
Medical Sonography Career Path

Decent Essays

The career path that I am choosing to follow is Diagnostic Medical Sonography. This career involves the use of frequency waves to view tissues; organs and blood flow inside of the body. My main career goals involve getting into the program, then getting a solid career in this profession. From there I plan on growing and getting even more education if it is offered, as well as branching out into other fields of Songraphy.
Sonography is considered fairly new to the medical world. It started back in the 19th century when people were becoming curious of what the inside of the body looked like. Soon after, the x-ray was invented. Then the French government had a man named Paul Langevine invent an object to detect enemy submarines during war. …show more content…

One reason is because it is in the health care profession. I love helping people and I love the one on one interaction with others of different walks of life. I also love that my profession deals with technology on an everyday basis. Computers, along with transducers are used to produce sound waves, which are then used to produce images on the computer screen. Being able to use a computer effectively is an essential part of this profession, being that they are used every single day in this field. Technology is constantly improving and evolving, which means that I will never get complacent with my career. There are also many branches the Sonography field. Some include: Abdomen, Breast, Fetal Echocardiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurosonology, and Pediatric Sonography. These different branches will help me to explore my options in the sonography field and become a better DMS. Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a profession that is constantly growing. There has been a big increase in the number of sonographers over the years, and this is because there is a greater demand for sonographers now, then there were years ago (Waters). According to the Board of Labor Statistics, the demand of sonographers is 39%, which is an all time high. Currently there are 50-280 employed sonographers in South Carolina. Hopefully, over the next couple of years this number will …show more content…

Phase I is the general education course that consists of nine classes SITE. I think my biggest obstacles will be in this phase. This phase includes my biology classes, which means there is a lot of memorization required for different bones, tissues, and organs in the body. These classes can be taken at my own pace and the grades that I receive in these classes will determine if I get into phase II or not. Because the program at Greenville Tech only accepts 15 students, it is imperative that I perform to the best of my abilities in every one of my classes. Greenville Tech is also one of the few accredited programs in South Carolina, which makes it even more harder to be come a Sonographer. I must also have to attend a career talk to get into the program, which basically talks about a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and informs students on what to expect going into the program. Phase II of course, is the actual program for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. It is a year long clinical and class environment where I will learn hands on how to be a Diagnostic Medial Sonographer. Altogether, becoming a sonographer could take from 2-4 years depending on the amounts of classes taken each semester, as well as the program itself. Before officially becoming a sonographer in South Carolina, I will have to take a test. It is called the Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation Examination, as well

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