Some people have some very interesting hobbies. Some collect rocks while some travel the world. Others like to hunt or fish. For Little Falls High School student Melissa Anez something so minor like reading brings her so much joy. Anez comes from a family of six she being the second to youngest child. Her favorite subject at the high school is psychology.
Her biggest role model who has forever left an imprint on her heart is her father Verd who passed away in January of 2011. When Melissa isn't at school or reading she is playing hockey.
"Hockey has been apart of my life for as long as I can remember"
All of her siblings have had a past of playing hockey. Her father coached for the Little Falls Youth Hockey Association for many years.
Angela Ciera Barnes was born on June 1, 1998, in Salisbury, MD to Sarah Baines and Angelo Barnes. On March 7, 2017 Angela passed away surrounded by loved ones and friends.
Sarah Breedlove which name she was born into on 12/23/1867 in Delta Louisiana on a cotton plantation.Sarah Breedlove parents name was Minerva and Owen Breedlove.Sarah Breedlove had 5 siblings.In all 6 kids Owen and Minerva had,Sarah Breedlove was the first one to be born-free.Sarah Breedlove was born-free because she was born around the war of 1812.
Marsha Ceniceros was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and raised up in Southern California. She is fascinated with fine art, and collecting antiques. Her artistic, poetic showmanship has won several awards in the past. Life demanded a few years off from writing due to a severe illness, during this time she opened a childcare business, where she has continued to struggle with recovery, and write a bit here and there. From 2008 to 2015, becoming stronger she completed, Sadana 999, a science fiction suspense thriller. Marsha L Ceniceros is now working on another fascinating science fiction suspense thriller, although she loved childcare. Due to her limited physical ability she is able to care for her own
This agreement releases Kayla Nord from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during any work taking place outside and/or in sunlight, and/or if Kayla has not been properly caffeinated throughout the day. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold Kayla Nord entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries and/or fatalities incurred, regardless of whether injuries and/or fatalities are caused by negligence.
I’m Kallie Sweere one of the 8th grade students from Detroit Lakes Middle School. On December 21st DLMS 8th graders got together with other social classes. We got in groups of three, my group was Abby Brininger, Porsha Hermanson and myself. Thanks to the Detroit Lakes Rotary Clubs we gave $25 to people in need. How this works is we loan $25 to someone who needs it and they will pay us back.
Jens Pulver a UFC fighter, is also known as little evil. He grew up a rough life in Seattle, WA with a drunk, abusive father. Jens is a strong young kid, he takes beatings from his father. He picked up wrestling when he was young and loved every second of the tiring workouts.
Carol Aichele is the secretary of state for Pennsylvania. She has three children and is married. Her children’s names are Steve, Kate, and Tom. Her husband’s name is Stephen. She was born in Elmira, NY and she lives now in Tredyffrin, Pennsylvania.
It was a privilege to listen to Stephanie Garrison share her story and provide encouragement for our own lives. Personally, I found it very admirable how willing she was to share and be vulnerable. Anyways, Stephanie is currently in her 14th year at Southeastern and serves as the Assistant Athletic Director under Drew Watson. Beginning in the athletics department in January of 2014, as the Director of Operations. Before she joined the athletic department, she served as the Director of Event Services, Resident Director, Online learning coordinator and a variety of other departments at Southeastern. She is a two time graduate of Southeastern, earning a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management and an MBA. Recently, she has taken on the responsibility of Director of Operations at the Balance Culture while still serving as
Vanessa Brenes is currently a student at Salem Church Middle School and is in eighth grade. She is 14 years old and lives with her parents and two sisters in Richmond, Virginia. She has a dog who’s named Lexi, she is a beagle who loves to play. Vanessa is in all honors classes and is excited about transitioning into high school. One of her favorite subjects in school is Algebra I and Civics and Economics. She has applied to a specialty center and is hoping to get accepted. She also loves to go to starbucks, loves to shop until she drops and enjoys being around her close friends and family! Although she hasn’t written any books and isn’t famous, yet, she is sarcastic and so much fun to have around.
Danielle Williams was born and raised in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. She is the only daughter of Jill and Phil Williams. Growing up Danielle was always a very shy, quiet, kind hearted, nurturing, creative, and imaginative young girl. Being brought up in a modest christian home, Danielle had a set of very strict set of rules she had to follow. Which made having any sort of social life difficult. She was not allowed to participate in any of the normal activities most kids her age were taking part in. There was no attending parties, no going out at night, no dating boys, no wearing makeup, no revealing clothing, no watching R rated movies, and no cellphones. With nothing to do on saturday nights, Danielle would spend most of her time reading
Born on March 4, 1998, Ivanna Michelle Meza Nuno migrated from her native Mexico to the USA at the age of 9 years old. Although Ivanna and her family had a financially stable life, they migrated to the USA escaping house abuse. The obstacles that she has faced in her short life have made of Ivanna the young lady that she is right now. The experiences that she has gone through have shaped her life and defined the person that she is going to be one day. Her life hasn’t been the best or the worse life there could be, but it sure hasn’t affected her with her personality since she is a person that loves life and is a heck of a friend from what I can say.
Melissa Gilbert, the actress best known for her portrayal of Laura Ingalls in the 1970s and 1980s television series Little House on the Prairie, announced that she is running for Congress.
American Romanticism can be strongly defined through its use of Gothic elements. Webster’s defines gothic as "of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents" (529). Pre-American Romantic writers, such as Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards, do not tend towards the gothic in their writings of religion and religious elements. Although God is mysterious to both writers, they maintain certain characteristics and aspects expected of them and their religion. They keep their texts true to their beliefs. However, Mary Rowlandson begins a transition phase for the writers of this period. She begins to
The theory I utilize most when considering social problems, such as domestic violence are strengths and systems theory. Systems theory is a go to theory for me as I feel a large part of our decisions and experiences is impacted by the systems in our lives. For example, a domestic violence survivor may have witnessed domestic violence in her childhood and may feel that it is acceptable for a spouse or partner to physically abuse, name-call, and do all of the decision making. They may also have grown up in a household where their mother did not work and took care of the household with little input in to household decisions and no access to household funds.
Toby could feel the eyes of a bull staring through his adolescent body as if he was waving a red flag. His parents had given him the task of filming young Imogen as she blew out the cheap plastic candles on her decadent birthday cake. He steadily held his phone up to Imogen’s petite face in frame. Behind Toby came a throaty growl, “He shouldn’t be on that useless piece of crap! He’s thirteen years old for God’s sake!”.