
Men In Black Research Paper

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Through the late 1960’s to early 1990’s the expansion on folklore expanded, not only through myths and legends but through experiences and encounters. The first ever sighting of an UFO was around 1440 BCE in ancient egypt. There have been more sightings around the world but the spark of UFO started around the early 1960’s and through the late 1990’s. With the spark of UFO sightings also came another folklore; the Men in Black or known has MIB. The Men in Black were a group of organized highly intelligent people who appeared to those who have gather too much information about UFO’s. However they also try to convince those to stop there research and never talk about it again. If they fail to comply majority of the stories that have been told they’ve either gone missing or ended up dead in a unnaturally way. Not only were the stories seemed strange but also their appearances, the MIB traditionally come in a group of three, no facial hair, no hair,with a black suit, and black sunglasses. Hence the name Men in Black. MIB existed long before their association with UFOs in folklore, often appearing as an archetype of the devil or agents of the devil. They could be …show more content…

To define the uncanny “being beyond what is normal or expected,suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers an uncanny sense of direction” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). How the MIB represent the uncanny is because there's nothing we really know about them. All we know is that they just appear at times when it's needed to protected them. An example of the uncanny is in the book Mothman Prophecies by John A. Keel, the Mothman appears when disaster is about to happen which seems uncanny because he has the superpower to see when the disaster is about to happen and be there to see it. Not only that but he can also communicate with humans in an uncanny way, he has a power which he can convince or take control of his

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