When identifying what a meme is, one should consider the fact that a meme is not just a circulating picture of a cat deemed grumpy. A meme is much more complex in the sense that exist as many different entities ranging from new concepts to new slang words, to even a development of a new behavior that has become popular within a culture. Richard Dawkins, author of the book “The Selfish Gene” who is also credited for the creation of the word “memetics” states that memes act as units that house ideas, symbols, and behaviors that are distributed from person to person via word of mouth, tv, magazines. According to Dawkins’s theory, there is a tremendously positive correlation between cultural evolution and biological evolution. He claims that memes are ideas that act as genes in the sense that they begin with one person and travel to the …show more content…
Harvey the Cat 5 hurricane that occurred on August 25th left parts of Texas 40 inches under water displaced more than 30000 people. Joel Osteen has become the face of a popular meme because of the backlash he received for presiding over a church that seats over 16000 parishioners that he did not open to the people of Houston Texas that were seeking refuge. In the beginning, Osteen stated via twitter, that the church was “inaccessible due to flooding.” He then recanted his statement and stated that he did not open his church because nobody asked him to. It wasn’t until he was publicly ridiculed online that he decided that he would open his church to those in need. To some people the meme was an attempt to be humorous, but for others the meme provides some serious social commentary. Especially concerning the idea that some preachers sell the idea that in order to be a good Christian you much willing give God. This is not a bad concept however some Pastors use this notion as an opportunity for
One of the most traumatizing hurricanes to ever hit the U.S., was named Katrina. The hurricane caused the cities of Louisiana to be derelict. Louisiana’s governor performed a speech in New Orleans in order to satisfy the community. Kathleen Blanco’s speech, “Hurricane Katrina” uses the appeals pathos and logos to encourage Louisiana to help rebuild the state, and to make sure the people know that everything will be rebuilt.
In the article “For Houston’s Homeless, a Terrifying Night Under Siege by Hurricane Harvey” by Julie Turkewitz, the main focus is the harsh reality of a hurricane this string for those who are homeless in Houston. First, Turkewitz sets the harsh reality by telling the readers about Roy Joe Cox- a homeless man in Houston- who is preparing to cope for the Hurricane with what little he has. She then builds her claim by writing about what the effects of Hurricane Harvey are, and what officials are expecting to happen. Next, Turkewitz suggests that any homeless person who is in Houston at this time should seek shelter at the available locations. Finally, she brings the harsh and sad reality for the homeless men and women in Houston by quoting Roy Joe Cox as he asks, “I’ve never experienced a hurricane. Is it going to rain out that bad? Is it going to flood me out? I mean, I don’t want to die over a hurricane . . . I’d rather not die.” (Turkewitz, 2017).
Harvey known as an apocalyptic storm for many Houstonian’s who have described the scenery and event for that weekend. Many homes, businesses, and schools destroyed causing it to be one of the biggest recovery mission in the nation. A big flare of controversy between the government and the state happened as well. Even with many homes lost and so much sadness spread across south Texas and Houston many texans came together as one.
Hurricane Katrina, one of the most destructive hurricanes to whirl through the southern states of America in 2005, is probably one of the worst natural disasters of the United States in the 21st century. Damages from the storm were estimated at more than $100 billion . People living in the southern states fled north to reach safety from the storm after hearing about it being a category five hurricane on the news a few mornings before Katrina hit the shore. Authorities were doing what they were supposed to be doing, telling everyone to seek shelter, board up windows, head north and prepare for the storm. Everything in the beginning appeared to be just another
Hurricane Harvey started on Thursday August 17th and ended on Sunday September 3rd. It was a category four Hurricane with 130 mph winds. Hurricane Harvey killed 31 people and left tens of thousands people displaced and many missing. Watts original goal was to donate $200,000 but at the end it exceeded 37 million. Watt sent multiple
The people of Texas can be somewhat relieved that the disastrous Hurricane Harvey occurred after September 11, 2001 and after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. “After the terrorists attacks on that day in 2001 numerous plans were put in place to prepare and assist for disasters. The emergency management department in the United States began to develop responses to different disaster scenarios. This department used a multidisciplinary approach to handling disasters” (Community and Public Health Nursing, 2016). After the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, many new disaster and emergency policies were put in place for man- made disasters, such as hurricanes.
In the recent tragedy and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, a number of black celebrities are giving out a helping hand to the victims. Based on reports, the death count is already 13. According to Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, the hurricane is one of the biggest disasters the country has ever experienced. Houston’s police chief, Art Acevedo, also expresses his concern and that he is worried about the possible looming body count.
There has been deaths from this tragedy about 30 or more(the weather company). People are packing up and leaving to go somewhere safe. There was a chemical plant flooded in Houston(hurricane Harvey ). The chemical plant is at risk of blowing up. Hurricane Harvey has left many people without homes, trucks, cars and family members. It is a terrible tragedy(CNN.com). There was a man who rescued a deer, the deer was in the flooded water and about drowned. The man picked up the deer, he put the deer in a little shopping parking lot, on a patch of grass(CNN.com). The people and the wild life of Houston Texas has been majorly affected (the latest on hurricane Harvey ). There is two more hurricanes heading to Florida . Hurricane Harvey is now over . There still very flooded . Some Texan drove a bus threw the water. So may deaths. So many thing that' cannot b described .So much money down the drain. Many animals are being affected.Many rednecks are playing in the flood with there trucks . Many volunteers and samertan purse are helping Texas
This case summarizes events preceding the Hurricane Katrina, which was one of the worst natural catastrophes in the modern history of the USA. It raises questions about the lack of reasonable prevention and preparation actions due to flimsy structure and management of the responsible organizations and persons, invalidity and inconsistence of their actions and incapability of making the decisions in a timely manner. As a result of the unstructured and incoherent activities, we could observe several ineffective and costly attempts to mitigate floods and hurricanes. In the beginning the local officials, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and “White Houses past and present always seem penny-wise and pound-foolish” because of the chain of the wrong
August 25, 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit the coast of Texas with absolute power. It was originally predicted that it would not surpass category 1, the elements combined and made Harvey extremely vicious. It hit the most populated areas on the United States becoming one of the most destructive. People did not have enough time to properly prepare for the unpredicted devastation ahead. However, the government and the people responded with strong efforts. Let’s start with the federal department. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (which is referred to as FEMA), with its government accomplices mobilized a work force and with many assets to help states affected. About 21,000 government assets were sent to help out during the vicious Tropical Storm. A lot of people sought refuge during the storm and the Federal government gave them many places to stay for example many government owned sites were converted refuge sites for the victims. The U.S coast guard played a huge role to aid victims. Thousands of coast guards were deployed in support of the relief efforts. They evacuated victims through government transport such as helicopters and big vehicles that could travel through the flooding. They are also opened various docks and waterways within Brownsville, Kentucky without any restrictions to the public. FEMA provided thousands of meals, medical and household items. Fema also paid rent for the victim’s short-term housing. Other ongoing Federal
We tried to learn from the 2004 Florida hurricanes and do major preparation to try to lessen the damage and have a better response from the predicted storm. When the news got out that New Orleans was Katrina’s next target, I quickly notified FEMA that it must be on its highest level of alert. The Government got right to work preparing more than 3.7 million liters of water, 4.6 million pounds of ice, 1.86 million meals ready to eat, and 33 medical teams. This huge number of materials amassed to prepare for the storm was FEMA’s largest preposition or relief supplies in their entire history. Additionally, the military mover assets into place, disaster-response teams were positioned on the Gulf Coast, the Coast Guard’s Choppers were put on alert, and more than 5,000 National Guard personnel were stationed in the affected states. Also, just in case they were needed, other states were prepared to assist in any way possible. So as you see from all of this, we did our best to try to prevent damage but “the tragedy showed the helplessness of man against the fury of nature.” Katrina was a big lesson for the world, for there was nothing different that we could have done to avoid the disaster. It was all in G-D’s
On August 29th, 2005 Hurricane Katrina, also known as Katrina, made landfall along the Gulf Coast. It hit states such as Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. As of today Hurricane Katrina is one the most destructive hurricanes to ever hit the United States. In total Katrina caused over one hundred billion dollars worth of damage. It left people homeless, starving, and in some cases dead. New Orleans, Louisiana was hit the hardest, “New Orleans will forever exist as two cities; the one that existed before that date, and the one after.” Even over a decade later, the effects of Hurricane Katrina can still be felt as the south continues to rebuild their lives and return to some normalcy.
On April 18, 2016 Yahoo reports Houston, Texas have flooding that forces residents to move out their homes and live in a nearby shelter. The flooding causes damage to the electricity lines, foreclosures of freeways, and forcing schools to close down because of the weather. One million students got the day off including workers. It’s deeply saddened that five victims were dead in this weather. There is over 450 water rescue and victims were transported to the mall to shelter away until the storm passes. It’s hard for people to drive in the freeway because the water can be up to 15 feet deep. The weather causes frustration toward the Houston resident.
Richard Dawkins had a concept known as “meme”. Cultural meme was developed as a way of sensationalizing the fact that genes aren’t everything in the world of Darwinism. “A meme can be defined as unit of cultural inheritance which ties into the idea of the replicator the fundamental unit of Darwinism (Brockman, 1995, p. 80).” It can be a place to put fear for the unknown. Gender can be defined as expectations, relationships between, and behaviors fitting to women and men which steam from cultural shaped thoughts and behaviors. Gender is a way to organize the culture, it can be used to describe expected jobs, feelings, and behaviors based on the sex of the individual.
Darwin believes that it is the change in the environment that makes the change really happen, especially with the turtles. The turtle at the beginning had small shells, but later on in the future, the turtle started to get bigger because they need to survive and adapt to their environment. In contrast, Dawkins believed that the change in the evolution of cultural that made them change. Also the culture gave their genes a biological change to survive. Dawkins defined the meme “as a unit of cultural transmission or a unit of imitation,” (Daven Hiskey).