
Medical Intelligence: Challenges Facing Public Health

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Challenges Facing Public Health
The role of the public health is to detect a disease for preventing a disease, and the complexity of the public health is not able to detect a disease for not preventing a disease. The important element of public health is to provide adequate, timely medical intervention for tracking, monitoring, and controlling disease outbreak. However, the challenge is that medical intelligence that allows common and expected diseases or infectious agent at endemic level that usually present in a community to be disregarded to focus on deadly diseases or infectious agent at epidemic level for outbreak of biochemical agent that have the potential to cause mass harm internationally for the medical intelligence.
What is Medical …show more content…

Bowsher et al., (2016) described medical intelligence as a "distinct field for global health agenda for the adopting of the public health program for action" (p.269) to illustrate Medical Intelligence.:
Is the initiative towards a global health security program to gathers the step to highlight the plan in which the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the killing of Osama Bin Laden by the US intelligence services to gauge Medical Intelligence for the role it can play in global health security as a form of health deliverance that aligned with definition of global health for World Health Organization. (Bowsher, 2016, …show more content…

Also, the challenge include how to implementing surveillance training into the public health education. Furthermore, surveillance will hinder the ability to interact to collect health information because is an observation of event from a distance and surveillance is system of military or the government for intelligence gathering which is the of the public health for intelligence to intervene for preventing any type of diseases at home or abroad
Although public health to intervene to prevent has involve including information technology of social medial and the internet. According to Brownstein, (2009), having "the digital disease detection for harnessing the web for public health surveillance" is the Health Information Technology

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