By: Robert
Men and Women were Created Equal Men are not superior to women, they are equal in every way. Although it is true that society has stereotyped women into traditional roles, this preconceived notion, is totally false. Action to promote the concept of equality in our society needs to be taken. Women have been fighting for equality for many decades. As a result of this battle, some amazing transformations have taken place amongst the female gender. Women have become educated and over the last few decades have started to take active roles and their rightful place in society. They have made major inroads in working opportunities, including government, science and even the military. They are reshaping world
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2 Another example of women sharing an equal role in today's society is demonstrated in the military. Today's women joining the Canadian Armed Forces are equally eligible with men for combat roles. Over 229,000 women serve on active duty in the military services of the Department of Defense. This monumental step allows women to become takers, as well as producers of life. Women now have equal rights and responsibilities in the defense of our country. These advances have been made, not only on the ground but in the air as well. In 1988, Deanna Brasseur became Canada's first female fighter pilot. That same year, the defense department appointed their first female general, Sheila Hellstrom. The department also stated that women often do better at riflery than men due to the fact that they listen to instruction while men tend to think they know it all. A male veteran sergeant, proud of his work with female recruits, says that: "Today's women won't find anything that hard to adjust to in the military." The facts are telling a tale. Many doors are opening for women and they are barreling through with boundless energy and determination. The 21st century is here and the traditional role of the stay-at-home mother is all but disappeared. Marriage and children are still signs of the successful women, however women are less willing to accept exclusive roles of housewife and mother. More and more women are entering the labor market as education has
Women are powerful, smart and ambitious. We are strong and reliable and we deserved equal rights from the beginning. Men were always given the first job, first opportunities and the finest treatment. Women were immediately dismissed and given no substantial opportunities to advance and demonstrate their education and skills.
Although women have gained many more rights, they still are not equal to men. Women had to fight to get a fraction of the rights men were granted. In 2017, women still do not have control over their own lives and bodies.
To begin with, in WWII, many Canadian women wanted to play a vital role apart from nurses in the war and requested the government to create a women’s military organization. The military was forever changed in 1941 as the government agreed to form a women’s division, in which more than 50, 000 women served Canada in a uniform. Despite the fact, women were excluded from combat; they were permitted to enlist in many nontraditional military roles, which assisted in great changes in the way society viewed women. Joan Drummond of Montreal, Quebec who served as a WAAF in WWII, was "only the fourth lady transport driver in the whole station. And we weren’t particularly welcome because they realized that, A, I was a mechanic, B, I was a darned good driver” and despite her being a minority, she realized her “sergeant became very friendly and he gave me all the heavy stuff to do because he knew I could do it.” In 1943, nearly 180, 000 women enlisted in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, including Drummond, in which they performed male dominated tasks such as mechanician and transport drivers. Women started being seen as equals since their involvement in the war caused many people to start respecting military women for being strong and their success of carrying out challenges that were meant
Are women really inferior to men? Of course not, but this is the mindset that has been a part of the world since the beginning. For a long time, even women did not believe that they measured up to men. In her book Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen wrote, "A women, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can (Gurko 1974, 5)." Beginning in the early 1900's, though, women began to want changes in society. They wanted to have a say in the decisions that were made, especially in the area of politics. They did not believe that men should be the only people allowed to vote, when they, too, were active members of society. Women's suffrage changed the face of
For as long as most can remember, women have never been viewed as equal to men. Women have fought for many rights including the right to vote, run for office, and for everyday things such as equal pay, the right to job listings, getting an education, and even having a credit card in their own name.
For years women have been associated with the discriminating roles society has placed on them. For decades now many women have been trying to change the gender gap in pay, being unable to vote, and maltreatment of several thousand a year. The causes of several women have helped them get to where they stand now in society.
Travel back in time to almost a century ago. It’s 1917 and the United States has just entered World War I. Gender imbalance is at an all time high, but that is all about to change. Men are being drafted into the war and sent over seas leaving their wives, children, and jobs behind. As the war surges on, more and more men are being sent into combat forcing industries to fill their positions with none other than their wives. This allowed women the opportunity to prove to their nation that they are just as capable, if not more, than their male counterparts.
Just like a coin that is divided into heads and tails humanity is divided into male and female. Both are human just the same but equality is a matter that women have never completely attained. As for almost all of human history women were oppressed by men. Living under patriarchal societies women were forced to conform with their roles as housewives. They were told to keep quiet and were never allowed to realize their true potential as human beings. If women showed any opposition at all they were often silenced and kept under control by their husbands. In our modern day society women have come a long way in terms of social standing so this is no
Women and men are viewed differently since the beginning of time. The men were to be said the “head” of the house; they worked outside the house and brought bread to his family; while the women stayed inside their homes and did their chores and raised the children. The men had the privileges of studying and voting, but the women had to work hard to earn those privileges. Since beginning of time, woman was seen as the “weak link”, someone who did not have power over men, lead, think for herself or speak up. Nowadays, that has changed. Women are successful in whatever they do, they lead, they work, they vote; yet they still are viewed differently than men.
Men and Women have the same brain, centuries of research have never found and imbalance in the capability of male or female brains except in variance or some parts of the brain being more developed at certain ages. That being said it is difficult to then understand why men have always ruled over women, oppressing, demeaning, and violating women for the most part of human existence. Men have held the throne over woman and before the 20th and 21st century only a few number of women had been able to obtain a similar “equal” status among men. In today’s world the gap is not as great, there are still many inequalities and some parts of the world are decades if not centuries behind the modernized world when it comes to women rights. Yet even in the
These studies and books have all been published decades ago, and even now in the 21st century, women being inferior to men are still used as an excuse for the differences between the two sexes. With women holding just 16 of the CEO spots at Fortune 500 companies, winning only 17% of the seats in Congress, and graduating with just 18% of all computer
For thousands of years gender roles have been determined in cultures across the world. Although times have changed the role of woman has remained mostly unchanged with the passage of time. Throughout history women have always served to support men and have never been in a position to lead or take command. It was not until within the past century women began to fight for equality to their male counterparts.
Since the Second World War, the functions and responsibilities of women in Canadian society has significantly changed. This societal shift has been considerably perceptible in one of Canada’s finest institutions; the military. Today, Canada is a global front-runner in military gender integration, excelling with regards to both the proportion of women in its military - currently around 14.8% of combined Regular and Reserve Force personnel - as well as in the roles in which they can serve.
Women have always been treated lesser than men and by looking at other cultures we see that woman have little or no power compared to men. Men have always been seen as the dominant gender. Countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nepal, and many other countries, women are treated less than men. Some of these countries won’t let women get an education, and those who do choose to find education will likely get kidnaped or raped. In other countries, women who don’t get married young get sold to human traffickers. And in most of these countries, pregnant women don’t have the proper healthcare to deliver a baby which spikes the death rate for women and infants. As for men, they don’t need to worry about this since men are
Today we live in a world that continually stresses to us that, "All men are created equal." While this sounds great at face value, further inspection tells us that this is far from realistic and sadly may never be. One can examine any aspect of society whether it be race, religion, language, level of education, sexual orientation or economic status and notice that there are numerous characteristics and factors of identity that enable others to treat others differently. This truth may not be pleasant or make one feel all warm and fuzzy inside, however it is our society’s reality, however dismal it may be. Even if the statement above as to the equality of all men were true, how about women? Clearly women have made tremendous strides towards