Medications and psychological counseling (psychotherapy) are very effective for most people with depression. Your primary care doctor or psychiatrist can prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. However, many people with depression also benefit from seeing a psychologist or other mental health professional. If you have severe depression, you may need a hospital stay, or you may need to participate in an outpatient treatment program until your symptoms improve. Many types of antidepressant medications are available, including those below. Discuss possible major side effects with your doctor or pharmacist. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Doctors often start by prescribing an SSRI. These medications
The client is referral to a particular medical professional depending on the clients need. Determining the most
Your GP can refer you to a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist to help you understand and cope with psychological symptoms.
In my opinion, psychopharmacological intervention in counseling can be a plus or a minus depending on the situation of the clients as stated; I say this due medication can be addictive and drug seeker can use their mental health issue as an enabler (Preston, et., al., 2017). The counselor needs to understand their role as a counselor and not step out of boundaries when working with clients being a good listener and doing a client assessment will help give a big picture of a client’s mental and physical state. According to American Counselor Association code of Ethics (ACA, 2014), Section E.5.a. Diagnosis of Mental Disorder Counselors takes special care to provide proper diagnosis of mental disorders. Assessment techniques (including personal interviews) used to determine clients care (e.g., the locus of treatment, type of treatment, recommended
Amanda Bynes, an American actress, was diagnosed with both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in 2013. Treatment of these disorders can be approached in medical, biological and psychological ways, including the use of family therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. However, a popular method of treating many mental disorders is antipsychotics or antipsychotic drugs.
The way you can treat PTSD is maybe talking to a doctor but it really depends on what doctor you are going to talk to. The doctor you really need to talk to for this situation is a Psychiatrist. You can talk to them about your problems and for this case it is a good idea to talk to them. People with PTSD need to know that it can be treated and it doesn't have to be with a Psychiatrist it can be with family or friends. This may not be the answer to curing your disease sometimes it is up to yourself to do these things you may want to cure it with your own space your own time but you will want to have space to others at times because a side effect of this is anger or hatred. There is about four therapies that can help PTSD and other
So you figured out that you are not getting the shakes from too much coffee, but rather reactive hypoglycemia. Largely misunderstood by the medical community, hypoglycemia in the absence of being medication induced, can be difficult to control and requires extreme dedication to a controlled diet. Misinformation regarding how to control this condition is rampant online and even from primary care physicians. It is a rare condition that is not given much attention in medical school, other than in reference to induced hypoglycemic reactions in diabetics. It is not completely clear, but it is thought that a person with reactive hypoglycemia creates too much insulin in response to carbohydrates that are converted to glucose in the body.
The debate in regards to granting psychotherapists prescription privileges, has been argued for quite some time now. This paper will explore the idea whether psychotherapists should be allowed to prescribe medication in America. Through supporting evidence and research, this paper aids the idea that psychotherapists should not be allowed to prescribe medication. Based on three main areas of focus, I support my argument by showing how the lack of experience and knowledge pertaining to medicine, deems psychotherapist unsuitable to prescribe medication. It takes four years of medical school, not to mention experience in clinical practice, to fully master the skill and knowledge required to prescribe medication. The paper will discuss in depth
The common denominator in the treatment of all of these conditions is antidepressant medications. The first classification of drugs that doctors usually use are SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. The way they work is not completely known, but it is thought that they limit the reabsorption of serotonin into the presynaptic cell which increases the extracellular level of the serotonin. They are used for symptoms of moderate to severe depression, but are shown to be more effective in more severe cases. They are also known to have fewer side effects than other classifications of antidepressants. The list includes fatigue, dry mouth,
Given what I know about the client, I think it is best to treat his symptoms of depression and anxiety before anything else. I say this because historically throughout his life, he has resorted to drinking as a way of coping with his depression and anxiety. I think this client would best benefit from outpatient therapy with a long term treatment plan.
Human service professional is required to help everyone in-need and to be able to advocate their clients (no matter what races, sexuality, mental illness etc.). From the beginning, I would review the psychiatric evaluation to find out the basis problems that my client has. I would look for the recommendation of the psychiatrist. The convergence of these factors would help me construct the right treatment plan for my client. A treatment that me and the psychiatrist would agree on to ensure it is for the best. As well, to ensure it fits to the financial line of the family and that they feel the plan will do justice for the client. The treatment is crucial for the client to improve its mentality and to create progress which is why it should be treated carefully.
Numerous depression treatments are available. Medications and psychological counseling (psychotherapy) are very effective for most people. In some cases, a primary care doctor can prescribe medications to relieve depression symptoms. However, many people need to see a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions (psychiatrist). Many people with depression also benefit from seeing a psychologist or
The research critically analyses the desired effects of the depression and the antidepressants available for the depressions. Depression symptoms are commonly seen among people of various ages. There are some of the antidepressants that are initially recommended for overcoming the issues of depression. Some of the well-known methods have been used by many of the known researchers regarding the topic of depression. Proper evaluation of the research methodology about depressions will help in the better understanding of the mental state of the people suffering from the diseases of depression. The evaluation of the two of the research papers mentioned above highlights the fact that research between a certain numbers of the people will help to evaluate
The shutdown of state mental hospitals and lack of available financial and institutional resources force mentally ill people to the United States Judicial System for mental health. Every year thousands of people are arrested for various crimes and they are sent to jail. Sixteen percent of these people have some type of mental health problem (Public Broadcasting System , 2001). When we consider that the United States has the largest incarcerated population in the world at 2.2 million, this number is staggering (Anasseril E. Daniel, 2007). This is about 1% of the entire population of the United States. There are many reasons as to why the situation has taken such a bad turn and when the history of the treatment of mental illness is examined one can see how the situation developed into the inhumane disaster it is today.
These professionals include a psychiatrist, a family physician, a medical specialist, a psychologist or a nurse.” (Canadian Medical Association,
Imagine that your best friend in the entire world had been seeming dejected or sad. He/she doesn’t seem to want to come out of the house, hang out, or anything that they used to like, they don’t like anymore. These are two of many signs that they are dealing with depression. Should depression continue to be treated with medication and therapy, or should depression not be treated with medication and therapy? Depression should be treated with medication and therapy for the following reasons, medication can balance out their serotonin levels and help them feel more relaxed, talk therapy can help them to open up and possibly find the good from every situation, as well as medication and therapy can help “cure” the depressive symptoms.