Of all the historical figures that fought in World War II, Adolf Hitler demonstrated himself to be one of the most important and sadistic war leaders. He was best known for forming the Nazi Party, which was able to pull Germany out of the Great Depression. His novel, Mein Kamph, illustrated his beliefs and goals for the country in order to make it an Aryan race. Throughout the Holocaust, he initiated the “Final Solution,” an act of genocide as a way to bring the Jewish into extinction. The formation of Nazism, Germany’s 1930s bestseller, and the deadly persecution against Jews all derived from the influence of anti-Semitism and the impact of war and politics throughout most of Hitler’s
After World War I, Adolf Hitler was one of the dictators that arose; which then gained power in Germany in its Great Depression. Hitler rose to power using techniques such as propaganda, censorship, charisma and terror, but that was not all he did. Hitler started his own fascist party in Germany and called it the Nazi Party. Later, Hitler developed anti-semitism, or prejudice against Jews and dehumanized them. He viewed Jews as a separate race not a religion. This caused many changes particularly to the Jews. During World War I the Nazi’s treatment of the Jews caused political, economic, and social changes.
World War II was a devastating war where millions of soldiers and civilians died. Adolf Hitler played a huge part in World War II and was one of the major reasons the war happened. Hitler started to take over countries like Austria with little or no resistance. When he later tried to invade Poland, Britain declared war. Even though there was very little fighting at the time Britain declared war. Hitler’s ideas and goals for Germany were what initially caused World War II and later led to the holocaust. His need for more space for Germany led him to start taking over countries and initially started the war with Britain and he wanted a superior Aryan race which is the reason for the Holocaust. Hitler stated the three reasons for starting this war in his Journal Mein Kampf. His goals were to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles, make a Greater Germany, and he wanted more living space for his people.
In 1925, Adolf Hitler wrote a book that would forever change not only the history of Germany, but the history of Europe. This book became the manifesto of the Holocaust and Hitler 's reasoning for everything he did while he was in power. The title of the book is Mein Kampf which in English is translated to "My Struggle". Mein Kampf is commonly known as Hitler 's justification and plan to wipe out the entire Jewish race. His irrational thoughts about Jewish people are seen throughout the text. Throughout Hitler 's book he displays his over whelming feelings of antisemitism and Aryan superiority. Hitler, in order to justify his hatred of
When Germany was defeated in World War I by Britain and France they were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which proclaims Germany to be responsible for all reparations of the War. It was easy for Hitler and his Nazi party to blame the wealthy Jews for not offering enough money to the country, but his anti-Semitism was completely aimed towards the Jews. By the end of 1920, the Nazi party had about 3,000 members according to A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust. With an army this large Hitler felt confident enough to attempt to overthrow the government in Munich. However he failed in his endeavor and was thrown in jail by Munich authorities. While imprisoned he wrote about his ideas on racism - not only against Jews, but other groups such as homosexuals, the disabled, Gypsies, and the courageous resistors- in a book he titled “Mein Kampf,” meaning “My Struggle.” (“Nazification of Germany”) Hitler was a very sick man who believed his ideas about these people justified his mass killings.
Adolf Hitler to some people, is considered one of the most infamous political rulers ever. Hitler was a German politician, and leader of the Nazi Party from 1933 to 1945 (Gale). While trying to seize control of Germany, Hitler was able to recruit new members from the German Workers' Party and change the name, so that it would be well known in cities such as Munich. Finally in 1920 the name of the group was changed to the more eye-catching name, the National Socialist German Workers' Party more easily referred to as the Nazi party (Baughman). By 1923, Hitler had become the main point of a leadership, and before it seized power in Germany, the Nazi Party functioned as an ironclad dictatorship (Baughman). An Ironclad dictatorship is when the power of the government comes from a single dictator. Hitler placed a government in order that were based off anti-Semitism racism. Anti-Semitism is the hatred and discrimination of a specific group of people. In particular the Jewish people (Gale). Hitler also based his new Nazi government off of his writings of Mein Kampf, and he followed the pursuit of Lebensraum, “living space”, for German people to have increased living space (Rice Jr. 105). Adolf Hitler's reign persecuted Slavic, Polish, and Jewish people
“Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes” (34, Wiesel). After World War II, Germany’s economy was horrible. A man named Adolf Hitler was voted to rule after he promised a better economy. Once he was in power he had the goal of conquering other countries around Germany and exterminating Jews. Hitler used concentration camps that used gas chambers and weapons to kill Jews.
The Holocaust of World War II is one of the most infamous and well-known genocides in history. 11 million people, 6 million of which were Jews, were killed by Adolf Hitler’s pogroms and those who executed them. The rest of the victims were people of other “races”, “enemies” of the state, homosexuals, and prisoners of war. The actual source of Hitler’s hatred is not well known, but it is said that after fighting in World War I that he blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat (History.com). Hitler rose to the position of Chancellor over Germany on January 30th, 1933, through intense power-grabs in the National Socialist Germany Workers’ Party, known in English as the Nazi party, and promises to bring Germany back to its former greatness.
Hitler in full power created laws, one of his laws was on how Jewish people citizenship and prohibiting marriage or sexual relations with people of "German or related blood”. Thus, started the concentration camp movement, Jews, Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals and others were sent to the camps. Hitler was known as a “monster” for his masterplan to eliminating the Jews. He ended over 11 million lives for no reason what so ever, just for what he believed. With such twisted morals, Hitler and his Nazis persecuted based off religions, cultures and beliefs. The holocaust was an insight for him as the “Final Solution” for his own benefit on what he believed in and his hatred towards Jews and others.
When Adolf Hitler came onto the scene, he claimed that he would be the best ruler that Germany had ever seen. He claimed that he would revert the country back to its once state of greatness. He would have been one of the greatest rulers of all time if he would not have started the Holocaust. It was not as if the people of Germany had no idea what Hitler was capable of. He wrote down all of the gruesome things he would do to create a pure race if he became a ruler. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf while he was in prison for treason committed after the First World War for five years. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler explains the final solution to the Jewish problem. He outlines all of his plans in the book, and was a best seller in Germany.
During World War II, the world witnessed unspeakable acts of violence, particularly that of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a mass genocide primarily of, but not limited to, the Jewish population in Germany, and other countries that were controlled by Germany. From 1941 to 1945, the Jews were targeted and methodically murdered because of Hitler’s views of his Utopian society made up of an Aryan a race. Hitler fought to create this society through creating an anti-Semitic movement, his motivation and thirst for power and through his rituals of violence used to purge society of the undesirable races.
The Nazi leader Adolf Hitler first came to power in 1933, Hitler became the grand chancellor of Germany and created a one party state. The ideology of the Nazi Party is known as Nazism. The book “Mien Kampf written” by Adolf Hitler in 1924 outlined his Political ideology and philosophy in which anti-Semitism was central to, Mein Kampf is seen as laying the basis for Nazi Policy. Nazi Ideology which lead to widespread anti-Semitism was influenced and had its basis in Völkisch Nationalism and Racial theories regarding the Aryan race and subsequent social Darwinism. Adolf Hitler was highly influenced by nineteenth century writers and advocates of Völkisch Nationalism and Social Darwinism. Völkisch Nationalism and Social Darwinism can both be seen as products of the prominent Anti-Semitic climate seen across in Europe in the modern era which culminated from a range of historical factors and events over the last two thousand
During the war Hitler gained extreme nationalism for Germany. After WWI Hitler worked for the DAP, which later turned into the Nazis. When working for the DAP Hitler adopted their ways. He actually designed the Nazi symbol. Hitler became known for his powerful speeches against the Treaty of Versailles. In 1921 he became the chairman of the Nazis. During the Great Depression Hitler had a great political opportunity. Hitler was titled chancellor of Germany to promote political balance. On July 14, 1933 Hitler’s Nazi party was declared the only legal political party in Germany. From 1933-1939 Hitler made laws and policies to exclude jews from society. On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland, and because of that Britain and France declared war on Germany and WWII officially started. In the beginning of WWII Hitler started the Holocaust. Hitler put Jews in concentration camps and thousands of them were gassed. Hitler made over 40,000 camps. The Holocaust was the main reason for deaths during
Adolf Hitler came to power over Germany in January of 1933. He hated Jews and blamed them for everything bad that had ever happened to Germany. Hitler’s goal in life was to eliminate the Jewish population. With his rise to power in Germany, he would put into action his plan of elimination. This is not only why German Jews were the main target of the Holocaust, but why they were a large part of the years before, during, and after the Holocaust. Hitler’s “final solution” almost eliminated the Jewish population in Europe during World War II. At the end of the war and along with his suicide, the Jewish population would survive the horror known as the Holocaust and the Jews would eventually find their way back to their homeland of Israel
Hundreds of thousands of Jews had already been murdered during World War II when The Final Solution made its appearance. When Hitler and his party, the Nazis, were elected in 1932, (The History Place) Hitler’s ambitions seemed far-fetched. In 1941, two years after World War II had begun; Adolf Hitler’s plan to erase the Jewish population was already underway and fully operating right under everyone’s nose. In Germany, Austria, Poland, and Belgium, thousands of people were being killed monthly, but despite this success, Hitler was still not satisfied. For him to be completely satisfied with the results, the Jews needed to be gone permanently. For six years Hitler rampaged across Europe, forcing his plans on other countries, causing destruction wherever he went. His hatred for “impure” races, especially Jews, is what led to the designing of a master plan to annihilate them entirely. The Final Solution was Hitler’s chance to create the world he desired. The Final solution was created solely for one purpose—the mass murder of millions.
Even though Germany was left in a period of struggle and economic weakness after WW1, Adolf Hitler would take a stand by creating a party that would help refine the structure of the economy. This party, when abbreviated, was called Nazi, would also create harsh laws and unrelentless punishment. Due to the Nazi party’s quick growth, there was an immediate impact on lifestyle and politics for the people of Germany. The long term impact brought forth by the consequences or legacy of the Nazi party included a population decrease and an increase in deaths. To make both of these impacts, Hitler had to overcome many hard challenges.