
Memes In Richard Dawkins's The Selfish Gene

Decent Essays

When identifying what a meme is, one should consider the fact that a meme is not just a circulating picture of a cat deemed grumpy. A meme is much more complex in the sense that exist as many different entities ranging from new concepts to new slang words, to even a development of a new behavior that has become popular within a culture. Richard Dawkins, author of the book “The Selfish Gene” who is also credited for the creation of the word “memetics” states that memes act as units that house ideas, symbols, and behaviors that are distributed from person to person via word of mouth, tv, magazines. According to Dawkins’s theory, there is a tremendously positive correlation between cultural evolution and biological evolution. He claims that memes are ideas that act as genes in the sense that they begin with one person and travel to the …show more content…

Harvey the Cat 5 hurricane that occurred on August 25th left parts of Texas 40 inches under water displaced more than 30000 people. Joel Osteen has become the face of a popular meme because of the backlash he received for presiding over a church that seats over 16000 parishioners that he did not open to the people of Houston Texas that were seeking refuge. In the beginning, Osteen stated via twitter, that the church was “inaccessible due to flooding.” He then recanted his statement and stated that he did not open his church because nobody asked him to. It wasn’t until he was publicly ridiculed online that he decided that he would open his church to those in need. To some people the meme was an attempt to be humorous, but for others the meme provides some serious social commentary. Especially concerning the idea that some preachers sell the idea that in order to be a good Christian you much willing give God. This is not a bad concept however some Pastors use this notion as an opportunity for

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