
Medieval Kings Compare And Contrast

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The comparison and contrast of medieval kings demonstrates how they evolved and struggled as the kings of this time period. It starts off with the destruction of Rome. Due to factors such as famine, economics, barbarians attacks, and the Black Death, Rome was destroyed. Rome became the perfect ideal of the time. The kings throughout the middle ages would try to recreate Rome, but they never got back to the perfect city they imagined it to be. That being said, most of the kings learned from the kings prior to them and advanced towards a society that was more like Rome. Religion was a huge contrast point between kings of this time. For example, Charlemagne reformed religion in his society during his kingship. It was stated that, “He(Charlemagne) cherished with the greatest fervor and devotion the principles of the Christian religion, which had been instilled into him from infancy” (Geary, 276). Religion was an important aspect of Charlemagne's life. He realized that French and Latin were not the same, and the Bible they were reading was not the same as the Latin version. In fear that they were practicing Christianity wrong, he brought in monks to correct the bibles and teach people how to …show more content…

This was a huge change from prior kings and the churches. Previously, only those in power and monks could read and write. This provided leverage over society. The king could twist what the Bible said or even change the passages completely in order to get people to listen or convert to Christianity. The public being able to read the Bible meant that the Bible and God could no longer be used a threat to rule people. When no one was able to read, they did not know what the Bible said and had to believe the king. People were threatened of not being able to go to Heaven if they did something that “God said was wrong”. Charlemagne also appointed the Pope and was very humble about his

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