Medline-plus states that “some air Pollutants are poisonous to us”, I agree with them because us humans are destroying air with fuel, factories, and even cars, we just don’t seem to care much for the earth we live on. Since we are contaminating air with chemicals and diseases and other stuff that can harm the earth the oxygen levels have decreased since the 1990. In the 90’s there was 21% oxygen level it has decreased over the last 20 years to 19%, although that might not look like a big deal but it is because if we keep decreasing the oxygen level we might not even have oxygen by the time the 22 century comes
Breathing is a source that all living things need to stay alive yet, we cannot control what we inhale or exhale. In chapter 8 of Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber, it explains dilemmas of the Atmospheric Circulation affects the environment and living things. Atmospheric Circulation is the redistribution of air on the earth surface. Additionally, it 's the leading problem of pollution around the world. Atmospheric pollution is consisted of chemicals, and toxins into the air. The air that we inhale and exhale isn 't in our favor because it is composed with various toxins and different combination of element such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and many more particles that are provided when we breathe. However, the most dangerous toxin pollutant on the atmospheric circulation is ozone. Ozone is a thin air combined with oxygen and ultraviolet radiation found at the stratosphere. Ozone affects humans by causing health problems to the lungs, animals, and plants by slowing down their growth development.
This source features a report by Jill U. Adams on the dangers, and current regulations of air pollution and climate change. Holding a Ph.D. in pharmacology from Emory University, the author primarily writes a health column for the Washington Post. She has also been featured in the magazines Audubon, Scientific American and Science. Because this article covers climate change, there is an inherent liberal bias. However, this bias coincides with irrefutable scientific data proving the existence of climate change. The audience for this article is anyone effected by air pollution and climate change; just about everyone. This source upholds my speculation that human beings have a significant effect on the climate. Before reading this article, I wasn’t aware that 55 million people a year died from air pollution. I found this source on CQ Researcher while searching for ‘pollution.’
Tutankhamen’s canopic coffinette was made c. 1327 B.C. The precious sarcophagus was gold inlaid with enamel and semiprecious stones. Now located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt.
Pollution is a term that recently in the last sixty years became widely known in the United States. The idea was first introduced in the United States by Rachel Carson’s book, titled Silent Spring. Rachel Carson developed a clear thesis inside Silent Spring where every claim made in the book is supported with enormous substantial factual evidence. The overall theme of the book is calling for awareness and addressing issues with excessive usage of man-made and natural chemicals implemented into daily human life. Although Rachel Carson focuses predominately on concerns surrounding the topic of DDT, the author also gives her perspectives on other chemicals that are harmful to the environment. The research Rachel Carson has done to make the world well-informed on pollution was a great start to placing the topic on people’s mind. Nonetheless, in today’s world, humans must continue to enrich themselves on current pollution issues by understanding which chemicals contribute to pollution and how large in concentration. Human error must also be taken into account because chemicals humans thought could not be harmful can at times. An example of chemicals people thought could not be harmful was asbestos.
Did you know many upper respiratory diseases such as asthma and others diseases like cataracts and skin cancer are aggravated by air pollution. The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) states that “the following air pollutants are common triggers of asthma, ground level ozone, sulfur dioxide, fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxide.” Air pollution is the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
Air pollution is the dispersion of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into the atmosphere, causing diseases, allergies and death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as animals and food crops or the natural or built environments (Brunekreef & Holgate, 2002; Nowak, Crane, & Stevens, 2006). Polluted air directly or indirectly may cause or be attributed to an increase in fatality or serious unwellness and decline humans state of health (Kampa & Castanas, 2008). For example, in Canada, the Ontario Medical Association has attributed 9500 premature deaths per year and evaluates increased costs of health care ($506.64 M) and missed productivity ($374.18) as a result of air pollution (Rowe, 2011). Thus, employment
With our modern advances, we have also created a toxic world. In the last hundred years or so, we have invented toxic chemicals that were previously unknown. There is no place on earth that isn't impacted by this fact. You can take a blood sample from just about anyone on the planet, test it and find that it has unacceptable levels of any number of harmful agents.
These pollutants are characterized as air toxics, which include lead, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and a variety of other chemicals. The impact of air pollution could be very serious to both the heath condition of the population, which could by extension affects the economy of the impacted community. However, this impact is directly related to the amount of pollution in the air. Health consequences from air pollution could range from eye irritation, brain and nerve damage, runny nose, cancer, heart and
The most widespread pollutant in the U.S. is ozone which is also one of the most dangerous. The ozone layer found high in the stratosphere shields us from a lot of the sun’s UV rays. When Ozone pollution (or smog) is at ground level where we can breathe it, it causes serious health problems; it’s dangerous to breathe, it aggressively attacks lung tissue by reacting chemically with it, it may also cause premature birth, premature death, infant mortality, and neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.
The population on Earth is expanding rapidly which goes hand in hand in the degradation of the environment at large measures. The human’s appetites for needs are disarranging the environments natural equilibrium. Our production industries are venting smoke and discharging chemicals that are polluting our water. The smoke that is emitted into the atmosphere holds unappealing gases such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The high
"These days, there are up to 500 chemicals in an average human body that were not found in humans before 1920."1 Several forms of environmental pollution have the ability to intoxicate human bodies with unwanted chemicals. Pollution exists when the environment cannot break down or eliminate an object without creating negative effects. Intoxicating bodies is just one of the several harmful effects that pollution has, specifically, in North America. Pollution causes other problems such as: methane production, health issues, acid rain harmful to ecosystems, and water and soil contamination. Environmental pollution harmfully
1. This link covers many of the myths about climate change. • List two of the myths that you found most interesting. • Outline what each myth is, and what the right answer to that question or item is.
Many scientific researchers have said that our environment has been filled with toxic chemicals, which us humans have had a part of. There are many different issues that should concern us surrounding these toxic chemicals. The major concern is that many of these toxic chemicals have been claimed to be causing damage to the health of humans and even other life forms. Another concern is that most of the theses toxic chemicals have just recently been produced; and by our environment changing everyday there is no telling what effects these toxic chemicals may have in the long run on the public 's health. Just about all of these toxic chemicals exist in the way they do because of humans. As humans we practice a lot of different activities that cause toxic chemicals to pollute our environment such as, agriculture, industrial, and many domestic activities as well. Many of the toxic chemicals that we produce and use don 't get used in a effective way, which causes them to be wasted, left abandoned, and disposed of. When toxic chemicals are not disposed of properly they effect the environment and the public 's health in a negative way.
We use all kinds of chemicals that are damaging our air. Sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons damaging ozone layer in very top part of out atmosphere. Pesticide and other chemicals use for protecting some plant might protect plants, but they are not helping to our air at all.
Air, is one of the most substantial source to mankind and our planet. While it exists, so does everything else along. However, in today’s epidemic, there has been certain factors that have increased in understanding whether the air we breathe today is healthy or not? Is it doing more harm than we thought? In other words, the health risks against air pollution have risen in the past few decades; all from what you may ask? Well, it could be for various factors and evaluations; either environmental or materialistic. Pollution is a major public health crisis in the world. (Friis, 2012). This is one of the conflicts that contribute to various aspects of an individual’s life, whether they may realize it or not. In this paper will include the sources that cause pollution with the effects it cause as well as policies on the regulation of air pollution.