
Melasma Severity Index

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Modified Melasma Area and Severity Index (mMASI) for melasma Introduction: Melasma is a disorder of pigmentation commonly affects women with darker skin types. The Melasma Area and Severity Index (MASI) is the mostly used for melasma studies and was validated 20 years after it was first reported; however, this validation process eliminated homogeneity as a part of the MASI, resulting in the new modified MASI score (mMASI). Despite the development of the mMASIscore, a global severity score is also needed to determine optimal outcomes in clinical trials in melasma. The melasma severity score (MSS) has been used in large trials as a global score. The MSS has 4 grades of severity (clear, mild, moderate, severe), with clear or mild as ideal outcomes

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