
Medisys Corp. the Intensecare Product Development Team Essay

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MediSys Corp.: The IntensCare Product Development Team Questions

1. How well is this team performing? (Scale of 1-5 effectiveness, 5 most effective). Discuss.

Team is not performing well. I can give 2 or maybe 3 at most for its effectiveness. Because firstly, there is a serious motivation problem. Beaumont’s new policy of cross-functional team to look at the bigger picture did not change the way of reporting and evaluation of the team members. They were working both in the project and in their functional area but they were evaluated only on the basis of performance on their functional area. So there is no indication of extrinsic or intrinsic reward for the team performance. This situation is not motivational at all. Secondly, …show more content…

However, diversity of the group is not managed properly and conflicts are not handled effectively because of poor communication. There is a serious degree of trust problem in the team. For example, Merz has not much confidence in team members’ competence and she is not believing in their ability to deliver the product. Therefore, we can’t talk about a team efficacy for this team. Everyone asserts his/her expertise and experience but no one regards and trust each other’s. Lastly evaluation system of performance of the employees is a serious problem. While they were working both in the project and in their functional areas, they were evaluated only on the basis of performance on their functional area. This situation definitely destroys motivation of the team.

4. Describe and discuss issues in the IntensCare Project Team (goals, leadership, power issues, design of team and it’s dynamics, conflict).

There are many kinds of conflicts in the team. First of all, there is a serious trust issue in the team which led to poor communication which is causing information conflict. For example, Jack and O’Brien didn’t inform Merz on engineering problems about data displays and battery units or O’Brien didn’t have information whether there is any update about delays with the software.

Task interdependency is an inevitable outcome of parallel development system and this

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