
Medical Model Vs Interaction Model

Satisfactory Essays

What do you see as the main differences between the medical model and the interactional model in professional social work practice?

There several difference differences between the medical model and the interaction model. One main difference is that there are more treatment option with the interaction model that the medical model. This is only because the medical model is linear (Shulman, 2012, p. 7). The medical model order is studying, diagnosing, treating and evaluating. The interaction model has different way of approach unlike the medical model.

Discuss your thoughts on the therapeutic alliance. Why or why isn't it important in professional practice?

I think that the therapeutic alliance is very important in a professional practice. Having a close bond with the client will allow the client to become comfortable with the setting and possible provide more information to the social worker. The more information the social workers have the better treatment that they can provide. Having a better bond will help with building the rapport reports as well as assisting the social worker in understanding the clients point of view and areas they need help. …show more content…

The text means that we should integrate our personal and profession selves together to provide better service to the client. I agree with the statement, as social workers we are taught to connect with the client on their level. If we approach a person in a professional manner the client may neglect to tell the social workers some details or even feel uncomfortable. In we integrate our professional selves and personal selves we will be a better service to the client because we would be able to connect with the client better. Which can be related to therapeutic alliance.

Why do social workers need to be aware of oppression psychology for professional

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