I would sit down with the student in my office to first talk about him smoking marijuana. Ask him his age to verify if he is twenty one years old or younger since that would put him in a higher risk for mental illness. How much does he smoke, how often, and by what method? Is he experiencing any auditory or visual hallucinations? It has been shown that the greater the frequency of marijuana use, the higher the risk of mental illness, specifically schizophrenia and psychosis. Than I would continue with an assessment of him and his family history, to verify if there was ever any evidence of family mental health issues. This would be important since 80 percent of marijuana users may be predisposed to paranoid psychosis and schizophrenia due to
According to the United Nations, “158.8 million people around the world use marijuana—more than 3.8% of the planet’s population” (Marijuana). Marijuana has become a crucial topic throughout the world in recent years. Marijuana has been legalized medically throughout many countries, such as Australia, Chile, Spain, and Uruguay. Within the United States of America, twenty-eight states have legalized marijuana for medicinal use, the most recent legalization passed was in the state of Florida. Therefore, one can assert that medical marijuana is a controversial topic locally and globally. Medical marijuana portrays many advantages and disadvantages within society. Medical marijuana portrays many benefits to victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
February 26 2016, Vancouver: Federal Court Judge Michael Phelan has ruled against the “arbitrary and overboard” legislation introduced by the former Conservative government that stopped patients from cultivating their own medical marijuana in Canada.
Question #2: Are individuals given “prescriptions” for medical marijuana? If not, what do they get and how does the process work?
Medical marijuana has been one of the most controversial topics in politics for years regardings its legalization and any possible benefits. Marijuana is commonly referred to as the “gateway drug” and has been thought to be what causes the downfall of our youth in today’s society. This has caused Marijuana to earn a bad reputation due to the immense surrounding propaganda and bias opinions. Cannabis is the scientific name of the plant which is absolutely natural and free of chemicals, but the psychoactive components in the plant has been proven to be of medical use. If medical marijuana is prescribed correctly it has the potential to help thousands of patients due to the variety of benefits it can medically provide. Medical Marijuana should
One of the company’s biggest strengths will be the owners experience in commercial crop production in a greenhouse environment. Most medical cannabis operations are performed in a warehouse environment whereas Go Green Medical will stand apart from this norm. The best option for cannabis growth is the greenhouse environment and the use of natural sunlight. The benefits of natural sunlight simply cannot be reproduced. Plants grown from natural light produce higher yields, healthier plants, and more complex cannabinoid chemical matrices. All of these benefits can also be realized while reducing the cost of electric and other problems associated with a warehouse setting.
On December 29th the city manager of Adelanto approved 25 medical Marijuana cultivation facility applications Adelanto City Officials said. This number came as a shock to Adelanto residents who believed that there were would be 6-8 facilities based on what the city implied at a November city hall meeting. The numbers were never set and in the end were left somewhat open-ended by saying that the final numbers would determined by what city zoning would permit.
Federal government has the power to control all the state local activities including the purely local that can have substantial effect on the interstate commerce. In the case of growing marijuana plant at home for personal consumption being for medical use, the federal government banning that marijuana sounds not right at first glance. The marijuana plants are grown within a state and the grower cultivates the plant for personal use and the situation sounds like no interstate commercial activities are involved or affected.
Physician Becker and Tetrault published article on Mayo Clinic Proceedings in (2016) discussed the risk factors of medical marijuana in combination with opioids. After legalization of medical marijuana, long-term user of opioid for chronic pain are frequently combining marijuana in their treatment, which putting patient in a risk of over dosing. The issue is that FDA does not approve marijuana as a medicine, whereas states legalizing it use. Therefore, physicians cannot prescribe marijuana but only recommend. Therefore, multiple providers are in the case for the patient who is using marijuana and opioids. The issues that are faced by the providers; no standard dose for medical marijuana, the unknown risk and benefit of combination use of opioids
For years there has been a controversy over the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is a drug made from the top of hemp plant. In the united state, it it classified as a narcotic drug that has been illegal. Since 1937.Unlike most narcotics through, It does not cause physical dependency or addiction. Intoxication may cause sedation, plesent tranquility, mood changes, and altered sense of time space, and body dimensions. Such effects are desired by many and condemned by others. The debate on legalizing marijuana for medical use is not just a simple pro/con debate. It is very complex issue that has many different approaches to it and in each of the approaches there are difference of opinion.
On April 16, 2015, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed a bill into law that legalized the use of medical marijuana, also known as HB1 or “Haleigh’s Hope Act”. This act allows families in need to legally possess certain oils, low in THC. Georgia is only one of numerous states have passed legislation legalizing marijuana in some form. State representative Allen Peake spearheaded the legislation that allowed for passage in Georgia. For years, local organizations have pushed for the passage of legislation that will allow families to legally obtain medical marijuana for their children and beyond. A need for legislation was recognized and research was conducted to determine the best route for Georgia
Marijuana is a herb, also known as cannabis sativa. It is a hemp plant that refers to plant leaves and flowers. Cannabis is used for many things, mainly as a painkiller. It is also known as a relaxtion drug that gives a calm feeling to those who use it. Marijuana also has various other names, such as pot, weed and grass.
Per the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, since the legalization of marijuana, in 2014 a published report revealed that there has been increase in poison center calls, emergency room visits and the hospitalization of patients, in addition, the rates of ER visits have increased among children due to the exposer and accessibility of marijuana. Furthermore, Colorado hospitals have reported an increase in babies born with THC in their system. By the same token, research over the years has proven that marijuana use affects a person’s cognitive function, and memory, as well as, producing mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression and psychotic symptoms. With regards to this, the website for the National Institute on Drug Abuse states that “a person who carries a specific variant of the AKT1 gene, which codes for an enzyme that affects dopamine signaling in the striatum, are at an increased risk of developing psychosis (schizophrenia)”. As a matter of fact, I’m sad to say, that my best friend of forty years, began using marijuana at the age of 13, along with the combination of harder illicit drugs, and by the time she was thirty, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Moreover, marijuana has increased respiratory complications among its users, due to the same cacogenics found in tobacco. With all this in mind, the health care
Interest in medical cannabis has been increasing for decades now. More and more research shows the variety of ways medical marijuana can be incorporated into effective treatments for people with a range of different conditions. New studies explore the effects of cannabis use on people with other conditions as well.
Media outlets throughout the state are covering various efforts to convince Ohioans to vote for an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution to legalize marijuana in Ohio. The best publicized and financed of these efforts is by the cleverly named “ResponsibleOhio.” ResponsibleOhio has been touting a 13-page proposed Amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would legalize possession, use and sale of medical and recreational marijuana in Ohio. ResponsibleOhio almost certainly will have sufficient signatures of registered voters to place its proposed Amendment on the November 3, 2015 ballot.
Another potential challenge is a new law. California just passed a proposition that makes marijuana legal and allows people to grow it in their backyard for recreational purposes. There are people who are worried about how this might affect our area since it is known for pot and is a good source of our economy. Those people think it might cause hardship for people and business that relied on it and make more people homeless as a result.