 3 separate individuals representing three generations my parents, my mother in-law, and my husband.
For my interview I contacted a general practitioner at Kaiser Permanente in hopes of not only learning about the traditional treatments and information, but also for data and prevention facts on Alzheimer's to further understand Kaiser’s methods and the impact it tends to have. I wanted to use this interview as a method to gain insight on my developed questions, as well as a basis for my further development.
After this interview, my perspective on patient care has changed. In the future, I will work to increase patient autonomy. Although the patient was a minor, his voice should still be heard when deciding a care plan. As an OT, I will work on creating a role for the patient on their own care team. In the future, I can accomplish this by holding frequent team meetings with the patient and caregivers
For my health care interview assignment I chose to interview Mayra Cruz, Certified Nurses Assistant. She works at Cuidado Casero Home Health and Hospice at 1617 E. Missouri Ave, El Paso, Texas. In my interview with her she described her job duties, her patients and how she interacts with others in her environment. In addition, she identified the length of time she has been in her current position, her career path that has led her to this position as well as her experience in the health care industry. Her education and what requirements were necessary for her certification. She also wonders if the education she received proper and
My career that I am researching for my junior project is Medical Coding and Billing. Medical Coding and Billing are two different jobs. Medical Coding is when a patient has any medical procedure or exam such as going to the doctor for the stomach virus or even going to the hospital for a broken bone. They work with the insurance companies by putting a specific number into the computer. There’s CPT Codes which stands for Current Procedural Terminology which is “ Codes to better understand the services their doctor provided, to double check their bills or negotiate lower pricing for their healthcare services. (About Health, 2014).”
The Licensed Practical Nurse said that the education that she obtained prepared her for the various facets of her job. It was more helpful in some aspects of my job than it is in others jobs. With the shortage of medical doctors, the LPN and the nurse are playing a larger role in patient care. Because demand for LPN's is strong and growing, you often have your choice of full-time jobs. LPN positions are available in hospitals, nursing homes, doctors' offices, and home health care. The annual salary of a LPN can reach $45,000 plus benefits, depending on your responsibilities. You can choose your work
Thank you once again for considering me as one among the good candidates for the Transitional Year Residency Program at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center. I am very happy and excited to hear about the good remarks and feedbacks about me. It would be also a great honor if I could spend the coming years with you all amazing
Is a born team player equipped with matchless ability to establish positive and lasting relationships with people of diverse backgrounds?
Misty Urban has been a friend of my parents for a very long time, so when I found out I needed to interview a healthcare professional I knew exactly who to go to. Misty is currently employed at ViaQuest Home Health and Hospice. Getting to where she is now was not easy, in fact she said “While I took pre-requisites for nursing, which took seven LONG years, because I took one class at a time until I had to go full-time for my RN.” While taking her pre-requisite courses she was also working at the Somerset Dialysis Center and worked there for almost 9 years. Before that Misty held jobs at Somerset Ambulance for 11 years, and also at the Somerset Hospital Emergency Department as a Registrar/technician. Misty told me that she was a candy-stripper at the Somerset Hospital when she was thirteen years old and that is what made her love the medical field. Then when she turned sixteen she took classes at the Somerset Vo-Tech to become an Emergency Medical Technician. “At 16, I was also a fireman too. I became the first female in the Somerset Fire Department and the first to obtain my firefighter 1 status” Misty said. When Misty received her nursing degree she went on a medical mission trip to Paraguay. When she returned home from her trip she start to work at The McGinley house, a home for intellectually disabled adults. Within the next could of weeks she will begin her training in hospice with ViaQuest. “I love the medical field, I 've been
We appreciate your interest at working here at ACME Products and have received some strong feedback from your recent job interview. We interview hundreds of people here at ACME and only a select few can meet the rigid standards here at the company. I learned much from our discussion and thank you for your time.
We want to sincerely THANK YOU for all the wonderful, professional and effective way you administered the tests yesterday. The day felt smooth and stress free.
Medical field is one of the biggest fields. When I mention the word medical, the first thing come up to your mind are doctors or nurses. Some people that never work in a medical office, they don't know there are much more position in medical file you could work at, like medical assistant, technician medical coder or biller. Someone like me, don't like to deal with patient. Medical biller and coder is a good opportunity for me to work at. But what are medical biller and coder?