
Meeting New People: Snoop By Sam Gosling

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Paola Palaguachi Professor Philbert ENWR 1101 7 November 2016 Snooping Meeting new people can be a pleasant or disastrous experience. Every person is unique because of the traits they hold and the way they carry themselves. Getting to know a new person is intriguing since people have various means of communicating. In his book Snoop, Sam Gosling, a social psychologist takes his readers through his journey of finding the science of snooping. He claims that he does “more than passively observe the surroundings when you enter someone’s living space for the first time. I find it hard not to look around and collect, filter, and process information about the occupant” (Gosling 528). As a psychologist that specializes in the study of personality …show more content…

Gosling’s snooping has inspired others to become snoopers as well. Entering room 507B is going into two distinct worlds. It is almost as if the room were split into 2 hemispheres; two distinct personalities perhaps. At first, it seems like a tornado hit, but entering the room more depth, the other side is mess free. Yvannies’ side is the first side of the room that everyone sees upon entering; Odalys has the right side of the room. Gosling expressed his goal of being “able to guide the contestants away from common errors of judgment such as jumping to conclusions on the basis of only one clue or being misled by the things that tend to grab your attention” (Gosling 530). Keeping his words in mind, a reconsideration had to be made whether Yvannie was just a disorganized, sloppy girl. Surprisingly in the mess on the left side of the room, a case could be spotted. It was …show more content…

In Gosling’s perspective, “‘comfort’ extends well beyond physical conditions” (Gosling 533). Both girls in their given space, have accommodated to their comfort. Yvannie’s side indicates that she is a lively girl that is on the go and is outspoken. Odalys is a reserved person, into fashion, and someone with an unpredictable temper. Yvannie values her appearance and her makeup utensils make it possible for her to crate her look of the day. She puts in effort to keep her case organized because she must use it often. She tries to keep her self organized but it has not worked out for her because of the way she set her priorities. Odalys could be Yvannie’s opposite; less social and possible a person that may have a bad temper from time to time. She may love feeling thrill and she may be thrilled by things that may be odd to others. The joker is a character that represents evil and a disturbed mind, but along with his dark side he is humorous and looks for thrill in all he does. Her black color scheme may be to demonstrate her fascination with the ‘dark

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