Medieval Report Everything in Medieval times everything was based on the Feudal System or the social class. It determined your rank, power, wealth, and freedom. Things that were based on the system included even falconry, architecture, knighthood. But the plague did not care what class you were, it would kill anyone. The plague was a ruthless, quickly spread, and killed thousands maybe millions. It came in three forms; bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic. The symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, which can be as large as chicken eggs, in the groin, armpit, or neck. They may be tender and warm. Others include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. It could come from contaminated water, and was also carried by fleas that were on rats, dogs, and cats. For this reason the King killed all dogs and cats to try to get …show more content…
Before they could wield swords and fight battles they must start their training early in boyhood. First starting to care for horses and play the harp. Next they became a Paige. They learn archery skills and improve on other skills. Then a Squire who finally practice sword play and improve on horse riding. Last after being dubbed a knight by their king or queen they become a knight. They can now lead armies into battle and joust for the king, queen, lords, ladies, and rich nobles. They had many weapons including a battle ax, a lance, a crossbow, a longbow, a shield a sword and many more interesting weapons. There were also many pieces that made up their armor, but the biggest thing was chain mail. It was a brilliant invention that stopped warriors from getting stabbed but they could still feel the momentum of the blow. A few knights belonged to the king, but mostly the knights and armies belonged to the lords and ladies. Once they find out the king is out numbered by thousands they decide to rebuttal throwing the whole feudal system
But the middle ages was a real time period. Feudalism was a major influence in the middle ages that affected Europeans social, political and economic lives. Feudalism is the relationship between the kings, nobles, knights and serfs. A knight would fight and protect for the Lord, and then the Lord would give them land in return (OI). The same thing would happen with knights and serfs.
When the plague first infected a person, it began with swellings in the groin and armpit (Document 2). Some of the swellings could be the size of an apple or an egg (ibid.)! After the first swellings appeared, the whole body would soon be covered in dark and bluish grey spots (ibid.). Soon after these spots covered the body, death would be upon the infected person within days (ibid.). Many doctors tried to cure people of these symptoms, but many failed (ibid.) This was because of the nature of the illness or the ignorance of the doctors’ (ibid.). The doctors didn’t know enough about the disease to be able to effectively treat their patients’
In Medieval Europe there was feudalism and the groups of the people. The first group was the king, who powered over everyone. Second ones are the nobles , who were people that were very special because the king gave them land. The second to last were the knights, who fought all the time to protect everyone. Finally, the serfs were the people who cleaned and cropped food. Historians consider the breakout of the bubonic plague a watershed moment in history because a lot of people died and the peasants gained a lot of money after the plague.
The Plague is a bacterial infection, that is carried by fleas that are found on rats. Symptoms of the Plague include heat, swelling in the nearest lymph nodes, lymph nodes are located within the neck, groin, or armpit, that creates buboes which can grow to abnormal sizes. Other symptoms include, headache, fever, delirium, and in rare cases form a lung infection. Before treatment was created, the plague would normally kill a person in 2-6 days. Though in rare cases, the plague had been known to be able to kill a person within hours before buboes could even form.
Why was the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) so Devastating to European Society? The Bubonic Plague, otherwise known as the Black Death, was a huge epidemic in the mid-1300s. It killed off about 20 million Europeans within 1348 and 1351and was thought to originate from China and move westwards through means of infected fleas and rats through shipping and trade (Document 1).
The great plague came in three different forms. The types of illness differed in symptoms, spread and sufferings. The bubonic plague was the diseases most common form. It was named this due to swelling called “buboes” of the victim’s lymph nodes. “These tumors could range in size from that of an egg to that of an apple” (The Black Death). The longest expectancy with this form of illness didn’t often exceed one week. The second variation of plague was known as the “pneumatic
While living in a feudal society life was much different than modern day. Many people were considered peasants just for the family they were born in. A feudal society could be divided into three parts, the social, political, and economic parts. Feudalism was well known during the Middle Ages, which lasted from 476 CE to the 14th century (OI). Part of the feudal society included social, political, and economic.
During the late 1340’s a plague fostered in Europe and began to take effect onto the feudal system in place. This plague was known as the Black
The most common one was Bubonic, it also killed the most people. If you had this your symptoms were chills, high fever, delirium, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat. You would develop inflamed swellings that had pus also known as “Bubose”. Fifty to eighty percent of people that had the plague died within three to six days. Pneumonic was less
During jousting in combat, Knights would have a lance, a Roundel also called a dagger, a sword which was attached to the waist of the Knight, a mace, and a spikes attached to the knuckles of the gauntlets which the Knight wore. There were many types of swords Knights used. The most used was the broadsword, but they also used the Falchion, Bastardsword, the Cutting sword, and the Great sword. They might also use a pike and halberd. Many different armor types were used by Knights. They first used mail armor. This was used to defend against cuts and stab, but the Knights could still be injured by blunt weapons such as maces. This could fracture bones and leave the Knight incapable of fighting. Next came plate armor. This was very expensive to make and only a few Nobles had it. It was nearly impossible to cut plate Armor, but the Knights were still vulnerable to blunt attacks. Plate armor did weigh some, but still allowed the user to be mobile. A well-made full suit of plate armor is about 45 pounds which is about the same amount soldiers carry today. Then you have to add the weight of their weapons which is about 20-30 pound more. A Knighting ceremony was where a squire turned into a Knight They would wear white vesture which symbolized purity. They would also wear a red robe to symbolize nobility. His shoes and hose were black to symbolize
Serfs grew the food and made the things that everyone required, and without them, the system would collapse. Manorialism was also important to it as a source of order and economy. In this structure, feudalism was the main political land based system of the Middle Ages. And while the practice of it mostly disappeared with the Middle Ages, it is still an imprinted government in
Discuss how types of foods eaten differed between social classes? Throughout the medieval and early modern period, the majority of settlements contained several social classes, each under different living conditions; from this it is easy to infer how diet may have altered between social classes. During the medieval period, there were numerous differences between the nobles and peasants, food was not an exception. The wealthy were able to obtain a wider variety of foods.
Knights extreme power and mastery in battle was largely because they had been taken from their home at a very young age in order for them to train for battle and learn the code of knightly hood (McDonald 32). Because of their training from a young age and crucial role in battle, knights had to be outfitted with highly advanced equipment. To protect themselves, knights armor consisted of a complex combination of leather, chain meal, and iron plating (Alchin). Knights were able to use Medieval tactics of war which were practiced mainly for the invasion of a castle. Armies would either use highly powerful weapons known as siege engines, or use various strategies, such as trapping inhabitants of a castle inside until they starved (33).
The Black Death consisted mainly of Bubonic plague, but pneumonic plague was also present in the epidemic. Symptoms of the Bubonic plague included high fever, aching limbs, and blood vomiting. Most characteristic of the disease were swollen lymph nodes, which grew until they
There are three types of plague disease and each one of them has different symptoms. The first type of plague disease, the most popular type of disease, called Bubonic plague. According to Patient Care & Health Information in Mayo Clinic, its symptoms start to appear with less than 10 days after someone got bitten by an infected flea. The symptoms start with buboes, swollen lymph nodes, appear in some places in the body like neck, groin, or armpit. Also, buboes’ size is almost like a chicken egg size. A headache, muscle ache, chills and fever are the other sings of this type of disease (2015). The other type of plague disease is a result of plague bacteria multiplies in the blood which known as Septicemic plague. According to CDC, shock,