###appears to be rough draft of essay 384065 Spanish###¿Cabe hacer alguna distinción entre las afirmaciones de conocimiento basadas en las observaciones realizadas directamente con los sentidos y las basadas en las observaciones asistidas por medios tecnológicos?
Se sabe que la tecnología actualmente es una herramienta que facilita el trabajo del hombre en la mayoría de los campos en la que esta ha ingresado; y por otro lado los sentidos, forma básica del conocimiento, han sido las principales herramientas para el trabajo realizado por el humano. Ahora bien en las ciencias al momento de experimentar desde las primeras épocas sus medios de trabajo se limitaban a los que la percepción sensorial ofrecía, pero la ambición y deseo de avanzar del hombre ha hecho que este recurra a la invención de sofisticados aparatos que faciliten el trabajo, ahorren tiempo y dinero y aumenten eficiencia en resultados, que a lo largo del tiempo han surgido.
Para entender la distinción que existe entre resultados obtenidos con medios tecnológicos y con los sentidos, usamos ejemplos de experimentos sencillos, tales como la realización de una operación básica en matemática en una hoja versus realizarlo por medio de un computador mediante el programa de Excel, el método manual implica mayor esfuerzo mental, y por ende mayor tiempo empleado, no solo mientras se piensa sino al trazar los números, en comparación con los resultados obtenidos por el medio tecnológico que optimiza el tiempo
1. Is the concept of “mestiza” one of inclusion or exclusion? Read the first paragraph of “La Conciencia,” cite, and explain.
The main claim to this paper, is to prove, to have effective communication with patients and their
In the first hour of today’s lecture, Dr. Schommer introduced today’ topic by an interesting exercise. Actually my English is not that fluent, so I know how difficult it is for a foreigner to understand Americans thoroughly. Regarding patient experience, health care providers should make medication and therapy decisions with the patients equally, and, what is more important is to consistent of the decisions and follow up.
On this assignment Mr. Moreno show us a video about 25 minutes and we had to listen to the words that the narrator was saying. We had to pay attention for the answers. The expectation from assignment was to pay attention to the video and finished the worksheet. This assignment is not relate from the other assignments because in science we talk about different subjects and we different things for each assignment. The point of this assignment was to learn more about the body and cells. The specifics to get an “A” was to pay attention to the video and answer or fill the blanks correctly to receive an “A”.
Due to increasing competition in the field of medical testing it has become prudent for Laboratorio De Analisis Argentina (LAA) to evaluate its process and identify strengths and weaknesses to improve the operations of their laboratories. An in-depth investigation into day-to-day, step-by-step breakdown of activities has uncovered where, and how LAA can achieve efficient operations.
On this paper, the author’s use of the 5 senses was very strong when he first described his tool box. He set his paper
The author of this essay is a university student. In this particular essay, the author explains Mexican culture from a medical point of view. The topics that are covered in this essay are all related to health and medicine. The introduction of Mexico is discussed in detail followed by how Mexican’s understand death and birth. The author also mentions about how this particular group defines health and sickness. It is also discussed about what this cultural group does to maintain wellness. The author also throws light upon the causes that the Mexican’s think are responsible for illness. Another thing that is described in this essay is about how the healers of this society heal the people belonging to this society. Lastly, the author has explained about how an occupational therapist should deliver care to an individual belonging to Mexican culture.
Many researchers have used Descartes’s ideas when studying the brain, nerves and senses. When beginning with the brain we see the work from Hall, Flourens, and Gall. Hall research included the idea that different levels of behavior arise from different parts of the brain and nervous system. Flourens research included that the cerebrum controls higher mental processes. Gall was also a part of the scientists that was trying to map the brain. His work consisted of the confirmation of white and grey matter, nerve fibers connecting on each side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord and fibers connecting both halves of the brain. When it came to the nerves, research done by Galvani, Cajal, and Helmholtz’s were also sought out by Descartes’s. Galvani’s research consisted of nerve impulses were electrical in nature. Then came nerve impulses in the brain and spinal cord by researcher Cajal. Finally, Helmholtz contribution to the support of Descartes’s and even the nineteenth century came the understanding of the speed of nerve impulses. Moreover, senses were also researched during this time and played in the support role in Descartes’s ideas. Fechner and Weber began some studies to understand the senses. Weber looked at the physiology of sense organs, he used experimental methods to understand them. Fechner’s included the
New data will be collected and compiled in the form of observation, staff and volunteers will observe participants, to assess their behavior and knowledge while waiting for further instructions. Observe the participants, presence while making them feel comfortable. Review the records (if some are available) to make plans for treatment. A Spanish written survey might be necessary to administer to the Hispanic community to access their perception to care and staff involvement. Observation will be made on the access of staff interaction and with their behavior amongst the participants. Review of charts (develop), records (if were maintained), training materials will be introduced.
The interventions constructed on the SI theory are based on the assumption that the brain’s ability to make the sense of sensory stimuli from the body (movement and joint/
The first section of the following essay will explain the communication skills such as having a great attitude, being able to understand the patient and physician; and also how to relate what the doctor has diagnose to the patient will help me become a great medical assistant. The next section will explain why conflict resolution is important in my career field. The last section will describe a conflict and how I resolved it; and also how I would change the way I handled it.
The social and cultural barriers are illustrated. It is found that there is more misunderstanding in serving the patients that are form the other culture and those results less compliance and less satisfaction to the patients (Shouten, 2006). It is imperative for the doctors to understand that a person’s culture is not only the different in terms of dress, diet and etiquettes but the ethics and values as well (Kleinman, 2006). The first barrier is the language barrier. The barrier takes place because Mexican people generally speak Spanish and they are unable to pronounce correctly. It is evident that many Mexican have language barriers. Another barrier is the false fluency as the American doctors may have interpreted wrongly the meaning of Spanish word (Juckett, 2013). It is due to unfamiliarity with the linguistic and cultural aspects of Mexico. Doctors are unable to understand the reading and writing skills of the patient and her family. They may be unable to understand the listening and speaking skills of family. Doctors and medical care unit might have found it difficult to obtain the self treatment that generally Mexican people prefer. Other social obstacles are illegal immigration, different set of health belief and illiteracy of the Mexican family that has caused the issues for the doctors to communicate. the cultural differences between America and Mexico such as offering importance to family than work by Mexican people may not be well understood by the American
En primer lugar, se desarrollará las características de la serie de atentados, consideradas relevante para el impulso del trabajo. Adicionalmente, por medio de la interpretación, evaluación y análisis de fuentes secundarias, se considerará las teorías de los hechos, intentando llegar a una conclusión apreciable que responda la pregunta de investigación.
Introduction: sensory biology focuses on the sensory system consisting of sensory receptors that receives stimuli from internal and external environments, neural pathways conduct this information to the brain and parts of brain that processes this information. The information is called sensory information and it may or may not lead to conscious awareness. If it does, it can be called sensation. The purpose of this experiment was to conduct some experiments and observe the properties of sensory biology in the human body. Campbell, Reece; 2008; Biology text; eighth edition
Cassell argues that in modern times, doctors find it difficult to disassociate medicine and science (17). As a result, objective standards in medicine is constantly compared to ‘science’. While the end is the same, the process for both is different, a difference that must be embraced as they both lead to objective standards. He further outlines an important difference highlighting that science is based on a belief that its methods are value free…anything that happens is neither good nor bad are it simple is. However, in Cassell’s concept of medicine, the patient comes first and above all and therefore doctors do not harm and the good of the patient is unequivocally established. Science deals with theoretical knowledge and have methods that covers generalities while medicine relies on medical knowledge which is acquired constantly in the field as it deals with individuals—which unlike ‘scientific’ methods offers no universal generalities. The differences in individuals make it more difficult to have objective standards in medicine, but do not eliminate totally the possibility. It requires a special competence in physicians, one which comes with experience and not sheer luck- it is a specialty skill which allows physicians to objectively interpret and treat patients, respond to patients’ reactions to treatments, and decide on methods based on these reactions. “Scientific prediction is performative- given certain conditions, such and such will happen without regard and calendar