
Mencken's Theory Of Safety Over Freedom

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Throughout history, many people find themselves choosing safety over freedom; perhaps the safety of a stable job, safety from physical harm, or even safety from discrimination. As H.L. Mencken, a social critic, claimed the average man wants freedom over safety, he encompassed the human psyche that favors safety over freedom in society. However, in our modern society, people opt for safety on the surface, but subconsciously wish for freedom from societal propaganda that one must live a certain way to be considered successful. Mencken mentions how people favor safety over freedom, however, this theory misses the importance of environmental and social circumstances. For example, when the planes hit the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001, the American public fell into fear. Practically everyone was ready to give up their freedom of privacy on their phone calls and computers, for the reason that the terrorists who bombed the towers formulated their plan to …show more content…

This “dream” embodies the human nature of wanting to conform and have a safe style of living rather than to live a life that they want. Many people work in dull office jobs where horrible bosses confine them to a cubicle and ordered to work from the average “nine to five”, than have freedom from an everyday life, but receive little to no income to sustain their way of living. People often divert from the path they want to take in life to a safer path because freedom means taking risks that are “unsafe.” When H.L. Mencken stated his argument, he was correct to an extent. People do live in a way that burdens their freedom, but provides physical and financial safety. However, behind false contentment, they wish to break free from the societal norm and take their own

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