
Memory Of Dylan Hart. Born Essay

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In memory of Dylan Hart. Born: May 4th, 1980. Died: April 22nd, 1991 of Leukemia. I graze my fingers over the lustrous gold letters that were engraved on the plaque with the photograph of the contented young boy whose eyes looked so full of life. I never experienced a loss of someone I loved, and as I look up at the boy in the baseball cap I was longing to know how loss felt. I longed to feel the worst kind of pain, not for the pleasure, but to know that no feeling in the world can be worse. Unexpectedly arriving and disrupting my days with excruciating feelings of terror and pain were daymares. The unexplainable became an ordinary to my middle-school self; however, I never got accustomed to the unnerving dreams themselves. Experiencing the pain of death meant that I would be ready for what were agonizing feelings I endured in my dreams, but I would not know until later on that I was a naive child who asked and received too much to bear. I took a step back and looked up at the brick wall that ended abruptly between the wooden plaque and our school mascot: the black panther. I looked longingly as if in the back of my mind I knew there was something missing. “I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…”, The song was playing in my head softly but distinctly enough that only I could hear it, like in a horror movie. My eyes started to move slowly, and I was looking at my surroundings. I felt nauseous and started to sense every little thing that moved. The tiny bug that

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