
Melbourne Declaration Analysis

Decent Essays

Melbourne Declaration: Policy for Equitable Access to Education
The Melbourne Declaration as a new national declaration of educational goals for young Australian released by Australian Education Ministers, aims to provide an adequate education for all students, and especially to extend the equity in access to education and reduce outcome gaps for students from different social groups. This paper provides a critical analysis of Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians Policy enacted in 2008 with reference to its values, objectives, implementation approach, and the basis upon which it was developed and enacted.
Policy overview
Australia comprises of 6 states and 2 territories that values education as a pivotal …show more content…

The declaration is aimed at promoting equity and excellence in Australian schools and ensures that all Australian citizens become educated, skilled, creative, and contribute to the national economy (Fletcher, 2008). Cobbold (2009, p.3) argues that the Melbourne Declaration retains the dual equity objective of previous declarations of minimum standards and adequate level of education to be achieved by all students. In furtherance to ensure that these goals are met, the policymakers developed Commitment to Action framework which ensures collaboration in eight inter-related areas. The declaration was more expansive and comprehensive in specifying the vision and developing a practical approach through a curriculum which will allow students to acquire knowledge in various disciplines and to understand various dimensions of life (Lovat, Dally, Clement and Toomey, 2011, p.61). It is argued that Melbourne Declaration contains a weaker commitment to social equity in education as compared to previous declarations by removing the strong explicit commitment to social justice (Adelaide Declaration), reinforces the accentuation on value in access to instruction yet diminishes significance on value on understudy results which was the disappointment in past declarations and finally, it weakens the commitment in elimination achievement gaps though the issue has been dealt with, in the declaration …show more content…

The Declaration clearly sets out that Australians need to become Asia literate because the status of other Asian nations such as India and China are strengthening and they are becoming increasingly influential in the world wide, hence it is essential to develop relationships with these countries. This declaration is aimed at creating future citizens who are educated, informed and is able to contribute to economic growth of the nations. The eight core areas clearly reveal the strategy to achieve these goals. However, Cabbold (2009, p.5) argues that the Melbourne Declaration provides a much weaker commitment to overcome the disadvantage in learning in relation to ethnic background and geographical location. This policy emphasizes more on indigenous citizens since they are reported to be more in low achieving group of students and hence, social equity and equal access to education is at the core of this policy. The critiques argue that this policy only commits to reduce the effect of other sources of disadvantage (Cabbold, 2009, p.7) instead of improving the skills of disadvantaged students to match with those of high achieving students (MCEECDYA, 2008, p.7). The Melbourne Declaration makes commitment to provide information regarding school performance so as to allow parents to make informed

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